How do we know we aren't playing against bots

Yeah, that’s exactly it. I am not playing Hearthstone to play PvE content. I want PvP. I want to know if I can outthink my human opponent, not some bot.

I have no fun beating a program or losing to a program unless I voluntarily want to challenge myself against that program (like the adventures in Hearthstone).


Just curious on your opinion (I have no opinion either way, honest) - do you think Blizz uses bots? or just private bots?

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I heard someone state that Blizzard uses bots in Classic because there aren’t enough players.

I also know they have bots (PvE content), so I know what those bots would look like (they act fast and immediately know if lethal exists, almost no “thinking” at all).

I also heard they admitted to using bots in Mercenaries because of the lack of players and other players backing this claim.

So with all that information, I think it’s highly likely they do, but I’m not 100% sold on the idea. If I was forced to make a bet, I’d wager they do in weak player invested modes like Classic. I don’t think they do in Wild or Standard, there seems to be enough players in those modes…but who knows for certain?

Now that you asked, I’m going to do a little test. Since I know what bots look like in PvE, I’m wondering if those bots ever “cursor hover” over minions, etc. If they don’t, then that’s a tell-tale sign that they use bots if you come across another player that never highlights anything.

EDIT: Can confirm - Blizzard AI never hovers or highlights minions, the actions just happen. So if you face someone where there is zero highlighting being done, it’s probably safe to assume that’s a personal bot that’s bypassing the need to highlight or it’s a Blizzard bot.

I believe you.

I do respect your opinions. I also believe Scrots. As annoying and wiki-smart as he tries to be, I don’t think he is dumb so this is a tough one. I can’t say I ever saw a bot enough times that I could say, “there are bots” other than what any game would have. I am sure I have seen some games where I was like, “ok that is suspect” but you get it. I generally just believe its a player no matter how bad that player may be.

So, if you care, yes some of us do read this stuff and listen to it. I am learning. I may be a jerk, possibly the biggest jerk but I do listen. This bot stuff is new to me.

Now I just wonder how I can troll with it…


I wish I could link the evidence, but since we’re talking about illegal programs, I’m not in the business of trying to get banned and my account deleted.

This is one of those things you have to actively seek out the evidence for yourself.

It’s pretty much undeniable. You’d have to believe in some grand conspiracy that someone made fake websites to make it look like the people on these forums are talking about how good the program is and isn’t and that the screenshots are all fake, along with all the other stuff needing to be faked.

If you want to see the bots in action, come spectate me some time. When I play Wild, I run into the bots about 1 in 10 times.

Or, you could just go watch streamers in Classic mode as I hear they see bots all the time (I can’t stand the mode so I don’t even bother)

Bee is pretty good and plays that mode often and he says he sees them as high as Rank 300 in Classic Legend. I have no reason to doubt he’s not being honest.

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There’s officially 2 kind of bots. The ones that are supposed to be banned, that players can download an use to play the game. An one’s that Blizzard uses which should be the most ashamed of.

I have seen both now, but the couple days ago was when I made the statement about the Blizzard A.I. Bot. Because that was my first time EVER seeing a Blizzard bot in ranked. An the best part is Goramier I have 100% proof it was from Blizzard lol.

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Like i said above i wantted to add to this.

The reason why these boyts have gotten so much better in the last few years is because of the power creap.

The strong cards blizzard has printed has made this gamr more solitare than ever cause ranked to be a joke.

I cant share screen shots or vids for obviots resons but there are around 500 players using this bot right now and all of them are legend players many streamers. Im sure there are other bots simular as well.

My top 200 friend admited to using this back and september this is why I took a break from ranked back then from competitive.

I realized how much of a joke ranked in the game is. It means nothing.

Like why should i try so hard to be in t1000 every month.

I believe you but I also don’t understand this. Why would they make it obvious?

Well dude I don’t have the answers to your questions. I could speculate as to why…

It might not have been their intention to make it obvious. But people who have played Hearthstone enough can spot what is what, if you will.

You know when I returned to the game after years that made me legit laugh was? When the wheel spins an it now say’s “You’re being matched to a player with your skill”.

Take that in for a moment will you… You know all the rigged threads blowing up recently right? Makes ya think doesn’t it? It’s right there in your face telling you it isn’t random lol.

The thing I find most pathetic is I am at legend right now in standard. An it was at that rank, not when I was a bronze chicken or anything, that I finally found the Blizzard A.I. bot. Tell me how a legend caliber player can be gifted the most useless opponent in the game from it’s most prestige rating?

Things don’t add up, they never have. People can abuse the MMR system.


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Alright buddy, here comes the pictures of proof which should be exciting to see… They’ll be listed in order as well as titled in order, so you can float between them an gather the info you need. Though I tried to give a decent description for each picture in the description box provided by imgur.





OMG I love you

This is good enough evidence for me and I’m convinced they do use bots themselves. The question is WHY?

And here’s the crazy thing…I’ve faced SwankyOrc before!!!

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Is it ok if I send these images over to some streamers? They might enjoy exposing this

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100% An I find it insane you have also found an fought this player… I didn’t expect us to have so much fun randomly on the forums but here we are with your fun thread going crazy with edits, an now this exposure lol.


While Theman’s evidence is great, dont get me wrong… But nothing in your post says its the same SwankyOrc. The #XXXXX is missing from your pic, and thats VERY important. SwankyOrc is a randomly generated name by Bnet, so may or may not be the same person.

Just saying.

I 100% admit that. That name could very well be coincidence. I’m not convinced I faced this bot. I tried looking for the #XXXX in the user name as that is saved on HSReplay deck tracker app but I don’t know where to find it in the website. I am still looking. Until I see that and it has no numbers, I’m not convinced.

EDIT: Ok I looked into the HTML of the coding
the Mage is a 6 digit # so not a bot
the Druid is a 7 digit # so not a bot

The floodgates in my brain have openened tonight,it almost feels like a revelation.

-the matchmaking is rigged
-blizzard fills the ladder with bots for whatever reason (can think of several).
-And the rng is obviously flawed. I already knew that but yellovsnow did give me some aditional insight into how and why.

Now what to do with this information. Already didnt play constructed so i cant quit that and i dont think there is bots in high lvl battlegrounds (never seen one at least).
The matchmaker sucks but in the end its the same for everyone so you can grind to overcome it or simply dont care about your rank. About my rank i didnt care already so thats not a huge desincentive.

Guess will just keep playing for as long as i do enjoy it,or until i see the first bot in bg.

  1. no.
  2. one case is not HARD evidence, let alone evidence of enmasse usage of bots.
  3. Your brain is flawed. its looking for patterns.


I guess I maybe should have qualified my statements with “unless Blizzard is specifically permitting or enabling them.”

I still think having a private bot unsanctioned by Blizzard, you’re not going to get to Legend with regularity. At the very least you should see an order of magnitude more of those bots bots in Diamond than in Legend, so if private Legend bots were like 1/day then Diamond they’d be like half of the matches, which again pretty much means Blizzard is just allowing it.

But in this case it seems to just be Blizzard botting themselves. And if so they can just change the bot’s rank at will to Legend.


“I should have said that I am right, unless of course I am wrong”
