Hunter secret cost

I’ve asked this before but I’ll ask it again. Maybe someone with more know on the subject can answer it for me. Why are Hunter secrets cheaper than mage secrets even though they (hunter) have the better secrets?


Mage Secrets used to be terrific. Then a nameless designer decided that all things mage should be junk.


Mages used to have better secrets than hunters originally…arguably anyways. The new set of secrets mages got are pretty worthless, even at 1 mana. Not like they NEED them to win though. Besides, for Hunters, secrets are often just the icing on the cake or not even run in beast-heavy decks.

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Right the 3 mana cost made sense then, but it doesn’t now, so I don’t get why the cost isn’t reduced. Plus hunter has secret support now so to me it seems like they should be swapping cost


The hunter secrets are fine. Most of them are bad anyway, like bait and switch for example you’re getting a conditional +3/3 for 2 mana which is one attack more than a regular 2 mana buff spell which normally gives 2/3 and some effect like mark of the wild. Seems fair. Now imagine paying 3 mana for it, it would be total and utter garbage.

The 2 decent secrets are hidden meaning and ice trap. Now would anyone pay 3 mana for a much worse counterspell? Not Really. Same for a conditional summon of a random 3 drop.

That’s why they all cost 2 mana.

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Yeah, at the risk of offending: (Which is not my intention.) In a world where Azerite Vein and Summoning Ward cost 3, then your answer seems senseless. No way Ice Trap isn’t ten times better, but it costs 2.

A HIGHLY debatable statement.

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Well, I can debate it. When CS and Explosive Rune rotate out of core, then what mage has left is garbage compared to other classes, especially Hunter.
The three mana cost either needs to change, or the other classes need their secrets nerfed, or mage secrets need a real buff to justify the price, particularly when they have no class specific cost reductions in Standard.
Titanforged Traps, Bait and Switch, and Ice Trap are all better than the two 3 cost Secrets mage was given in Badlands.

You guys got secrets?


Hunter got actual Secrets in Titans and Mage got overpriced garbage in Badlands.
The Hunter secrets are miles better than the two pieces of junk they gave Mage.
It’s not really debatable that the Secret cards Hunter got are superior in every way.
Yet they cost less.

I just explained plain and simple why hunter secrets costs 2 and most of them are not even great to hard run in your secrets deck. Do you want to worse version of a counterspell to be same mana cost? Nobody will be playing it ever.

You have no idea about balance so your ideas are senseless.

And yeah summoning war could be 2 mana and Nobody will ever run it anyway.


Mage secrets were overwhelmingly strong until the last rotation. All decks used to ran excavate package + the 4 drop for 2 random secrets, because those 2 random secrets used to be objective + counterspell most of the times, and that’s a gamebreaking combination

It’s time we took a little break from mage secrets

Hunter secrets have historically been good and I have a feeling real support for a secret hunter deck is incoming in the upcoming expansions

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sorry but when was secret mage seeing play in standard??? it was all warrior all the time lol. It got nerfed because objection ruined warrior fun duh… devs have a massive sensual love for warrior and are braindead at balance


Why would you play a secret mage when you can play a normal mage deck with secrets?


No way that B+S Ice trap and Titanforged aren’t worth more than 2 mana, and anyone who says otherwise is trying to protect Hunter.
Just what I think, and given the crap that mage was given for 3 mana that’s all the proof I need.

Not to me you haven’t. The secrets I named are worth more than 2 mana if the garbage mage got are worth 3.

What? Ice trap is worth exactly 2 mana

Unlike counterspell, it doesn’t delete your spell, it just makes you pay n+1 more to play it

I won’t pretend to understand the rest of your post, lol

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And I in turn, won’t pretend to understand your baseless defense when CS isn’t permanent to mage, but will rotate out from Core, leaving Mage with garbage Secrets, none of which are worth 3 mana, and giving Hunter the best secret package in the game, all for less mana.

It’s fair we rotate what’s strong every once in a while

I know you don’t understand a lot of things and I also know you’re fighting the windmills

I’m not joining that fight, for sure

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Do whatever turns you on.

I have played Secret decks since the day they were created.
Bait and Switch and Titanforged Traps are both better than 2 mana in a world where the trash that mage got in Badlands costs three.

titan forged traps isn’t a “Secret”, also it does exactly 2mana(or 4 mana when forged) worth of value, second B+S and Icetrap are great pre turn 5 but fall off HARD after(unless zero playaround like a twistingnether into a icetrap) totally 2 mana fair.
Counter spell is just better because even when played around( baiting out a 3 mana spell to resolve your 7 mana spell) because they always go 1 for 1, also there is no evidence that counter spell will ever leave standard(I’ve not seen talk of it not coming in the next core set). If they desired they could even bring back objection (making secrets stronger for mage) if you want to waste your breath arguing what COULD happen(after all this is the team that PRINTED it in the first place clearly they think its fine)

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