Hunter secret cost

Titan forged traps casts two secrets for two mana when forged.
Also? when you search “Secret” in Hunter, TFT is is listed.
Your technicality plea fails.

I haven’t used that as my argument at all, but since you did?
They could nerf both of the hunter cards so that they aren’t op for their cost.

they think lots of things. Don’t make 'em right.

It’s a spell which casts secrets, not a secret

Also, you pay 4 mana for 2 secrets, like you’d normally do.

The only difference is, you don’t get to choose which ones are gonna be offered to you, so it balances out the fact that you don’t have to pull them out of your deck or hand

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Well, I think both cards are about ten times better than the badlands crap mage got forced on it.
Change my mind.

Even if it was possible, which I doubt, I don’t have to

As I’ve previously said, it’s time we catch a break in standard from overwhelming mage secrets

We can do without them for couple of expansions

You used bait and switch as an example for bad secret? Lol. It’s far better than a simple +3/+3 for 2 mana, as anyone who has used the secret can attest to. It is reactive board control, your opponent tries to deal with your board? Oops, their entire turn/plan has now been screwed, and they’re gonna take more face damage now to boot. Bait and Switch can quite literally be “2 mana secret: win the game” and you say it is bad?

Even the actually “bad” hunter secrets like Motion Denied are still good, one because they stick around for a while usually which allows secret synergy cards to activate, and two because it is still a 2 mana Fireball, eventually. Or if not eventually, then you have restricted your opponent to only playing 1-2 cards per turn.


According to you?
Glad to hear it from an authority.
Were mage given a Secret that buffed a minion by 3/3 when attacked, this Forum would explode with cries for a nerf and everyone knows it, even at 3 mana.

“kindness costs nothing”

Well, to hell with your hypocrisy

You deserve everything this forum serves you, and then some


There is nothing unkind about pointing out that you are attempting to speak for the entire design team.

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But there is about lying, which you’re doing

I’m not speaking for them. They speak for themselves when they rotated out objection and gave mage unplayable secrets.

I said it’s fair classes exchange which one is strong and which one isn’t, and I know you disagree about it, and I know its’ because of your subjective mage bias

You’re wrong, unfair, hypocritical and it’s time you stop trolling

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at least yall are getting secrets, paladin isnt getting any, because of auras


You are reaching. All cards rotate, and that is a fact.
And it’s not trolling to point out that you said this:

Idk who We is, unless you have a direct quote from design that I know nothing about, giving you the authority to speak on their behalf, explaining their reasoning for giving hunter two cards that are both worth more than 2 mana.

I won’t correspond with you again, per this:

But you have failed to prove your point.

At any rate; I think the defense of current hunter secrets is weak at best.

Enjoy your day.

To be fair Paladin already has so many 1 mana secrets I’m not sure what’s left for them to even print at a 1 mana power level. Can you think of any they could add?

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All I know is that if mage had a Secret that buffed a minion by 3/3 when attacked, then there would be a queue of players here to cry that it be killed, even if the card cost three mana.

Can you imagine if that Secret were to proc on something like Orion, for instance?

i can think of lots of fun things

Can you give like one example?

yes, i can give an example.


Brilliant, thank you. Looks good, maybe too unbalanced though.


yeah well that why i dont make the cards

And that’s why neither do they…they ran out of ideas, and you apparently can’t even present us with one. Even I can’t think what secret could be made for Paladin at this point.

I sort of like the idea of auras instead of secrets for pally. Adds diversity, I think.