How to play around the algorithm

You need 3 different decks ( cant be the same hero )

First you play any of them until you get a win then you switch to another deck and play , if you win you switch to another deck that you didnt play yet in last turn, if you lose at any point you play that deck until you win again always after you win you switch to a different deck.

This method is known and used by many top 100 streamers and can be seen on streams also, you never play the same deck next game if you win a game


Which streamers use it?


Yeah thats why this method is working for me, not my loss if you dont want to win

It’s completely a lie. You know it is.


Sadly its not a lie so youre wrong, go to twitch and watch the top 100 streamers

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How do I keep getting long win streaks if the Al Gore Rhythm is there to destroy meh decks?!?!?

hur dur swith teh decks to wins legend #1 breakes the blzardz AL Gore Rhythm.

I’m rolling my eyes so hard my chair almost tipped over backwards.


When i do my Legend climbs i always hold my four leaf clover and bite on a rabbits foot it 100% makes all my matchups winnable.

I also howl to the moon when its full for extra mulligan luck again its also 100% real.


Schrondiger blizzard, simultaneously capable of writing an algorithm that accounts for cards and gives you a card by card appropriate matchup to tank your win rate for no reason and also incapable of writing an algorithm that accounts for deck changes.

Top tier thinking right there. But do show us your top 100 when you get there.

Also, which streamers use it? I’d like to see them explaining it to me.


They’re simultaneously genius and incompetent.


You still actually do your Legend climbs? I just buy packs with trust fund money until my Legend title appears.


You are first implying that the system is rigged, and that somehow playing different decks will help you win better?
Maybe it’s because you are bad at playing certain decks against popular meta matchups, and use “rigging” as an excuse.

I’m actually winning using my method, but thanks for very useful comment


You can win most of the time if you play well regardless of how often you play a deck. It’s not about switching decks.


This method is new to me. May I ask what three decks you’re using?

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Any good decks work but you need 3 different ones

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There was an old thread that touted this method, I used it for a while.

I can’t say that it did anything to counter WHATEVER matchmaking system exists, but here’s why I liked it.

It made the game stay fresh. You didn’t get burned out on 1 deck. You got to use 3 top tier decks and become very familiar with them. This is a benefit because you will no doubt face these decks yourself, and you know what your opponent can and might do.

I recommend trying this before you besmirch the OP and go all angry troll on them when you yourself have ZERO evidence the OP is full of bullchips.

I would like you to post the antithesis of the OP’s claims, with evidence. I want to see the links to the sources that make you so sure the OP is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT wrong.

I’ll wait.


OP is just a paid shill promoting pack sales

fine print section

I’m just joking, I am not actually accusing OP or anyone else of anything, ever


I thought so.

You’ve got nothing.

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Two things.

1.) I have repeatedly asked you to ignore me because you are also a troll and I don’t have the time or inclination to deal with your silliness.

2.) It is now and always has been impossible to prove a negative. I don’t have to prove that something doesn’t exist because of this fact. This is how the world works to everyone who is sane and rational, and if you don’t understand this simple concept, that the burden of proof is always with the affirmative, then there is little anyone on these forums can do to help you understand.

Now, please kindly leave me alone. Of course you’re going to want the last word, take it and enjoy.