Heroic brawl- cheaper to buy packs outright

The first, because the scummy mega corp and one of the worst human rights abusers out there finally soured on each other. Still can’t get them to acknowledge the decade plus situation with the uyghurs though. The second, was a racist decision to ban an entire group of people for something they had no control of, and entirely hypocritical, considering the country actiblizz is based in AND the aforementioned refusal to denounce or boycott one of the worst human rights abusers…until they cut ties (and they didn’t even denounce the human rights abuses).

The rest is something people can do a deep dive on. I know there have been complaints about lack of language support for certain countries for years, so the so called “inclusive” company only practices what they preach when it suits them.

That’s right folks, expecting a company to follow the law is naive.


And this is how you get years of workplace harassment, retaliating against whistleblowers, and all the other abuses that have taken place at this company, and a board that says “we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.”

Yeah, here you go again about it. :grinning: Thing is, if it’s only the likes of the BBC that tout something — that alone is a reason to be very sceptical about it for me.

Besides, this whole plot very much resembles a classic propagandist piece (of ‘fake news’, if you will, yes) with the sole purpose of sparking an ethnical conflict within the borders of one’s big rival, nothing more.

When it comes to some actual abuses, and confirmed ones at that — these are beyond critique, because “that’s different” (yeah, it’s always ‘different’ — the motto of the world of double standards). Besides, this reminds me of a metaphorical prison with an arsonist, a murderer and a jaywalker in it. The first- and second-named scold the last-named, “You horrible criminal, how could you have done that? And no, we don’t talk about arson or murder — that’s ‘whataboutism’, only the base, vile, immoral transgression of jaywalking is in question here!” :smirk:

Yeah, as if those who ‘care’ and cry about it can even spell it, pronounce it right or even point it on the map even approximately. :rofl:

Since you mention it again — that’s got nothing to do with just race or racism per se, although it has something to do with another broader ideology, which this forum’s filters don’t even allow to name — very popular in the West in 1930s and 1940s (no, it wasn’t just a certain individual country or two, especially if you look at the list of investors in those tank-producing factories and such, for example, or the practices having existed until quite recently in historic terms — or even up to this day, inluding, yes, racial segregation, among others), but also not gone even nowadays, apparently, especially if you look at certain high-profile Western officials publicly speaking how they live, according to their words, in a ‘garden’ of civilisation, and around them is a wild ‘jungle’ (comprising about 85% or so of the planet’s population)… :roll_eyes:

I’m afraid the story is not as simple as you imagine there, either, but you’ve gotta step outside the BBC parallel world to see the picture. Of course, individuals capable of critical thinking and doing their research can do it (check out ol’ Roger Waters, for instance… He’s been singing and talking about these issues for decades), but that’s not the ‘mainstream’ — arguably, self-proclaimed — view you’d generally be presented.

Hypocritical — yes, just like the whole world of double standards, but primarily not for the reasons you mention, I’d argue.

In a world where, for example, instead of the international law (yep, openly neglected and made a mockery of by certain powers that be since 1947, if memory serves, but still — the only one that we have and should have recourse to), the aforementioned ‘rule-based world order’ (rule number one being ‘might makes right’, apparently?) is touted — yes, it seems naive, doesn’t it?

:smirk: That’s probably the same kind of boards that found ‘one of the worst human rights abusers out there’ somewhere (preferably far away, across the ocean and on the other side of the globe) or another straw in their neighbour’s eye, but saw no evil :man_shrugging: in their own house.

Because genocide that’s gone on for a decade with multiple firsthand accounts is “fake” according to those who refuse to open their eyes. Plenty of people said the same thing in the 1940s. Plenty STILL say it now about the Armenian genocide and so many other atrocities. Because it’s easier to turn a blind eye to genocide, ethnic cleansing, etc than to ask the hard questions that come with acknowledging it’s going on and those who have supported and profited from it. Far easier to say the perpetrators of Tiananmen Square and a whole host of other atrocities haven’t been engaging in genocide for over a decade.

Because reasons.

What specifically about genocide is so “roll on the floor laughing?”

It quite literally did: they banned the entire Russian playerbase. Banning an entire group of people due to their birthplace is racist. Full stop.

