How do we know we aren't playing against bots

I don’t know what it is about this that he is so hesitant to admit he’s wrong here. Like, provably wrong.

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Yep, my era was a bit off, it was until KFT+, but tell me this isnt a bot:

You could literally tell the PW bots in wild in the era, they cut the “Upgrade” cards for Shredders & Dr. Boom v1.0, and they were played well into even HIGH legend ranks.

That said, how easy a bot can do it depends on how simple the deck being botted is. PW was play on curve, go face, all the time bottable.

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Lol yeah this is exactly the kind of weird stuff I see in wild now with pirate rogue.

I will fatigue it, armor vendor spam to keep them alive as long as possible. They just hero power and end turn. Hero power end turn. I shudderwock to keep them alive. Try to get them to keep going as long as possible.

Now this wouldn’t be unheard of every once in a great while with some player that is salty and just keeps playing… but I’m talking about this being every pirate rogue that starts acting like a bot. I get this interaction at least once a day, sometimes multiple times a day, playing about 20 games each day.

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Back in the day the PW bots would not concede until you presented lethal, then they hit the button. Same sorta thing.

CTB on a few occasions would “prove” his PW opponent was a bot by doing pretty much exactly that - “win” the game, but dont present lethal on board. Was pretty funny to watch, and he was (at the time) one of the best wild players in the game!

E: I think some think that “bots” are only capable of what Odd Warrior autoclickers are capable of. Autoclickers are not bots in this sense! They perform exactly 2 actions:

  1. hero power
  2. queue game

That is all they every do. They will hit their HP and the bottom right, where queue game is, on a X sec cd. NOTHING else!

Thats it. Its still automated game play, sure, but its not botting any more tha DDoSing is hacking!

Where? Didn’t see any.

This right here, is the best information we have gotten. Thanks for taking time to share this Aegaeon.

This confirms that Blizzard has it’s A.I.'s installed in the ranked standard ladder. This is supposed to be triggered by low MMR.

I can finish vouching for a few things. #1. is that I was on a huge loss streak in legend playing bad meme Warlock cards. #2. Is this was brought up recently by me in a thread you guys might’ve seen asking if people could hide there ranks from legend players. As I have never seen this before ever playing the game.

I didn’t know about any of these updates Blizzard has been making with the game, so Aegaeon’s posts with the patch notes is great. They’re added into the game.

From the looks of it, you’re not supposed to have seen them at Legend where I did. As exciting as it is to be like hey, this isn’t correct an maybe calling Blizzard liars… We can probably guess that there is some form of error on their end, and would just say they’re gonna patch it in a bug update or such, which would be the end of it.

The final proof we could gather to finish this would be to see if someone can get there MMR low enough, and find one of these A.I.'s that can’t be seen on your friends list as your current opponent. This is how you identify Blizzard A.I. an can take action on your match as needed.


So they use bots but using an undefined matchmaker (that we know is actually undefined) is not possible?


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You’re having way to much fun this evening aren’t you? Lol.

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I am on the road as soon as I sober up so yes. Having a night. I love you man.

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When I want to think of you, I’ll open up the OT thread on music an play some random songs you flirts posted in there lol.

(Btw, since I see you mention often about being so old school against these young pups in the forums… here’s an old school fact for you… I remember when your picture used to be Tirion lol. Now that’s old school).

Wow. I do remember it (the avatar) but don’t remember if that was the new forums or the old ones?

I was much more of a presence on the old forums.

…anyways, thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.


I never have had an avi on the new. Refused. So you are an old schooler! My man!

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Lol they even admit it,i would never have expected that. And apearently its been the case for a while now in mercenaries.
Note how they dont define “low internal rating players” nor give a ranked bracket (bronze,silver,legend) to wich the bots are limited.
So based on this statement everyone could face a blizzard bot,because the definition of low rating is arbitrary and not defined.

Are the bots from blizzard programmed to lose? Will they play weak or strong? Is getting an ai bot an advantage or a disadvantage when compared to matching up with a real player. So many questions. If this doesnt make people doubt certain things like matchmaking rigging then i dont know what would.

10k vieuwers on twitch yesterday at us prime time. The game doesnt have the players anymore so maybe thats why there is now bots.

I guess its time to move on from battlegrounds for me.Some players wont mind playing bots but its not something i am interested in.
That we have no statement about BG i dont care about,there is enough info for me now to doubt the intergrity of any game blizzard makes.

The rigging was a fun thing to discuss on forum,i never really thought it was true. (though i have always been convinced that the rng is flawed). And now the whole house of cards has fallen down. At least it feels to me that way.

This will be my last serious reply to these discussions as well. Might still reply but not with my personal opinion on things. Only discussion for the sake of discussion.
No more personal feedback from me.

New generation might not care about these things,maybe players will eventually be fine with this but personally i am not.

How do we know we all aren’t robots ourselves and life is just some kind of huge network simulation hive mind we are all a part of?

I dont know and i dont care anymore.

I told you that if you did any meaningful research you would find it. I can’t post the picture here because I don’t want to get banned. Just look it up on reddit.

Its the different stages of grief.
First there is denial.

There is literally no moderation other than the user-driven flag system. You are being paranoid.

If you insist on having me do my own research, I’ll get around to it in about 12 hours.

This can never be proven unfortunatly. It just shows a player at legend rank using a bot. It doesnt proof it got to legend by using the bot.

Its impossible to proof a bot is capable of reaching legend unless you would video the whole climb which obviously noone is going to do. Scrottie is asking for proof that is not realistically possible.

Now he will do his “research” and then in twelve hours we will hear:
“well this player might have used a bot in legend but it doesnt proof he got to legend using the bot”

Its just childs play.

What is proven is that you can matchup with blizzard ai players on ladder. Proven by a statement from blizzard themselves.

And about bots capable of reaching legend. Since it cant be proven,you either believe it based on other knowledge and information that you have or you dont believe it.

Seeing the nature of the game and the nature of the climb everyone with halve a brain should able to see that it is theoretically possible that such bots do exist. Doesnt mean it is happening but it is definitely possible.
Scrottie thinks it is not even possible,which is a position that comes from not realizing what ai is capable of.

A lot of words to tell me that you already know how I’m going to decide.

i dunno i will give up on this and go do something else. have fun with this discussion all of you.