Facing BOTS in legend

When in Legend, you are able to see your opponents rank. Also in your social list, it will show who your current opponent is, and then when the match ends, you are able to add them, report or whatever. However…

I am suddenly facing opponents that have no rank, that do not show up on my current opponent list being played nor do they show as my last opponent played. They are also playing completely random cards that are just being played to be played such as ad clearing spells when there are no minions to clear, or buffing my minions instead of theirs.

And I can’t report them because it’s like I never played them. However, the matches are in my HSreaply, however, I can’t post those because well we all know how hush hush it is to actually show proof on this forum and somebody will get offended and report the post for violating TOS.

Honest to GOD… I’m pretty sure these are Blizzard bots, and I’m getting really irritated because while I win all these matches I still lose rank because it keeps pushing my mmr down and I’d really like to play against REAL PEOPLE please.

It’s been three hours and I’m still facing what I now believe to be Blizzard bots in legend. I created a warlock deck completely off meta it seems that now I’m facing opponents that have no rank, do not show up on my list of current or past players, and who play whatever cards is in their hand just to play them, all have classic hearthstone card back, and every time I beat them, my mmr keeps going down.

I didn’t spend money on this game to play against bots on ladder. I also will not be able to improve my deck if I keep facing bots that play worse than bronze players. I’ve always hated solo adventure mode and this is what it currently feels like in ranked for me with these dumb bots.

Another one who reckons themselves a writer, not a reader. See, for example: How do we know we aren't playing against bots - #67 by Theman-1136.

Ever since I created this deck, I’m being pitted against a real person, then it swamps to a Bot.

For example, the match that I literally just played, again, the opponent had no rank, not on the soical list, so did not show that I was playing anyone, and after the match ended, they also did not show up as my last opponent.

On turn 10 they played Priest of the deceased… that somehow the card changed into Sketchy stranger. It literally just changed on the board. It was not evolved or devolved by any spell because both are 2 cost minions. I have never seen this happen before. They drew the card and immediately played it and it changed right on the board.
