How to play around the algorithm


Hey you!
Yes, you.

What on earth are you doing? I asked you to ignore me. Why won’t you leave me alone?


I have elevated a ticket regarding these forums and the curious ability for some posters to get a basically innocuous post flagged into the ground within MINUTES of it being posted.

I said to a fellow poster. "

This is trolling and inflammatory. Period.

You don’t have the luxury of being a hypocrite.

Now go ahead, log into all your ALTS and spam the flag.

I have ALTS too my friend.

OH, and reported for trolling and harassing me.


I didn’t flag you, my unjustly persecuted and tinfoil-capped friend. I figure those who did would consider replying to be beneath them.

Oh, we know who it is.

They just used their “powers” to flag the reply into the ground.

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We do? I don’t. But I don’t have The Power of The Hat.


Surely Everyone Learns When You Negate Nothing

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The OP is basically reposting an ancient thread that had the same technique and over 1000 replies. This method has been around for many years and i have no clue if it actually works but many people in the original thread said it worked for them.

Here is the link to the original thread if anyone cares to read through it.


sounds like some kind of magical ritual the kind of things people do for luck


While I tend to disagree with Paf… I have seen and experienced some strange flagging and the flatout removal of posts. It seems that some users don’t post by the same standards as the rest of us. It is very curious.

And so my sense is that indeed some users here have alts that they use to report posts they don’t like.

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My guess would be that the person is using ( several of his own) accounts to flag the posts, this same method is being used in world of warcraft by multiboxers to instantly silence players

are you free to play? i used to think everyone who said the matchmaking were paid blizzard shills or trolls(most probably are). but if youre not free to play then you shouldnt even commit on the matchmaking.

Im free to play since day 1 , im going to say this for the 1000x time theres no unseen force holding you back from winning any games…

I can provide actual proof that i never used a cent in this game and that my account is ancient(unlike the conspiracy theorists in this forums).


I have a better way. Get some tin foil. Fashion the tin foil into a hat. Wear hat. Now you have disabled the algorithm.

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you are aware there is rock paper scissor element to hearthstone right? matchmaking is the main factor in your win loss ratio. the game isnt rocket science. its a simple card game. i usually make diamond 5 then quit playing standard like most people.

How do you explain multiple rank wins in the row???

How is it possible i get over 12 wins in a row in ranked multiple times with that system…

The system must be broken in my game since im getting Rock against Scissors more often letting me win way more games…

Hey Blizzard you failed to rig my “element” lmao.

No, piloting skill is.

Cope incoming?

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Oof, why would you tell on yourself like that bro?

Although matchup is quite important, most matchups are well into the 50% margin. We rarely get 60-70, and way less 70-80.

Across the board, a deck winning 57% of it’s matchups is almost unheard of levels of broken. Most meta tyrants, in their prime, hovered close to 60% across the board

Piloting skill is by far the most important factor.


Me? I’ve committed to playing user submitted decks from the forums and each one 10 times. I won 3 times in a row.

Is there a grace period with this algorithm? :crazy_face:

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I am of the opinion that the experience is mixed.

idk. he looks like a frog to me :rofl: :joy:


Nah. Couldn’t be.

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