Hi guys - Need Dust

Hi Guys,
Im a Florida girl who needs help and dust. (Arcane dust I mean Lol) …

Ive spents hours going through all my cards (dusting what I can) … but I still need to drum up like 11,000 more dust.
Im confused … Should I buy the specific packs to dust them … if so …should I buy golden packs?
And yes I know I should buy the packs that could possibly have the cards I want.

Or… should I spend my money on adventures and get my dust that way. If so what adventures ?

In a nut shell I need 11,000 dust.

Please help. Thanks, Ashley

How long have you been playing? I don’t suggest dusting old cards you don’t have extra copies of. What is your goal? I like to climb the ladder so I make a good deck from the meta that I have the most cards of, subbing cards i don’t have. 11k dust sounds like you’re making an expensive deck from scratch. dust is a resource you start to collect when you have enough cards from an expansion to have all commons and rares (like 50 packs in my experience)

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Thanks for replying. I was afraid I was going to get noob bashed.

Ive only 4 months or so.

And yes … im a bit impatient…Im trying to craft a very specific mage deck in standard.

Thanks again for your help. Ash

Please … just point me in right directiin for dust. Packs or adventures or arena.

if you have the resources, or you don’t mind spending, i would suggest buying standard packs. and dusting duplicates until you get where you want to be. that way you are filling out your standard collection at the same time you are getting the dust, and you just might pull some of the cards you are trying to craft. it isn’t ideal, but it is what i would do. good luck and good gaming to you.


And once you flesh out your collection enough to have something viable for Heroic Duels, you can get a pack for each entry even if you get 3 losses in a row. You get some dust as well. If you can win some you get more prizes like cards, gold, bigger piles of dust, and more packs. So buy a big pile of the given set you are aiming to get your standard deck cards from, only dust your duplicates (in duels you only need a single copy of a card as you cant draft 2 copies up front) but for regular matches in standard dont dust anything below having 2 copies of it (essentially only dust something once you see x3 or higher of it down to x2 copies and stop. Best practice is to just filter your collection using the term “extra” and you will see what is dustable that way. once you reach x2 they disappear from showing up under “extra”.)

Edit arena also has the same rewards available but I find it less enjoyable than duels personally. but give it a go since your collection is limited because arena is just random drafting of cards unrelated to your collection. and its a regular hearthstone game and not a special match like in duels.

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Thank you for the “clear cut” advise.

So to sum this up… buying packs is the easiest way to 11k dust … even if its the more expesive route. I understand.

If there are any other suggestions … Id be happy to hear them.

Thank you all so much. Ashley

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yeah thats an expensive route, and boring too. I highly recommend if you are gonna put irl money into it say like $10+? then dedicate at least $3 to $5 of it to arena to have some fun while earning your packs. its a gamble but i see it as spend $1 for a pack=reliable and boring, $1.50 for a pack but might get a lot more than just a pack(rares/more packs/gold/dust piles) if i can win a few rounds. I see the $.50 difference as the time i get to enjoy some cards i dont own (yet) and the gamble might yield some good payoffs well worth more than the $.50 or at worst if I lose 3 in a row I got to have a little fun playing with other cards I might want later anyways.

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yes, it can be expensive, i suggested specifically standard packs, because with duplicate protection you could get a full set of commons and rares before you start getting duplicates. so you will probably pull any of those rarities if you have them on your “to craft” list. still this would be expensive.
arena and heroic duels will get you a pack per run for 150 gold/runestones/tavern pass/us$
you get the benefit of playing some games, but the packs will be from the current set. so it really is a pick your poison scenario.
standard packs = most expensive, probably quickest way to your deck
arena/duels = gamble on rewards, only get packs from world tour, takes longer in real time.

hope this helps.

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if their goal is dust tho, does the set truly matter if that set is still in standard too? I understand what you are saying about standard in the hopes the rares or epics or legendary or two will be good to go for standard deck building purposes, however the odds of them being what they actually need for their high cost of dust deck is prolly really low. If you’re gonna gamble might as well gamble with a run of matches that can yield not only the pack that be be fully dusted, but more cards+gold+dust+(more packs?idk) from each run. yeah it takes more time but if you sunk say $20 into it and all you got was like 6 minutes of holding down a spacebar, great time indeed. or if you even spent 25% of that $20 on arena or duels, you might gets many days worth of matches played out of that. in addition to the packs, and the potential of even more goodies. If they throw a lot more into it with irl monies, it just gets even better bang for the buck.


no argument here. playing the game is more fun than opening packs. but the time it would take to get 11,0000 dust playing arena and duels?? the next expansion would be out and the deck they want to build could no longer be viable. or the deck they want to play could get nerfed before they get the dust. then it’s just gg. it really is a matter of what the goal is, and how long you want to take to get there.


I wouldn’t dust cards that aren’t extra, because the return you get from doing that is not very good and you could end up weakening your collection for a deck that may get nerfed or overpowered when the next set comes out in August. It’s not always easy to judge which cards could become strong in the future. You may also find that you want to play other modes or formats where cards that aren’t used at all on standard ladder are suddenly the best for the job.

The best way to get dust fast is going to be to spend money, buy the packs that could contain the cards you want, and open them until you have enough dust to craft the cards you didn’t open. Along the way you’ll also build a very strong collection so that if the deck you have your eye on turns out not to be all you dreamed, you’ll be able to easily pivot to something else.


No argument here either lol. i agree with you on all points raised. However side note: in the scenario raised where something could be nerfed before raising the dust to craft said deck, wouldn;t that be preferable to spending all the money to get the dust to craft the deck to suddenly have said nerf make all that pointless suddenly, whereas the other method at least saves you the heartache of having done all that just to be told it was done in vain? lol to each their own, but I know which side of that coin Id rather land on if it were to be flipped in the air. lol


I’m going with the standard or individual expansion packs.

Once you hit the guaranteed legend card (from 10 or less of every set), the system is designed to prevent targeting of cards. Buying some old sets or adventures gives a poor return rate. They want you to get breadth of cards from standard and there is no way around that.

Aside, the game has frequent viable deck shifts every expansion. Big power jumps from new synergy cards means it is good to have a wide base of cards so you can switch decks. Razor focusing on making one deck is efficient for a very short period of time. In less than two months the next expansion will hit and the deck may be dead as other archtypes take over.


Grab your dads credit card and buy all the packs you need until you get the cards you want.


this guy thinks people still have credit cards… or dads. lol


You can buld up dusst dont disenchant you extra cards that are in rotation wait for nerfs and dust them also dont try and make every deck for now but it is possible to build up dust as f2p.

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I cant believe how much I learned on this thread … I think you all are great …


And … I have a Dad … lol … and a CC …

What I have “mostly” is a serious addiction to this game …

I want to be higher on the ladder … Im stuck in this Hell of level 8 platinum … then knocked down to 10 … then back to 8 … sigh …

Im impatient… i need my mage deck to kick more a** !!!

this is really the issue. if you are going to be F2P, you need to be very patient while you collect the resources necessary to perform better over time. it’s much more of a grind as a F2P

Nah … not doing “all” free to play …
Going to spend 2 hundred or so … see how far that gets me …

Currently I “am” being patient (which is a shock) … and I took the suggestion of playing arena till I see that one offer again titled “special for you” in the store. Something like 60 packs for $39.99 … or whatever it was.

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