HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

Why does this start with a “but”?

While I am happy to help you think of ways to prove a particular theory, you’re actually confusing me trying to help you find ways to measure things, with someone arguing with you. I personally don’t care whether you think the game could be rigged.

You mean putting players on higher MMR brackets against players on lower MMR brackets, then messing up their own estimative of the player competency because MMR gets artificially shot up and down, and then having to further correct based on who matched who by how many times?

Or they could, ya know, do none of that. This is again assuming competency for nefarious reasons while the company can barely show competency on it’s day to day.

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I guess you were talking to the mirror when you were talking about moving goal posts.

I do not believe they rig the game. I’m discussing it’s nonsense to say you’re 100% sure.

You’ve misattributed that quote.

I did say I’m not keen on going through endless lists of scenarios for the sake of it, and I’m not sitting here saying the game is 100% not rigged. But if you have a hypothesis I’ll be interested academically.

I don’t see an obvious way to prove they rig by matching unfavorable MMR.

Or *disprove. You’d need access to Blizzard code and servers, or have the game open sourced (to the point of not only reading that code but also running it).

Why would you bother trying to disprove rigging theories? You could literally spend your whole life trying to disprove every theory and there would be a billion more for your descendants to tackle.

I go back to the universe is rigged.

When you queue the delay is because the panda in a tennis outfit has to connect your cable to your opponent’s cable and it does so based on how much it likes your name. Prove it’s not true.

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That’s a strawman. I don’t try to do any real study on it myself. I was trying to show you can’t be 100% sure it’s not rigged either.

Well that was a waste of posts :slightly_smiling_face:. That’s why people say you can’t prove a negative.

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Yeah dude carnivore is a troll sorry you found out this way

On the plus side, topics like this are kind of amusing to read when you just see giant gaps of “hidden replies” and the occasional intermittent “wait, what?” posts trying to figure out what certain people are even on about.

Additionally I’m morbidly curious why threads like this are even allowed to perpetuate. The number of truly productive posts in here is probably single digits, shouldn’t a moderator, I don’t know… moderate this?


Because there haven’t been active moderators here since 2019.

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If you call for censorship or if you dehumanize people then it smells that you’re afraid of hearing some truths.

The truth is nobody can know what’s going on here. It’s nonsense to be sure it’s rigged or not rigged.

100% agree xD

100% disagree. There is already too much censorship on this forum

Why moderate something where noone is fighting? This thread had some decent discussions.

The only one pointless is (as per usual) the one including Carnivore, because he’s trying to look smart while he’s clueless about most of what he talks about.

OK, I’ll admit, Schylla, Scr0tie’s and mine was also kinda pointless, but I had fun


You’ve got to be joking. There’s no moderation at all.

Well, maybe not for you, but my posts get flagged and removed often (almost every day), and I was already banned twice

That’s in like, 6-7 months

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Blizzard forums are basically all but abandoned, look at how horrendous Heroes of the Storm forums are.

At best they are a place for venting and getting advice. At worst its’ just spam (like that russian guy with the 50ish alt accounts)

Just because there’s no paid human moderation, doesn’t mean that there’s no moderation. Indeed, relying so heavily on the robots puts too much power in the hands of bandwagons.

You can be 100% sure that none of the rigging theories presented here are supported by evidence.

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You forgot about the patent and it’s every morphing properties that somehow covers and proves all manner of rigging anyone can dream of despite none of it being in the actual patent application and the all powerful It’s Obvious. What more proof do you need?


If you understood the grammar, you’d know that’s what I said. Some of you are so eager to bicker that you can’t fathom the possibility that someone said “neither side has proof”.