Highlander priest!


I know you can’t post links here (tried anyways) if anyone can tell me how I’d appreciate it! (I post on mobile)
Anyone seen/tried this deck? Was able to make this deck (only thing I didn’t have was sandbinder) and playing it around rank 6/ has felt solid! Plays similar to a combo priest but mixes in a more control/minion based win condition, still trying to figure out the win condition but against aggro it feels good to outlast using a mix of removal spells/wildpyro and minion trading, feels really good with plenty ways to duplicate zeph/leeroy! A lot of fun to play not sure what a bad matchup would be against it hunter maybe?
Anyone else found this deck interesting? I’m a sucker for highlander decks and this one feels really smooth


You can, you just need to put the litte `` marks (just one on each side, and those are NOT apostrophes) so that it looks like this. It’s the best work around until you’re TL3.

As for your link, here:

I haven’t tried Highlander Priest yet, but it’s pretty cool how many different classes are getting in on the Zephrys fun.

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Thanks a lot for the link dude! Will remember that for future referance :sunglasses:

As for the deck, if you have the pieces to try it out I’d highly recommend, really fun choice of a highlander deck feels like there’s always plenty options to draw in those sticky aggro matchups, feels solid as a midrange/control archetype although I feel control warrior might put value it in comparison to the wall quest build, will have to run into a warrior to see!

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Damn that’s an expensive deck 9 legendary’s and 6 epics!

Hey Wardrum, how do you add links into your post? Because I just can’t add mine.

Is there a requirement for posters to add links?

Yet it still a trash deck with the same weakness every other Priest decks have: lack of win-condition.

Fatigue as a win condition works for me.

Yeah, you have to be trust level 3, which requires X amount of activity or something. It (and more) is all explained by WyomingMyst in this post:

Using the single `` marks is their recommended workaround for anyone who’s trust level 1 or 2.

Yeah definitely is! I was lucky enough to have most of the priest cards as I main priest and the neutral legendaries are pretty standard, it is very expensive and probably/definitely not worth crafting just for this deck.
As for the win condition, I feel it’s main WC is answering everything to gas out the opponent and to keep board control through cards like amet and wild pyro, feels good playing through though just the win con needs some tuning!

This proofs that Blizzard might want to hold off on more Highlander cards :smiley: Zephy alone seems to be enough of an insentive to try anything as a Highlander …

On the contrary I think it’s a good thing to give all classes a chance to enjoy the diversity of highlander decks, and can help make weaker classes somewhat viable (I know priest has a good deck now but the nerf hammer is coming)
I do believe however that decks that START with duplicates shouldn’t benefit from zeph

But priests? :-/ Man, I don’t know. The class already has a catalogue of playing Highlander in the past and a new class exclusive with Highlander effect might be a huge burden on Wild. I think that’s why they chose the classes they did : They never had a Highlander insentive and can’t run Kazakus in Wild (except for mages - which is why Reno isn’t overwhlemingly strong).

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To be fair to your point, I never took zephrys’ impact on wild into consideration (I quit just before TGT before standard was a thing and came back RR so I forget sometimes how many cards are in wild)
I can understand why the class singletons were just that:- class singletons - making Reno or brann or even luna a neutral would’ve made for some outrageous combo shenanigans in some classes. I never got to play the highlander priest of old with anduin etc so I’m just enjoying what we have now, even if it is watered down :rofl:

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And it really is, let me tell you.

The very top of what was possible came in the form of machine-gun priest that wasn’t at all fun to play against. And nothing is worse than coming close to killing one of those Highlanders and then watching them go back to full health.