Almost nobody is going to pay that much for wild/twist packs, and Caverns Signature cards aren’t worth nearly the same as standard. Streamers and most whales don’t care.
Talk to your boys up in the corner offices and explain that you’re throwing away free money by not shoveling those bundles out the door for $15-$20…
Using the same price point for unpopular/less popular formats as you do for standard is…well, let’s just say that it makes me strongly suspect that some people on the monetization team are either sporting extra chromosomes or are intentionally acting to harm the company and the success of the Twist and Wild formats. Either way, they should probably be reassigned… Mail room or something.
No. Twist cards should be temporarily free uncraftable cards. F2P people is what props up the entire game to be even played so if F2P people don’t play: you don’t play a format with people around.
That would be more profitable to Blizzard in the long term because more people would like their game to play,
but they’re too blinded by short term profiteering to even have a Twist that any F2P person would even try.
While that would be great for players, this has even less chance of implementation.
To get f2p more invested, they’d need a few cheap, but high-value special bundles for gold (which they sort of used to have), and maybe a Twist rewards track full of wild and Caverns packs.
How about this: Every few games (random intervals), an icon pops up and informs the players that a prize pool has been added. Two random twist packs for the winner, or one for the loser. Or maybe there is a chance that an animated Reno, Elise, Finley or Brann storms the board to deliver a pack if one player is getting stomped (but you keep the cards when the game is done).
There are lots of ways to fix this, but Blizz just keeps picking the dumbest possible options.
F2P still spend gold, though? I did, and I was basically f2p for a very long time.
Long story short, they must do something, and it must appeal to both f2p and people willing to throw a few bucks their way.
Constant whale hunting is dumb. A first-year business student knows this. Recipe for failure. If they don’t act soon (and stop leaving the mode inexplicably disabled) Twist is finished and Wild will continue to massively underperform.
The alternative would be to turn the mode into a gold/dust farm. Could apply the old school three wins, ten gold just to twist.
I don’t see how complete removal of twist monetization benefits Blizzard, which means it has zero chance of implementation and you’re wasting time and server space proposing it. What’s the financial benefit for Blizz to do this as opposed to continuing to flog Standard?
Because you misunderstand the mindset of many F2P players. They will not give even 1 cent to the company no matter how cheap it is and no matter if they can afford it.
At the same time any format is DEAD if it does not have F2P players because they are just so many.
PS Also that was a strawman too. I did not say remove monetization (e.g. they could sell cosmetics).
The monetization discussion is completely separate from the f2p element on the player side. Hardcore F2P were never going to give them money anyhow.
We can call it effective removal of monetization, if you’d like. Money comes from selling packs. People aren’t going to buy Twist-exclusive cosmetics, and Bliz has no incentive to make them when they can just make them for Standard instead with much better return on investment.
Your plan has no workable monetization scheme. (At least nothing that you have mentioned so far.)
You are repeating yourself. I ignored the strawman accusation because I revised my statement to “effective demonetization”.
I addressed your cosmetics strategy in the previous post. Short version: Bliz would never do this because they could just put the effort towards Standard cosmetics and make way more money.
Twist is a supplemental mode, and will never take precedence.
It’s an okay price (relatively speaking) for new packs with more modern, power-creep cards, that you can use in any format.
$40 is half of a brand new AAA game. If you have nothing from any of those sets, you get probably 4-6 wild legendaries that you can sometimes use (if you bought them for twist), or if you’re an old player, you get maybe up to three, if you’re really lucky, and a bunch of dust. Definitely not worth it.
In the grand scheme of things, this is really bad return on investment. (Fun for money.)
Wild and Twist needs a very different price point than Standard.
I don’t know or care about BG pricing. Not the subject of this discussion.
makes more sense to mention BG tokens prices than …prices of games which arent FTP or card games thats off topic
the packs worth depends on your collection
anyone who played back then and didnt buy packs from those expansions after duplicate protection will get a legendary from each one and all the missing rares
before it was added it was normal to have many rares missing even after more than 50 packs
Let me see if I understand your position: “My solution is the only way to save Twist, and it doesn’t matter that Blizzard has no reason to do it since there are no short-term financial gains to make the bean-counters happy.” (I inferred the second clause from context.)
I already offered another solution. Give players wild packs, dust and gold for playing Twist. This will engage the F2P.
For the cash cow players, pick a lower price point and find what works. People won’t shy away from a $10-$20 purchase the way they will from a $40-$50 one. Twist packs have significantly lower utility (by several orders of magnitude) and should be priced accordingly.
Twist is dead not because of pricing but because of the BS they tried to pull off with the mode.
People wanted another place to play some really different stuff.
Instead of a mode for people who already play the game and is bored they want new players to play it.
Seriously. While i’m all for have new players in the game. No, twist is not the time and place for those people and as long as blizzard thinks othewise the mode is thrash bin.
We should be playing all the stuff that would not be even tolerable for new players as:
Start with 10 mana , multiclass decks allowed and all type of BS that old players would love to explore but where never allowed.
Instead they give some random extra expansion of cards and the most bland ruleset possible.
To be fair, Cavern of Time was a fun expansion and the idea of buffing old cards to be at the level of modern hearthstone was great i would have liked them to continue expanding that concept because it also had its impact on the wild format…
We all know that this set only existed to sell for twist in a simplified manner because browse around 9+ years of sets worth of cards would not be attractive.
But the thing about twist is:
As long as rules keep changing the cards people gonna craft will too.
The set is really unnecessary to a level that i’m can’t even describe and defend it is defending the exact reason the mode failed.
The value of a dollar is not measured only within the hearthstone economy… Do you think before you type things, or just spout off whatever barely conditional support for blizzard pours forth from stream of consciousness?
Wild packs are objectively weak compared to Standard due to power creep.