And guess if you look who is prominently displaying their emblems and paraphernalia. No bans for their country though. In fact, actiblizz did fundraisers. So, actiblizz literally is raising money to support this ideology. Seems to be their business model to support human rights abusers and associate themselves with symbolism that is almost universally regarded as one of the greatest evils of the last century.

I don’t watch the bbc. So you need to get some new talking points. It is however as simple as I said it is. If you’re going to ban an entire country’s playerbase for something their government did, then actiblizz should have stopped sales for the war in iraq, and every single questionable violation of sovereign borders their home country engaged in. But again, it’s far easier to take a moral stand when it hardly impacts the bottom line (racist ban against the Russian playerbase) than it would to make a similar stand for what is happening with the uyghurs or the so called “war on terror.”

It’s like the people who took a stand for civil rights in the usa when it actually put them at risk, vs their politicians who now lie and claim they “stood with the leaders of the civil rights movement” when in fact they were either silent, or were “standing” against them.

are currently running actiblizz. The same ones who prioritize profit above quality customers.

I never claimed to be omniscient and know what’s going on in every corner of the world, but these claims usually come from certain powers… And, first, these powers have a remarkable track record with such claims: all those alleged weapons of mass destruction, chemical weapons, horrible terrorists, et cetera, et cetera, never to be found, but who cares, right? If anything, when you hear them accusing someone of something, they highly likely commited the deed themselves. Second, if you don’t think ‘history is for fools’, check out what these Western powers did in China in the 19th century (the name of those wars, beginning with the letter O, is once again censored by the forum’s filters, by the way — that’s your ‘freedom of speech’; gross insults or slurs are apparently okay, though) — now, that’s a genocide (number of people turned into hopeless addicts by the orders of those colonialists estimated at about 15 million), however, it’s not touted as much as some other tragedies, even with fewer victims (not that it’s about numbers, but still), is it?

Having taking this into consideration, one should think whose side’s version of the story you’d rather believe.

If you believe I’m so ignorant, do me a favour and provide some different source (as opposed to the ‘Silicon Valley’ view of the world) — dunno, an Indian, Brazilian, Chinese, Nigerian, Russian, South Arfican, Egyptian, Argentinian etc respectable newspaper or magazine, for example, or material by a reputable independent journalist like Seymour Hersh or Julian Assange, or whatever with some solid evidence of systematic problems like that (you know, no country in the world is populated by angels, and you’d find all sorts of nasty cases everywhere — doesn’t always mean they are sanctioned or constitute a policy), I’d appreciate it.

That happened almost a quarter of a century ago and, as far as I know, is still mourned as a great national tragedy there — but those holier-than-thou critics still keep bringing it up, since there’s nothing else substantial, is it? As for the number of victims, it doesn’t even remotely compare to those caused by the patented cruise missiles of democracy (‘bonus’ points for depleted uranium shells and those who subsequently died of cancer because of it, let alone the small matter of ecocide) even in absolute numbers, i.e. taking the percentage of the total population — that’s a difference of a few orders of magnitude. In this light, your statement about the ‘worst human rights abusers’ sounds… strange.

You know, if you look at the demographics of those parts and the reproduction rate of its population and certain ethnical groups in particular, many nations would be dying — literally, with something like 1.5 kids per two parents on average (that’s a death knell for a people, a silent genocide of sorts, if you will) — to have this kind of ‘genocide’, essentially disappearing or being replaced by immigrants etc as it stands. On the other hand, the alleged victims of some ‘genocide’ are apparently thriving, judging by those figures, from what I’ve heard.

That’s the one you hear a lot about, as well as Holocaust, for instance. How about some others that you don’t? Like about twenty million of Soviet civilians (that is, without any military casualties) in 1941-1945? That includes all peoples or ethnicities. Have you ever even heard the term ‘Soviet people genocide’? The Belarussian republic, a part of it back then, ravaged especially badly, lost about a quarter of its total population — how about ‘Belarussian genocide’ (including, of course, ethnical Belarussians, Russians, Ukrainians, Jews and all other peoples living there)? No wikipedia article for that? Or about ten million of Polish people?

On the other hand, some others are brandishing this big word, even when it’s essentially a historical hoax, a fake.

Ugh, ‘racist’ is something based on the concept of race. You know, skin tone, features and so on…


I probably understand what you’re trying to say, and I was referring to the general mentality of considering oneselves superior, and others — inferior ‘subhumans’, either, but couldn’t you just choose appropriate and accurate terms?

