How nobody is complaining about demon hunter is beyond me

Just took a 2nd account to legend 16 wins in a row with this monster. Most games were over by turn 5 hell even 4. It seems to just punish weak draw or bad mullagans.

Cuz DH ain’t scary. :woman_shrugging:t5:

But they complain about paladin… lmfao… this is clearly stronger.

Quick run cover for Paladin, the numbers that say the class tops the meta are WRONG.
But when the same numbers say Demon Hunter is borderline tier 1 they are RIGHT.

Its so fun to pick and choose what i want to be true and not


I think your missing my point. People are not complaing about DH but are paladin. Im not saying the numbers are right about any im just saying why are we not complaining about DH.

I think DH is better is all im saying. Numbers have nothing to do with it. Only my personal experance when it comes to DH.

Also we sloved this in the other thread. VS is just data predicting or suggesting what could be a meta sleeper. Nothing more. It is to be taken with a grain of salt.

I do agree DH is under appricated.

Nailed it :rofl:


Basicly there tier list is off d5 and above. Its like they use plat and bellow data for the majority of there stuff.

Also i love how these forums love to put words in my mouth and missconstrue what im saying. Maybe its me that needs to be more clear. I thought I was. If not my bad.

Basicly why is nobody conplaining about DH? Is it because its less played? If i could be honest here it seems to be rising in play rate in the last week. Heck I could be speaking too soon.

Im a complaining saying its op, am I saying omg plz nerf? No.

Im just recognizing that its it has some valid and strong competitive decks and woundering why nobody is complaining about it. Nothing but my own opinion belives it is stronger than decks complained about. I showed data that i used to show why other classes were doing better than paladin from has replay and the same data I showed showing paladin was weeker than the majority of other classes which im not even trying to seriouly argue using that data.

People aren’t complaining about DH for the same reason they aren’t complaining about pirate shaman and for the same reason no one is complaining about flood paladin.

Neither deck is too powerful.

It’s handbuff paladin that is strong.

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I aint dissagreeing with hand buff paladin with the weapon is strong. Its no S++++ tier monster for sure and there are stronger decks. I still rarely lose to them.

Also mark my words give it a bit the complaints are about to come in about DH. Even more so if ppl find out my varaition of it. 8 wins in a row in legend now. Rising fast.

But the day realy decides what decks are going to be strong that day i have learned too.

You really have to be watching the meta and see what decks is working that day. This is why i like this meta so much. Diffrent decks work better diffrent days. Its allways been that way but not to this extent.

Lies i will always complain about Demon Hunter, i dont hide my bias.
Any deck with 40%+ win rate on that thing is unacceptable, this comes from a place devoid of logic or reason.

Only difference when i say such lunatic things is that i dont expect others to share my madness.


Lmao haha love it!! Love the honesty! You still got that hate from launch lmfao!!

Like I said here… this is what makes this meta so great. This is also why many players dont like it cause they only have 1 deck thats playable maybe 2. That is their fault not the games.


Not sure how much quoting me will help you, though xD

It 100% is

However, this is where things become problematic

According to the adjusted tier list (you can see it here, table on the right ) Pirate DH drops from 5th strongest to 8th strongest deck.

It’s matchups which are losing for sure include every DK deck (4-5 of them), Handbuff Pally, Overheal priest, Insanity Warlock and every shaman deck. That’s a lot of decks that beat it. I go around 50-50 against it with sludgelock

And, your 16-0 series can much more easily be interpreted as a combination of:

  • smurfing (2nd account to legend),
  • highrolling,
  • end of season = easier games,
  • perhaps it’s your type of deck.

It’s impossible to explain 16-0 series by deck strength. Even the most broken decks ever barely hit 59-60% winrates before nerfs

It’s cool to celebrate such things, as it gives you motivation, hope and confidence, but the disappointment will also be bigger if you don’t curb your enthusiasm a bit.

I mean, enjoy it, I guess, I do the same, I always open a thread when I do some sort of a personal record or something, just don’t get down too much when you start lowrolling for days now xd

And Rainbow shaman. Because:

a) noone plays them,
b) they suck.

Also nice try quoting me from a different thread where I was literally just explaining how math works, something you never could understand. Apparently, education in your time wasn’t sufficient for even basic college lessons.

Sounds ideal, but the problem is, it’s hard to swap between decks like that and stay competitive. You DO always have a learning curve to go through, and how steep it’s gonna be depends on many variables

One of those is how much you like that deck’s playstyle. If you enjoy some deck playstyle and find it intuitive, don’t let it go.

Hey dork, new MK1 expansion is confirmed. So much for it dying loser!

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They are trying with what they did with Sektor and Cyrax…
And the first expansion was confirmed prior to the base game launch it was always going to happen.

They need to win big with this one or its going to crash and burn.
Now Khaos can be the best thing since icecream(doubt it) and put things on the right track but thats a huge leap of faith.

And no T1000 and Conan arent enough to warm by black heart, where is Jade and Skarlet???

Stop doing bs moves and give us the fan favorites.

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Jade sucks but I would like Skarlet. Gonna try Takeda today.

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I havent touched the game in a long time besides logging in to see Kitanas free costume.

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Your loss you joke of a human being. Well all humans are jokes but you especially.

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Im finally at the top on something,and no you cant follow that with a crude remark.
Papa Blizzard is watching you.

Oh and side note i can still kick your behind regardless of months of absence in the game lol.

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You kinda just Streisand effect yourself bro. “no don’t make/think of crude remark!”… now everybody is gonna start thinking it even if they might not have before :joy:

Huh? It’s the weekend and I thought the meme around here is that the mods are terrible/non-existent.

Insert some comment about how people I like get modded but people I don’t like don’t. Clearly people I don’t like are toxic and people I like are never toxic.

If humans aren’t jokes, where would frogs get entertainment? :thinking:

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