Hof fireball than Leeroy

Leeroy is:

What? Fireball’s pretty bad in Standard. Why should it be sent to the HoF?


Leery can be copied during the game and played over and over though. xD

I have done that a few times. It doesn’t happen often, but I assume it leaves a mark with some people.

Maybe Im just weird, but I always loved leeroy. Any time an opponent plays him when Im not expecting it, I am never upset. Excited to see him, actually!!

My quest hunter is by far the deadlest with him. A 10 mana combo is wicked; Leeroy + Hounds + Hero = 18 damage. If the other player has anymore than one minion on the board, it’s pretty devastating, but, it’s really just a combo that is necessary to make the deck competitive, AND THAT"S OK!!

People don’t like Leeroy because they neglect to plan for him. When he’s dropped, they realize lost control, and the match, and no one likes the feeling of losing control.

Leeroy is a healthy card. We just need to be careful of the synergy some decks have with him. (Early rogue was an issue with him)


Oh, it’s in response to those who asked to HOF Leeroy.

Fireball is a currently not-really-meta viable card available to a single class.

Leeroy is used in several metadecks and is always open to be used by any and every class. (Note that I really don’t desire for either to be HoF’d)

Pretty big difference.


Well I’m only the messenger!

Fireball can’t be used by anyone but Mages. Fireball can’t be bounced back to your hand so you can play it again, or have its Attack buffed.


The real question is, should it be than or then in the title? :smirk:


Then, you say?! What an inspiration!

2 Fireballs cost the same as Leeroy-Shadowstep.

Sure, but you can have two copies of Shadowstep, meaning you can play Leeroy three times instead of just two. Or more than three, if you bring other cards to bounce him back again.

Fireball can be played repeatedly and it happens quite often as well vs. mage in standard (everyone knows how).

LOL why yes Fireball a class card and Leeroy a Neutral legendary are equivalent.

Euhh Nope.

How? I don’t play standard

Really? Because I almost never, ever see Fireball in Standard. I imagine you must be referencing Zephrys offering it for lethal to Highlander players.

The only reason anyone is currently complaining about Fireball is because of Zephrys. Given this, however, I would still like to see Taunt minions prevent spell damage to face, All Charge minions to HOF, and a redesign of the Rush mechanic that would allow them to go face in some situations (if the opposing player has no minions or if the Rush minion is uncovered by opposing minions by board position). I think these changes would be good in the long term, helping to prevent “abusive” combos in the future.

Only cost 4 mana, dose 6 damage and hits any character on the board.

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Of all the broken stuff in this game people look at Leeroy and Edwin lol.

People forget the free cost cards, insane value generation and huge swing turns and only remember that the last 1-6 damage was delivered by a Leeroy that was sat in hand all game while they did the crazy stuff.

You people are the reason Mind Blast got HoF’d and priest is in the gutter apart from res decks which people complain about even more.

Reading card effects doesn’t explain why the card is supposedly good. Fireball isn’t included in any current meta deck and hasn’t been since the days of Secret Mage. Why should it be sent to the HoF?

If it’s a response then why does it need its own thread?..

Well, frankly do you foresee any QoL or similar requests being attended to here in this official forum more frequently or speedily than on reddit? If not, I really don’t see what good this forum is for, other than straightforward bug reports and posts like this…
I mean, even the game (because of the perceived lack of responses from the devs ) is already less fun for me than the forum, so…

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