How do I defeat invincible, shamon I WINA card?

Once they played the Jabberwocky card it kept removing cards from my hand and then kept replaying Reno lone ranger over and over until I had no cards in my hand.

The devs could fix this I WIN card a bit by not including Reno the lone ranger as a battle cry.
So why don’t they?
The Jabberwocky is the worst I WIN card ever created.
When the jabberwocky came out is when I quit buying anything.

So how do I beat the jabberwocky?

It was a one turn kill. I was at almost full health and the jabber wocky kept hitting me with all those little hits and kept popping new jabber wockys up until I dieded.

What is the solution to this I WIN card?


How do I defeat invincible

One Battle Beast should do the trick

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Does Jabbawockky come down on turn 2 when the Durid has 10 mana crystals? Or turn 3 when the Drudi plays Eonar and Draws 10 cards and summons a 5/5 taunt?

LOL, guys. Just do a quick spell check, or check the card’s actual names before you post. Then maybe we can help.
That post was so incoherent (as most of your posts), that some people think you are referring to a completely different class.
I am guessing you mean Shudderwock? Or Shudderblock?
It’s SHAMAN!!!


The Shudderwock is the Jabberwocky. As soon as I saw the pciture before I read the card, I knew it was the Jabberwocky.

I have a genius level IQ.

Shudderwock inspired by “The Jabberwocky”

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”

“Jabberwocky” is a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll about the killing of a creature named “the Jabberwock”. It was included in his 1871 novel Through the Looking-Glass, the sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865). The book tells of Alice’s adventures within the back-to-front world of the Looking-Glass world.

The Jabberwock, was illustrated by John Tenniel , 1871.

The Hearthstone card is a homage to his illustration.

I am a gneius.


oh hey me too
love the lore!

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No one wants help here. The original post is meant to be confusing

The simple answer is “you can’t”. If they’ve gotten to the point where they drop that card, you might as well concede. There’s options to deal with the deck before it gets to that point, or to potentially force them to discard or play it before they’re ready. But yeah, it’s a nasty card if you get that far.


Not true.
My OP is not confusing to me, but I am a genius.
Sometimes I forget to put things in layman’s terms.
I do try to simplify things when I think about it.

Don’t bother looking for steganography.

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HAHA, of course you are. But I get you now.
What hair10 said is true. You beat it before it can be played for a lot of battlecries. Either aggro or disrupt them. If you Dirty Rat the Shudderwock, they will most probably concede.

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How do you beat it when everything they do is designed to battle and survive until such time as Jabbawocckey can be played?


SilentStorm’s posts are the only thing that make this dreadful site worth visiting.

You’ve just described every control deck ever

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I didn’t know Warrior control and Priest control and whatever other control decks, have access to Jabbawockkey, I thought it was only for Shamen, I guess you must have a point then since Jabbawocckey is apparently a Neutral card though I swear it was only for Shamon :person_shrugging:

Because posting on forums to be told the answer to basically readily searchable questions is what geniuses do.
Oh wait - this is DONALD TRUMP isn’t it!!! It is! The only moron that goes around proclaiming themselves to be a genius.

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Donald Trump is a genius.
He became president. He beat the smartest woman ever to live, Hillary Clinton with the entire media machine backing her.
Also, he single-handedly revitalized NYC from a dumpster fire to what it became before democrats turned it back into garbage.
Lets not forget he runs the most successful conglomerate in history according to Bloomberg magazine.
Lets see you do that.

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i love when i alura front lines it out and just kill it, its great

I think SS has a valid argument. I think every single person who has ever been elected President had to have been extremely intelligent to do so. Both political parties.

If you want to think a former president was immoral, fine. I won’t argue with you on that. But if you think a former president got there by being stupid, or even of average intelligence, then I think that’s naive about how the world works.

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Read again. The answer is right there.