How to play around the algorithm

I hypothesize that I will have a second jet by the end of the week at the rate these threads are flooding in.

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Ok but when do you put carots in your nostrils ? It won’t work without carots in your nostrils bud.

I want the link that proves by 100% that a red Teapot with the name Russell inscribed on it isn’t in orbit around Pluto.

I want the link that proves by 100% that dogs don’t cook paella.

I want the link that proves by 100% that Coke tastes better than Pepsi.


You have yet to answer this question, OP.

I know Fenomeno does, but that proves nothing because of his Grandmaster play level. (Not that I believe the OP, just thought I’d point that out.

he does it sometimes to have fun with different things and entertain the audience.

That has nothing to do with what OP is describing.

Thijs does it sometimes too, deck roulette or whatever. Once again, for FUN not to win more games.

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Oh, really? Thanks for pointing this out, next time I’ll be sure to mention

to secure perspective… L

The OP is actually correct in saying that if you play the way they’ve outlined, then you will not be “deliberately” matched against your nemesis decks by a sneaky algorithm.

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You’re bad.
Everyone who says the game is “rigged” because they lose sometime are bad.
Defending such behavior is cringe.


I’ve never said the game is rigged :slightly_smiling_face:

There are probably good players that believe in this matchmaking manipulation. These players, while likely still blaming their losses on the system, additionally believe they’re so good that they beat the system. It’s similar to being schizophrenic, while also being a genius. It happens. :wink:

I am 100% F2P.

I get matched against other players. I beat some of them. Some of them beat me. I typically win more than I lose except when I am playing decks for giggles and not actively trying to climb.

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Then why bother posting that ?

You knew it was irrelevant to the topic and my question to OP.

When I followed a GM who was trying to get to #1 legend, he always played the same deck.
Whenever he changed deck just to try something different, he ended up playing only 1 game with it, just to go back to the original deck because it had better odds of winning.
Since in very high legend there are few people and they always use the same few decks, changing deck after you wint will only harm you in the long run.
Changing deck when you lose maybe can help you to figure out which deck is the best, but I can’t really see how doing the opposite can be a winning strategy

For anyone wondering how to actually win the answer is play druid

I rem that thread. I offered to live stream the exact 3 decks the op use.
The offer was not followed up and eventually sidetracked again.

Thereafter, I learnt a good lesson.

Thing is, a skilled and knowledgeable pilot has a high likelihood of progressing on ladder no matter which (likely) tier 1 deck they’re using. And so this method will appear to work but that doesn’t prove the premise behind the method.

No wonder I always had nightmares about wolf howling, and wakes up with scarred foot!

OP is right, Hearthstone is a rigged trash game!

Here’s the 1 million dollar question:

How could you falsify your claim?

You see, people create these things all the time that are purposefully worded in a way to make them non-falsifiable. That is, they make these claims worded in such a way that you can’t disprove it but can only prove it via confirmation bias.

This is done on purpose so that no one can disprove whatever claim it is you are making. And indeed, if we look at what is originally stated, there really isn’t even a specific claim being made. This is also done on purpose.

So, again, I ask the question:

What test can be done in attempt to falsify this claim? If you don’t have one, then the claim has no grounds to stand. This is basic scientific experimentation. This is the basis of what Marcoscongas was talking about when hinting at the celestial teapot argument brought forth by Bertrand Russell. It shows the logical fallacy of the OP’s argument.

Eagerly awaiting the OP’s response with a specific explanation of what would prove this hypothesis false. I’m willing to test the claim and attempt to reach legend with said claim.