Well, at least you’re not blind to that, which is refreshing. Discussing it openly in those lands of plenty and free speech is dangerous, though.

Those fundraisers are officially for ordinary people from that country, rather than the regime openly espousing this ideology (and many of those men could be considered victims of that regime, too), although I dunno whether it could be verified or disproved, so they might have at least an excuse in this regard.

Besides, waving those flags, associated with the country that you speak of and its regime, is apparently mainstream where the company’s headquarters are.

You cited their article on the matter previously, if memory serves. Can’t find the topic, though, likely deleted by now.

No matter, other ‘mainstream’ media are no different in that regard.

Aren’t such actions in general, i.e. indiscriminate actions against the whole population of a country, actually against Geneva Conventions or something like it, by the way?

You are literally trying to explain the basics of what hypocrisy is and what double standards are about.

You know, this isn’t an eye-opener to anyone here, either. :grinning:

victims in this case, and a former guard who was brave enough to speak out. Again, just like in the 40s, people have been sounding the alarm on this for some time, but because of the business considerations, no one wants to sever ties or call the regime out on it.

All the whataboutism in the universe doesn’t excuse the fact that literal concentration camps have existed for over a decade, and imagine if back in the 1940s people decided that doing business with the axis was more important that stopping the atrocities going on there. Because that’s what going on now.

The only people who mourn it are the family of the victims, and have to be careful about it, lest they be carted off for crimes against the state.

The regime has never admitted fault for its actions that day. The only “tragedy” is that the government realized it didn’t have enough equipment to deal with protests and made sure after that point that they started issuing more lethal gear to its police forces. And of course playing nice on the world stage to get all that international money. And vice versa.

Two wrongs don’t make a right, but if whataboutism didn’t work for the soviets, it doesn’t wash for this regime either.

So your complaint is they aren’t dying fast enough. I’m sure the regime agrees with yuo.

That only recently was officially acknowledged by the usa (nearly a full century after it’s occurrence. Still officially denied where it took place (and not recognized in many others), in most media in that part of the world, etc. Genocide denial is a real thing. And yes, I’ve heard of the Holodomor and the other genocides. Historical literacy is important, which is why it’s terrifying that not even a full century after the last concentration camps and those horrors, the world decides that making a quick buck is more important.

Apparently, the “Greatest Generation” really earned that moniker at least in one area for having the principles to not sell peoples’ lives and their integrity in that area.

I’m referring to the actual (pre revision to the point it means almost nothing) definition where you discriminate against someone based on where they come from. The “we only serve (race/people group) here.” Or banning an entire group of people from your establishment based on where they are from or you think they are from (“we don’t serve your kind here”). It’s prejudice in its purest (if one could call it that) form. And that’s what took place.

Anyone who made it through primary/grade school would have to pretty oblivious not to recognize that emblem on sight. The strange pretzel logic on how it can be prominently displayed and used by groups and be ok is beyond me. The fact that (as one example) mark hamill recently did a fundraiser where he was showcasing (apparently without realizing that, then playing dumb that he didn’t know what it was about) that very imagery shows how little people know about what is going on.

And here is where I point out how little accounting all the money for this and other money really is. I always encourage people to look into making sure their donations are going to places that have full transparency about how and where their money is spent, that way they know their money is going to the cause they want it to. Plenty of NGOs that take donations spend a ton of it on “administrative costs” which means almost none of it winds up going to the “need” they supposedly are fundraising for. And then there’s the ones that are barely concealed fronts for criminal orgs and worse.

Citing a source does not a subscriber/watcher make.

Aren’t you the one who pointed out the naiveté of expecting people/governments/scummy mega corps to follow the law?

However, I 100% agree.

More accurately, how worthless a so called “principle” is when it costs you nothing. Taking a stand when it has zero risk to yourself means nothing. It’s a feel good dopamine hit. When you take a stand that could impact your bottom line, it means something.

You might be surprised. There are some who literally cannot admit the company is capable of wrongdoing, or even the possibility of it.

And going full circle back to this particular scummy mega corp: this brawl is just one more example among many about how they place profits above integrity.

Scant little, especially in this age where you can’t hide something this big — it’s literally visible.

