How many packs until your just getting dust?

Many people open over 100+ packs during an expansion release. At some point, your just opening and waiting to get the next legendary or your just getting dust to craft others.

My question is how many packs do you think is the best until your pretty much no longer getting new cards, just waiting for next leg, and mostly just getting dust? Or basically when is it better to turn to different packs or arena tickets rather than keep opening new expansion packs. Of course there is also epic cards but mostly just dust after some certain point.

For me I usually say around 90. What about you?

I know that. I have around 10.6k gold now. My question is what is the number of packs of Rise of Shadows before I should switch to arena or different packs.

In simple term, most would recommend at 80-100 packs. Due to the RNG involved with pack opening, thus there is usually a variance.

From my past 3 expansions, I feel 100 packs is the comfort zone for me.


I usually only open 70-80 packs per expansion. That gives me most of the cards (minus the Legendaries and some epics). From my experience, most of the Legendaries are worthless anyways, and if you need one or two, it is much easier to craft them, then to hope getting it from a pack.

100 - 150 packs is a good amount before you switch.

I think itā€™s better to determine the point at which youā€™re personally no longer ā€˜happyā€™ with the return on your investment. That number is different for everyone, so itā€™s wise to know about how much you get at any given moment.

Once you have all the Commons, then the vast majority of the cards you get in packs are turning to dust. This usually happens somewhere between 20 to 30 packs. Once you have all the Rares as well (somewhere around 70 to 80 packs) then your median pack result is going to be 40 dust.

Iā€™ve been doing around 90 packs every expansion and I find that a good number to get all the usable cards from that expansion. Usually I have around 10,000 dust as a back-up plan.

I keep track of what # pack Iā€™m on when I open a legendary around 40-50 packs, and then I just go until I get the next legendary, unless I get really lucky, 2 legendaries. Because itā€™s maximum another 40 packs.

I have 19200 gold, but only 4,000 dust right now, so I guess one of these expansions I should splurge and maybe do 110 packs or something and build up the dust bank again. Although Iā€™ll be getting something like 4,000 dust from the hall of fame rotation. And Iā€™ll dust bad / never used legendaries from the Wild rotation.

I probably open between 200-250 packs to get all the cards in the expansion (including cards I craft with excess dust) and then after that I just save gold. For this expac, for example, I got the 80 pack bundle and I have about 7500 gold saved up, so my launch day Iā€™ll be opening somewhere around 160 packs (plus whatever free ones we get), and Iā€™m hoping to have 75-80% of the new set from that after I craft a few things.

But honestly, it depends a ton on luck.

How do you have 106k gold. Seems like an impossible amount

Iā€™d say 60 packs is about that minimum to get the majority of the low rarity cards. Heading towards 80-100 packs youā€™re filling out a bit more of the collection with some more epics and legendaries to play with, and there might be the odd rare that you are still missing (because RNG duplicates).

Past 100 packs - if overall epic quality is high (eg: Unā€™Goro/Kobolds), itā€™s nice to have some more epics filled in, but then youā€™re just opening packs for the next legendary mostly.

Sorry meant 10.6k. Got some left over from past expansion.

Iā€™m nowhere near those numbers. Iā€™ve been getting packs for gold most of the time. When the next expansion was announced i would save my gold for it. Usually got me up to most of the rare. One exception was frozen throne.

I think the number depends on what rarity you want to fill. I guess the top rank players need all epics and spend hundred of dollars on the game. Iā€™ll just get a 50 pack preorder and dust the rotated sets. That would get me all i need.

You should have 2 copies of all of the commons by around 75 packs, but at around 41 packs you should be able to craft all the commons with the dust you got so far if you really want. To get 2 copies of all of the rares you need to open around 166 packs, but should be able to make them with dust from all your extra cards at around 75 packs (12 rares). Past around 85 packs your chances decrease to 5 packs or more to get one new rare. However you shouldnā€™t get a third copy of an epic until around 108 packs, but you will only have around 23 of the 54 cards for 2 copies of each epic, less than half. You will need almost 600 packs to open 2 copies of all epics (less than 400 packs for all legendaries) but only around 200 packs to craft your missing epics with the dust collected (around 17 epics). To craft all the cards, including legendaries, you need around 300 packs. All of this is excluding goldens for both collecting and dusting them.

This is my last expansion buying anything from Blizz. I just did the 80 pack one and expect to buy another 100 packs with gold as I am low on dust.

Thatā€™s not how RNG works - I managed to get 4 of the same Rogue Epic (Spectral Cutlass) within about 100 cards of The Witchwood, and 5 in total from ca. 140.

Thatā€™s why I said ā€œshouldnā€™tā€ not ā€œwonā€™tā€. Those numbers are if the pack draws perfectly follow their rarity probability, but we all know they donā€™t, but its and approximation of what to expect.