HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

You’re the one bickering over 0.0000000000000000000000000000001% scenarios and acting like they’re meaningful :joy:

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First time ever posting on a bliz forum but this has me stumped…
I also have no evidence of rigging, but I’m a constant high diamond/legend ranked player, and this ranked split I get to gold 1 and suddenly go on a massive losing streak taking me all the way back to gold 5 without a single win, no matter what ‘meta’ deck I play I’ve been steamrolled every single time.
Funnily enough, this is the first time I have not preordered the DLC in probably 6+ expansions because I had so much gold/dust I thought I’d could craft everything necessary.
Again, no evidence at all, just feels weird getting smashed at gold with what should be high win rate decks…

This is called a co-incidence.


You say you are a High Diamond legend player but cannot get passed Gold 1??? I’m having trouble believing you are ranked that high. Gold isn’t even a rank for a legend player. You just breeze through it without much effort.

The ONLY time this would ever be even remotely a challenge is if you tried to legend climb on the first of the month. By this point there shouldn’t be anyone that beats you with any deck you play.


Can confirm. Guy thinks we were born yesterday.

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Not to mention you just need to win like 2 games and you’re out of gold because of the star bonus. He’s obviously lying.


In second half of Gold I have 4 bonus stars, for 5 total per win. Most of the time I’m not even speaking figuratively to say that Gold 1 doesn’t exist to me

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I feel like this is believable… until you mentioned the actual days of the week.

I wasn’t going to jump on the haterade train against you, until I noticed you had “2 posts” and are claiming this is the “first time ever posting.”

idk man, a madman sees what he sees. I’m not going to say you aren’t feeling what you’re feeling. Facts don’t care about feelings, though.

For your third post, could you elaborate on what decks you’re using? Maybe we can help you out, figure out why you’re struggling, recommend tweaks to your deck, etc. Turn this into a bit of a constructive thing with positive vibes.

As for the usual star bonus and early ranks not being there… That would usually be the case, but the last ranked split I played a lot of arena instead of ranked, also had a lot of study going on which is why I’m on the 1 star per win grind for gold, I can’t actually remember what rank I was this most recent split.

I forgot about that old old post, but let me clarify - my first post regarding my actual gameplay experiences. I wasn’t actually expecting so many… passionate (maybe negative) comments in response to a personal experience, as well as people calling me an outright liar which is odd. Idk why people would waste their time lying on video game forums. Can’t say it’s something I indulge in.

Decks being used Rainbow DK, Handbuff Pally, Elemental Mage anyway

My point wasn’t the actually day of a week, my point was HS wants to hook causal, new players and new markets /countries. If HS is “buffing” new players with perfect curves b/c winning gets you to play more, there are certain time zones that have a lot more newer players. So for example, for me during the day the game feels fair and normal to me. However, when I play late night, when Asia comes online, my opponents have the dream curve, one after another. I’ve heard other people complain about not being able to get wins during this same time also.

You’re not playing Asians late night. They have their own server, you have the Americas server. You’re playing American neckbeards living in nerd caves. You’re playing this guy ↓

If you don’t want to play these people, wait until the noobs get out of school and then you stop playing when their parents tell them to go to bed.



After some brief research, I want to formally apologize for my rash words. Please understand that I didn’t actually understand what I was saying. The slang had gotten ahead of me, going to a weird and dark place beyond my comprehension. I have edited my post. May we never speak of this again.

plz no ban

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I think Lt Eddy had this same realization not long ago on stream

huh that looks suspiciously like :crazy_face:

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That’s the whole idea.

Maybe that’s why it was in a cosplay exhibition… maybe…

That’s interesting, since I generally only see the player names with Asian characters late at night. Wasn’t there drama involving blizzard and the Asian servers/shops? Some would obviously go back, but plenty would stick around if they came here during that time. There’s nothing stopping people from playing the other regions.

Except for things like latency and common sense.

There are some actual Chinese VPN users. But there are also lots of weebs.