Besides, with all these fake and staged stories in abundance nowadays, one has gotta be especially sceptical.

Photos? Videos? Burial sites and so on? What’s more, if I remember correctly, the alleged sites of wrongdoings have been visited by journalists multiple times, with no concrete evidence produced.

There’s no need to ‘imagine’ anything — in case you didn’t know, there’s a nice little country called Sweden, a self-styled ‘ethical superpower’, no less, seriously lecturing the world from their morally high horse (yep, lil’ Greta etc), a beacon of greenwash and so-called ‘gender equality’. It did just that, peddling not just about anything, but iron ore, no less — a key military resource to the Third Reich. So much for its proclaimed ‘neutrality’, by the way. Oh, and it also continued to practice forced sterilisation of women with suspected (sometimes wrongly) mental illnesses (!!) — yeah, pause to think about it for a moment — according to its laws (!) until the 80s, if memory serves. All of these are well-known historical facts, you could easily check it.

I remember seeing the statement of some high-profile official or diplomat, and as far as I remember (it’s been a while, though), he said just that in some kind of interview to mass media or the like. Another part of the message was that outsiders’ still poking their noses into that internal tragedy is considered rude and inappropriate by them — so yes, there’s that.

What do you mean, ‘it didn’t work’? Are you saying that arguably the worst offenders in the entire recorded history of humanity (and the root cause of a number of terrorist groups and horrible regimes, by the way, having essentially created or brought them to power) are immune to critique, since the golden shield of ‘whataboutism’ somehow protects them? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They’re multiplying. Faster than some other ethnical groups (majorities, essentially) in China, by the way — that’s what the figures suggest, if I remember correctly. So much for a ‘genocide’.

Not surprising, considering how like 9 out 10 there woulnd’t probably be able to point Armenia on the map even approximately or name its capital city, and most of them cannot even pronounce Armenian surnames (those ending in -ian in particular) properly, despite a prominent and visible diaspora in the USA.

Had they not been courting a few countries in the region — including Armenia, yes — recently in attempts to stir some trouble or plant some more bases, they might not have bothered.


If you remember, Armenia had been a part of the USSR most of that time.

Oh, and the perpetrators have been a core NATO member, by the way.

Any questions left?

Yet another fake, but you’ve heard of it. Such is the power of those oh-so-free mass media, Goebbels would have been proud.

For the ‘powers that be’, as you put it — quite the opposite. Historical illiteracy and their own ‘alternative interpretation’ of it is crucial to ruling and manipulating the masses.

I wouldn’t idealise all of them. Just for a quick example:

If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible…

Harry S. Truman, June 24th, 1941

What ‘revision’? :grinning: I was referring to most litreal meaning, even etymologically.

But I’ve got no desire to argue about words, besides, you’ve made your point quite clear, so fine, I guess we could do without invoking Humpty Dumpty again this time. :grinning:

They see what they want to see… Or what the powers that be want them to see, while turning a completely blind eye to the most blatant atrocities (there are not just symbols and paraphernalia, there are actions by these groups… resulting in graves, among others things — including children) even in plain sight — but ‘mainstream’ media pretend nothing happened and so on… Or they even don’t bother pretending nothing’s going on, but ‘nobody’ bats an eye or says anything publically about it anyway.

For example, there’re some other very democratic states such as Estonia or Latvia (yeah, minor and obscure ones, perhaps, I know, but member of ze European Union nonetheless), where SS ‘veterans’ are officially celebrated as national heroes (!) or an apartheid regime is legally enshrined, there being ‘noncitizens’ as a legal concept (like citizens, except not… and without rights, despite being natives in the country — based on their ethnicity, more or less).

Why, you could even listen to ze Oiropean Union’s top diplomat (!) (not just some marginal freak) a little :man_facepalming: — speaking of racism.

But no, ‘we’ don’t talk about it… Instead, let’s spin some more scaretales about some remote bogeyman — depending on who’s been designated as the ‘bogeyman of the week/month/year’ by your party… Including China, yes, in the US. ‘Ze garden’, on the other hand, is supposedly a bulwark of ‘human rights’, with an exclusive licence to patronise and judge.

