Hs:ngresult db error:303:0

Dont believe Australia is in the EU region?

This issue is worldwide friend.

It wouldn’t be as big of a deal if it only were hours. I have the issue for days

It won’t be resolved on its own, the devs have to release a fix for this

Same error. Didnt play for a month, now can’t log in on my phone. Are the devs aware and working on it? Didn’t see anything on their social medias.

Same error with my EU account…

Same error with my EU account. Haven’t played for a few months, same as everyone else

Same issue, EU server. Trying to open after 4 months of inactivity(

I haven’t played the game for a year and a half. I decided to go back and see what they’ve done here and they won’t let me play. Bravo. Only an indie studio could do that.

Never seen a company so incapable of being mediocre.


@ Blizzard, do you have some informations for us? Do you lost our data ? Do you know what is going on? Maybe, if you can a date when we can try to log in ?

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created a ticket on blizzard.eu. Their reply: we cant help, please discuss in US-forum…

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Same issue on mobile and desktop. Tried reformatting the desktop drives and putting it in the DMZ but did nothing.

we have nothing to do, it’s a Blizzard problem, but unfortunately they are taking a LONG time to solve it. I haven’t played for a while and I think I’m going to give up

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No, im from america and its not working. The problem is from every region.

So far it appears that the common denominator between all of us is that we haven’t played for a while and so it is a database issue with our accounts as indicated by the error .
Here is a post from the EU forum where BlizzCS replied. They state devs are looking into this.


I clicked the links and ended up with a circular link back to here again :smiley:

Hs:ngresult db error:303:0

Turns out the above error message IS NOT LOCALISED TO A SINGLE REGION :smiley:

same problem
any solutions?

At first I thought it was a new way to ban Chinese players from using vpn.But after reading the replies I thought it only happens to players who haven’t logged for a long time.New frustrating bug.:slight_smile: hope this bug could be fixed before 9.1 because I have to go to more frustrating school

same here, asia server.
please fix this!!!

Same here, EU server.
didn’t play for 4 month.