vS Data Reaper Report #302

And you call this

Well, I don’t feel you’ve been fair at all.

You are challenging my challenge of one piece of data in the only report website I value. You don’t have personal experience in my ranks. You don’t have better data than my correction of VS. Or do you? Maybe you do, but I disregarded them. If I did, I had reasons.
You don’t have ANY number of posts claiming it’s strong or complaining about it AT ALL on the whole forum, with the exception of my own prediction that it will be strong.

Well I can’t tell future. But I can recognize today, and today is not Rainbow Shaman day.

And it’s not the day I allow myself and truth to be challenged based upon some notion of “fairness” and blind faith in everything VS posts.

:laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

You’re joking, man xD

You’re mentioning ego in a conversation about truth, analysis, data?

How am I supposed to get my ego hurt when I’m not talking from ego?

I seriously don’t care what people think about me. I care what people think in general. I want them to know the truth, and the truth is, the VS report’s power ranking tier list is wrong.