PS Why, I could add another recent example. There was a summit of the so-called G7 organisation — in Hiroshima, of all places. A representative of a certain country was pontificating how bad the nuclear threat is and bla-bla. Forgot to mention one little bit, though: which country actually nuked that city, along with Nagasaki, full of civilians at that — ever doing that in history, and thus whence this threat has ever come from (instead, almost sounded like a righteous warning, even, to some ‘evil dictators’ brandishing nukes — right from their ‘concentration camps’ and so on, no less). Not a single lapdog dared to remind, either.

By the way, unlike most of those ‘dictatorships’ etc, this country has never expressed even a hint of remorse or apology for anything. Why, might makes right, and thus glory-glory-hallelujah, right?

I put these words like ‘officially’ (highlighted by you) and ‘excuse’ there for a reason. I’m content that you got the message.

And yet you cited it as though it were a source (a reputable one), which was my point.

And these ones don’t.

In turn, I think you might exaggerate the amount of ‘pro-company white knights’. Yeah, we’ve seen some, but a lot might just not care about it at all.

It’s not like the world is black-and-white (ooh, is that ‘racist’, too? :rofl:), and the logic “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” doesn’t always work. You know, if somebody doesn’t join you on your forum crusade against the evil company (futile as it is, if you ask me), that doesn’t mean they are pro-company.

I’d just reitreate that it’s a bad deal that they offer, despite some murky advertising on their part, which one shouldn’t probably participate in, and that’s it.

Because so many people are staging genocides.*

Behold the pretzel logic of a genocide denier, ladies and gentleman. A simple internet search will net all manner of evidence providing multiple governments denouncing the Uyghur genocide, as well as an independent report by the New Lines Institute outlining how the regime violated and is violating nearly every aspect of the un’s 1948 Genocide Convention, multiple reports by pretty much every major media outlet (those are “fake” too, I suppose to the denier crowd).

*Now, if you want a sick rabbit hole, there’s plenty who make up all manner of genocide denying nonsense, but there’s scant few people doing “genocide crop circles” aside from the odd person who lied about being a genocide survivor, which is a different matter entirely.

I was referring to major allied powers.

It’s pretty straightforward. The term was adopted because people like you deflected from the atrocities of the soviet union by “whatbout”-ing the wrongs of the west. Which, if you had read my earlier posts, I had already brought up (and Holy Light, you quoted from that very paragraph!)- actiblizz’s failure to boycott their home country:

which should have headed off that particular nonsense. But genocide deniers and regime apologists gotta do their thing.

So again, by your sick and twisted logic…they aren’t dying fast enough. Using that goalpost shift, you deny most major genocides of the last few centuries because

Again, ladies and gentleman…the mind of a genocide denier.

it had nothing to do with maps, and more to do with the same cowardice and business/political considerations that are behind denying the uyghur genocide.

Which literally had nothing to do with recognizing the genocide (aside from the aforementioned “money and political ties are worth more than integrity”), but thanks for playing.

See, questions have that little “?” on the end. Notice how what you quoted had none. Thanks for proving most stereotypes about genocide deniers true.

Yikes, the power of historical revisionism is strong. There’s been a LOT of scrubbing of records, etc. But again, a lot of firsthand accounts, records, etc from that period say otherwise. Also, the irony of:

from a genocide denier.

Like whitewashing and outright denying the multiple genocides of the last century. The outright purges of wikipedia about information regarding nearly 100 million people who were murdered under multiple genocides under communism is one example.

Literally spelled out for you, and you even explained that you got it.

I love your assumptions about my affiliations and beliefs. While outright ignoring the decades of atrocities during and after the not so “glorious” revolution. But “sticking peoples’ noses into” another countries business when they murdered millions of people…would probably mean you would have opposed getting involved in WWII?

You know, because the axis was probably just some “boogeyman,” too right?

Because every single argument you’ve made propping up the regime and their atrocities would apply then.

And the scary part is, you don’t even realize it.

…which again, doesn’t mean I watch it. By that logic, does the fact you defend the regime mean you are on the “peoples’” payroll?

I pointed out they exist and what they do. Hardly an exaggeration. Try asking one sometime, especially if the company did something wrong during the workplace harassment situation, and you’ll see that cult like mindset kick in pretty quickly.

In the right situation, that would get you sent to HR, or a tag by the right mod. Welcome to the insanity of the modern system. Real racism is actual prejudice and discrimination based on where someone is from.

