Hof fireball than Leeroy

Did we get a HoF announcement or just speculating things ?
Btw neither Leeroy nor fireball need HoF.

I think you’re missing my point. Discussions on whether Leeroy or Fireball should be sent to the HoF are fine and all, but you should try to encourage discussion or at least contribute something new (literally all but two words of your OP were copy/pasted from another post in the forums). Submitting a post like this just makes it feel like you want to beat a horse that’s already died in another thread.

Nah, OP is just making a meta commentary on the slew of “Leeroy needs to be sent to the HoF” threads by saying that Leeroy is literally just a worse Fireball (which it is in a number of aspects, but anyone with access to HSReplay will tell you that isn’t the case).

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Nope. It was more like a case of finding fun in a game that already died.

Let’s see…

You can shadowstep a Fireball and play again for less mana? No.

You can buff a Fireball in your deck or hand, put in game from deck or copy if damaged and hit opponent face for 10, 12 or 14 damage? No.

You can make your fireball get you x2 extra 1/1 charge minions? No.

You can put a Fireball card in other classes than mage? No.

Leeroy and all charge minions need to be completely erradicated from Standard, charge should never exists in a game you can’t act in opponent turn in the first place.

The argument to HoF Ragnaros and Azure Drake was the overuse, well, Leeroy put both cards to shame in this regard.


‘Ahah!’. Theres a clue, not that hear it much as nearly always play with sound off.

Combine with sorcerer’s apprentice for otk combo.

There is a better change than HOF Fireball in this case, make a global rule change where a cards cost cannot be reduced to zero unless the effect specifically reduces it to zero.

The combo would still be possible (not infinite but a bunch of one cost Fireball is still pretty strong), but I believe something would need to survive for a turn, giving the opponent a chance to respond.

All these nerfs/buffs are short-sighted by the devs, in my opinion, and more needs to be done to prevent these situations from arising in the future.


You need four Apprentices on the board to make the OTK combo work. Duplicating/discounting them and dropping them along with Antonidas on a single turn is no longer possible in Standard.


Tony sees Zero play in Standard though, and borderline zero play in Wild. Moreover, Tony has literally zero relevance with the topic at hand because even if you sent Fireball to the HoF Tony would still generate Fireballs off of Spells.

But why does anything need to be done about the Fireball/Tony/Apprentice interaction in the first place? The combo is incredibly niche regardless of format and doesn’t meet any of the criteria for nerfs.


Fireball does not need to be HOF. Mage is a joke in Standard right now and fireball isn’t even being run except in Wild.

It’s not just about preventing this specific scenario, it’s about future-proofing the game to prevent similar interactions that should not exist (infinite combos).

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Better HoF all damage-dealing cards then, because they could all be subject to abuse based on future designs.

OTK decks happen, that’s part of the game. The one involving Fireballs wasn’t anywhere near as strong as the many that followed it and only in the last year or so has taken off to be a good deck in Wild.


I always wondered if they’d ever switch Fireball to minions only or something, since it’s always been sort of the best of its class (at least, compared to similar spells like Lava Burst).

But Fireball has never really been broken on its own anyways; it’s a pretty staple spell at this point, and it’d be a shame to go War Axe on it just because Secret Mage uses it.

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I find it incredible that with mage at it’s weakest there is always someone who obviously doesn’t know how to pilot their deck crying for nerfs.

Actually, the person was only suggesting that in comparison to Leeroy. You need to read in context.

Well I don’t love charge mechanic cards, but then, I dislike most of the keywords…

Good god man just how vanilla/boring do you want HS to be?

Go play tic tac toe or something if you want a completely dumbed down experience.

Worse fireball? Sure. Right.

I didn’t think hearthstone was boring at all in the beginning.
We had keywords, but they were fairly reasonable and common, and every class had ways of dealing with them, some better than others.
Now we have no class identities and broken keywords. We have busted hero powers, We have gargantuan mana cheats and we have RNG deciding many if not all of the games. What you call boring i remember as thoughtful. You had to think in order to win. That is less true than ever now.

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You see! I’m facilitating the exchange of ideas