HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

It’s hard to believe that I queue warrior 3 times, and all 3 times my opponent was hunter. All 3 games, I draw my most expensive cards 3 in a row, meanwhile the hunters curves perfectly, and EXACTLY the same! I know it’s a small sample size, but I’ve be seeing this happening for a while. Especially on Fridays, where it seems like the weekend players get “blessed” by HS. It’d make sense that you want casual, weekend players to get more hooked with wins, then they play more often, and HS makes more money. This would be at the expense of the regulars, who will still play if they lose a lot, sacrificing them to let new players win. If I’m able to predict the matchmaking and card draw, then it’s hard NOT to believe something is sketchy. Even if it’s just low mmr get the benefit of matchmaking, that’s still just wrong.


Oh no, it is not that simple. It is on Fridays, but only after full moon every even month. Unless it is also in leap year - then it is every odd month.
But remember, you have to NOT to log in at least three consecutive days befor full moon to be connsidered by matchmaking algorithm as a casual to fully benefit from the system.
I am shocked you are lacking such a rudimentary knowledge!


Hunter is favored against literally anything except Aggro Paladin right now. It does not make the game unwinnable for Warrior, but it does mean that more people should be playing Hunter in order to counter Warrior

You say that “the hunters curves perfectly” but that’s the nature of Hunter. They are an aggro deck with a low curve so they always have something to play

I have noticed myself that I lose more when I play on the weekends as opposed to during a weekday. I assume it is because there are more, better players with free time playing over the weekend


Honestly it sounds like you can just make a hunter deck and you’ll get a warrior opponent with bad draw, while your draw will be perfect.

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it is match making algorithm it doesn’t favor anybody. it equally try to ruin every players winrates if you play a meta deck that is common it also tries to stop you.


Wow you really have gotten very toxic lately. I swear Scrotie must be posting on your account.


Something about this doesn’t feel right…

Its not rigged but before that.

Warrior i believe is the best class because it has good matchups vs aggro decks and control decks however Hunter and Paladin are actually some the classes i feel that can beat warrior.

Saddle up allows hunter to have follow up on the next turn because if the warrior clears then he has minions left then you can use rc rampage and location to finish for example.

Some games yo lose some you win ive accepted this and when i lose i dont get upset anymore i try and figure out where did i play bad because usualy we make misplays we dont realise :slight_smile:

Maybe post a replay so other players can help you understand the matcup ?

That only means you’re a pessimist, and probably started playing today while frustrated from life already

You’re on tilt.

Believe me when I say 3 games is nothing, I’ve had that luck for days in a row with no end

This is what every Warrior should be experiencing. We need everyone to play Hunter so every Warrior quits.


Now that I read that, it doesn’t. :rofl: I’ll delete my comment. I’d rather not appear like Scrotie.

This made me think, and you’re right. I’m projecting my emotions outwardly, and it can be mean. Life is not good right now. Without getting into it, there’s a lot of stress, frustration, depression, etc. involved. Nevertheless, that isn’t justification for my taking any of that out onto anyone else.

I sincerely apologize, and kindly thank you for being honest with me.

Don’t take it too harsh. I am toxic enough for everyone. Hope all goes well.

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Tin Foil Hat

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First off, if you’re going to try to look smart and make someone else look dumb, at least get your spelling correct. Haven’t you heard the phrase: If it can be done, it will be done. If favoring one type of player to make more money is possible, then it’s fair to question; is this being done? I’m not the first to question this. “Rigged” has been talked about for a long time now, and as far as I know, HS hasn’t done anything to remove all doubt. I want an official statement stating that match-making beyond MMR, absolutely does not occur. Some casinos and other games that have chance involved, they put out a guarantee their “chance” algorithm is as random as it appears. A promise like that would shut me up.

That’s interesting, considering casinos and other games have an edge and take a cut, so the player is never a winner xD

Oh God…please help me…

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Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned the 3 games, I just wanted a current example. What I meant was I’ve seen this phenomenon for a while. Btw, today (Saturday) I played 20 -30 games, and it’s even worse.

if you want to throw a wrench into the match making system, add chogall to your deck

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That’s why I said “some casinos”. That implies most casinos don’t have this guarantee. Why do you people get focused in on non-points…

There’s nothing new I can tell you, but the fact that bad luck streaks happen as much as luck streaks

If you’re being really honest with yourself and paying attention to your gameplay and curves, you’ll notice at times you have perfect answer for everything, and at times it’s like this

Tilt is understandable, part of being good at this game is managing tilt and salvaging what would otherwise be a lost game

But claiming the game’s rigged, eh, that’s not good for you in the long run.

In the short term, it might make you feel better to think that way, but in the long term you won’t improve if you blame external forces.

We all have bad streaks. It’s a part of the game. Last month, I’ve fallen to 10k legend and I’m normally a top 100-200 legend player. I survived. I’m back at top 200