No, but the blind “HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE MUH CORPORATE OVERLORDS!” is, combined with outright trolling, harassing, threatening, etc anyone who does the same.

Which brings us back to: heroic brawl is a scam, and players are better off spending their gold elsewhere.

Actually, yes. All those people dangling test tubes with alleged ‘weapons of mass destruction’, white helmets and so on.

There are about two major search engines in the market segment you’re probably in (Google and Bing… There’s also Brave, but it’s quite new; the bulk of others you’d probably use draw results from those big two. Of course, there are also the likes of Yandex or Baidu, but you’re not using them, are you?), and both are operated by the very kind of mega-corps that you ‘love’ so much. What kind of results (referred to as ‘Silicon-Valley worldview’ sometimes) would you expect from them?

‘Mainstream’ media like BBC, CNN or whatever, right?

Definitely not an information bubble and an echo chamber, both of these. :smirk:

Like, a bunch of lapdog vassals of approximately one big guy? :grinning: All of them comprising about 15% of the world’s population in total?

Ooh, Britain was aware of it and even offered them some deals to stop that supply, if memory serves, although it didn’t turn out nice anyway.

:grinning: Meaning, from those that exist in a McCarthyan world and ‘major media outlets’ to some real ones, dwarfing the wrongdoings of others (as said, nobody is perfect, alas)?

And, once again, such measures, i.e. retaliation against entire nations, are actually an inadequate and illegal response.

Nope, I’ve listed a few. And yeah, you can still see their ‘echoes’ from demographics, by the way.

It’s got to do with reasons why it was officially recognised so late. ‘Nothing personal, just business’, as they say.

Indeed. The ‘term’ you cited was coined by roughly the same people that wave ‘interesting’ flags and emblems — and much later than actual historical events, if memory serves.

Debunked that propagandist myth.

By the way, wikipedia appears more… curated than your typical Juche news outlet, but not in the direction implied above. Of course, it’s also visible on controversial topics, but I used to find staggering examples even on seemingly neutral subjects. Some ‘awkward’ events… were never even mentioned — not removed, nothing, just as if they’ve never existed, even if they were common knowledge (back in the day it was, for example, Charlie Chaplin’s expulsion from a certain country in the biography sections of the main article).

Meaning, like, a half to a third of USSR’s total population gone missing, for example — with nobody noticing. :smirk:

By the way, even when that country existed, there were huge rehabilitation programs for repressions victims, meaning the country acknowledging its own wrongdoings (the first step to atonement) and making amends where possible. Same thing about China, by the way.

Could you say the same about certain self-proclaimed moral beacons?

Ugh… The pronoun ‘you’ is used colloquially instead of a more formal ‘one’, you know. That’s it.

About that involvment… It’s not as simple as ‘we supeheroes jumped in and saved the world from evil’. Before the war, you’d be suprised who invested in Wehrmacht’s war machine and industry, for example… I also quoted Truman’s sentiment, shared by some.

By the way, can you name at least one of those concentration camps (Auschwitz, Buchenwald etc) liberated by ‘brave superheroes’ from across the ocean?

Actual direct involvement (as opposed to Lend-Lease… which is, coincidentally, also surprisingly good for supporting domestic industry, by the way — so it’s debatable how much of a ‘good Samaritan’ act it was, although it undoubtedly helped immensely; what did you say about moral stands and what they cost, though?) in Europe happend much later, when the tide of war had already turned and the outome was a matter of time. As for the spoils, though, that’s another matter — I suppose, ‘brave superheroes’ couldn’t have missed such an business opportunity.

One more thing, about horrors, moral values and such: check out what happened to the infamous Unit 731, especially where and how it found sanctuary, instead of sharing the fate of other such criminals like Mengele. Suddenly, the most atrocious war crimes became not so horrible and tolerable, eh?

Many actually saw it as an opportune tool to strike at the dreaded threat of communism, did business with it and sympathised it, even, at some level, especially given how the ideas of their own exceptionalism were popular not only in Germany, but generally in the West at that time (and apparently rekindled nowadays), so those ‘bogeymen’ did nothing wrong from their perspective when it came to racial issues etc. It was a big wakeup call for many of them, though.

You all but call one everyone whose post you don’t like or who doesn’t join your crusade, ardently denouncing the evil company and so on in virtually every their post.

Has it occured to you that some people have better things to do?

:rofl: Yep, replacing ‘blacklists’ by ‘blocklists’ in programming code and other such nonsense is serious business.

Ugh… An easy historical counterexample to this definition: two people from the same country during the apartheid regime, except one of them black, another white, treated much differently — that’s real racism, but not according to your definition.

That’s a repetition. :grinning:

completely different. That’s not a genocide, that’s faking something else entirely. And it that iraq (which (for what, the THIRD TIME!) I’ve already covered, and already pointed out as a major point of hypocrisy for all parties concerned. I’m not sure why you keep tilting at this windmill.

Love how you completely dodged on:

but genocide denier’s gotta deny.

I was going to put this in my last post, but I’ll put it down here now. It wouldn’t matter if

a source you implicitly trusted like

and you’d still find some excuse to pretend it wasn’t real. Because that’s how messed up the mind of a genocide denier is.

Exactly what I said. Nothing dwarfing, just poor deflection by genocide deniers of their day, used again by those of today.

So, WWII was illegal, by your rationale.

When one can literally put a monetary value on the price of the souls of nations.

At least you can admit it. Not every genocide denier can come back from that.

stalin would be proud. Interesting while it was going on, they made it illegal to discuss it, falsified reports, and carried out a now hundred year old campaign to suppress the truth. At laest you can count yourself among the ranks of people such a pulitzer prize winning authors, celebrities, and others who carry water for stalin’s disinformation campaign regarding that genocide.

A couple of isolated payouts does not a “huge program” make.

It was a pittance, but at least the usa paid the Japanese victims of concentration camps. Far more in scale and scope than any victim of a communist regime ever received. Then there’s germany’s restitution program to their victims, which albeit several decades late, still manages to do more than any communist regime ever did for their victims (aside from charging the family for the bullet).

YOUR posts state otherwise, starting roughly with:

And so on. I missed a few, but you get the point. There are times you used it like you describe, but not every use. Many times you use it exactly as a formal you.

I never said it was simple. I pointed out there was a moral component. One facet among many.

Dachau, Flossenbürg, Dora-Mittelbau, Mauthause, and Buchenwald. Not sure if I missed any. Also, I wouldn’t expect a genocide denier to know this, but the soviets liberated Auschwitz.

and that one went right over your head. Based on your posts here, you would have comfortably sat with the non interventionist group that would not wanted to “stick their noses” into something that wasn’t their business in a completely different continent. The scope and nature of lend lease was largely hidden from the public due to the fact that it would have turned the public sour against the administration and the war even more than it already was.

trolls, harasses, and violates coc to distract from legitimate criticisms of the company. The multiple current threads on twist and cot are a prime example where multiple bad faith actors are engaging in this behavior (a frequent habit ignored by the mods, up to and including so called “final warning” violations of the coc). Bullying a poster who states they are the verge of suicide is reprehensible, and only one act of many these posters have engaged in.

And I would point out nearly everyone. The rest I simply call out for their behavior.

Do I really need to parse out that the whites were originally DUTCH, engaging in racist behavior towards the native AFRICANS?!

Oh wait, I forgot I’m having a discussion with a genocide denier.

/picard double panda godzilla facepalm

fact, and the point of this thread. While the vils of genocide denial must be engaged whenever they rear their ugly head, don’t forget that heroic brawl is a scam and your gold is better spent elsewhere.

Ugh, what of it? Even visited their site just for you:

Funding for The New Lines Institute is provided by the Fairfax Educational Foundation, a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit registered in the State of Georgia.

New Lines Institute accepts research grants and charitable donations from U.S. individuals and registered legal entities in support of its research priorities, and only insofar as such support is in compliance with U.S. laws and regulations…

It’s clear whose narrative this one delivers, what makes it so special?

I don’t talk about ‘ifs’, especially your particular assumptions like that. When there’s something substantial — then there’s something to talk about, and that’s it.

And yeah, the point is, although I hinted at it earlier, that it eventually comes down to whom you trust and to what extent in this regard.

Ugh… Are you really that… rigid in your thinking or just pretending? :thinking:

‘You’ is a singular second-person pronoun. It is also used to refer to people in general. Have you got problems with logic or are you trying to exercise in insane trollish one?


Alright, not bad.


While it was going on, many things were ‘illegal’ and could have got one to camps or shot — just so that you get the historical context.

As far as I recall, it’s been studied thoroughly by now.

Weren’t these actual American (US) citizens, by the way?

Besides, exactly as you said, it was a pittance — with no signs of atonement, since it apparently hadn’t precluded them from subsequent atrocities, be it Tuskegee, Guantanamo or whatever. Easier to throw a few bucks, like a bone to dogs, and continue their remorseless course of action, eh?

Still not even an apology for anything, especially outside the country. And ‘heinous criminals’ like private Manning or Assange still behind bars for speaking up about it — while many of those who commited… things still in their positions.

Yeah, almost makes it sound virtuous. :smirk:

By the way, it would have been completely possible to accept the past and move on, live with it… had they not apparently forgotten and been sending tanks etc, adorned with the same symbols, to the same lands nowadays.

That sounds more capitalistic, charging for the bullet. If there is free medicine or high education for everyone, then, I suppose, the bullet is free, too. :grinning:

Both Stalin’s so-called ‘personality cult’ and his repressions were officially condemned by the communist (!) regime, victims were either released or at least had their names cleared (yeah, those noobs couldn’t use a rez spell :slightly_frowning_face:). Same thing with China’s ‘cultural revolution’.

Still waiting for something about that Hiroshima incident (and countless others), though… :thinking:

You know where all of this is coming to? As I’ve already said, and more than once, the world is not black-and-white, and it’s not perfect, to the point where even the notion of ‘lesser evil’ doesn’t look that outlandish at all. Thus, you could even hear some Iraqi Kurds, for example, wishing that Saddam Hussein, whom they hated, of course, were there, since it all got worse after overthrowing the horrible dictator.

One could arms oneself with beautiful slogans and principled stances, of course, but realistically, many people would prefer something imperfect, but able to maintain a more or less decent life for them, to a greater evil — deadly, destructive, remorseless, omnivorous and omnicidal.

The notion of ‘whataboutism’ is a pathetic attempt by the latter to put itself on the same level as lesser evils, so to speak.

Well, if it involved not funding the military machine (even turning a blind eye to the Treaty of Versailles, forbidding that kind of weapon production) in the first place — then yes, it shouldn’t have happened.

Besides, the country in question had a different track record then, compared to the present day. Its intervention anywhere nowadays, especially given that it’s usually unsanctioned, looks like Hitler stepping in as a human rights advocate, more or less.

How about those born in the country?

You could even continue this line of reasoning and ask, what are the majority of people in countries like Australia or USA, where are they originally from? Or a black guy born and raised in Finland, if you will?

This is exactly why the ‘from’ logic doesn’t work there.

Yep, indeed.

You raised the question — I haven’t come to hijack your thread with it, if you haven’t noticed, merely replying to you here. I’ve already made my point about the subject, too.

The fact that a literal independent agency spells out in great detail how the regime you’re carrying water for violated just about every part of the un’s 1948 Genocide Convention.

that they follow the laws of the country they operate in, and take money to keep the lights on. In other news, water is wet.

I’ll note you aren’t denying it. The pretzel logic of a genocide denier continues.

pointing out your nonsensical contradiction on:

says the genocide denier (whose actual “rebuttals” are “nuh us” and similar vapor) who thinks millions of people being murdered is “roll on the floor laughing” and spams emojis like it’s a twitter post.

I know the historical context, clearly someone who thinks millions of people starving to death is hilarious needs to study more.

Which is why it’s been denounced as genocide by so many except crackpots, the country who carried it out, and people who deny historical fact.

From the guy who literally complains about lack of logic and trolling. Literally quotes the SEVERAL DECADES LATE part.

And the victims of Nanking won’t get acknowledgement (at least not the kind that would be right at home in actblizz) before the heat death of the universe. No world leaders make yearly pilgrimages there for them, the victims of Bataan, and so on. If you expect me to let you pull this thread even more off topic, you’ll be disappointed.

And once again, the whataboutism game doesn’t change the fact that I’ve MULTIPLE times already denounced the hypocrisy of the iraq war, non axis camps, etc.

But for all of your jumping all over the place, none of it changes the fact you still carry water for mass murderers and are an unapologetic genocide denier.

the “pathetic” attempt to deflect from one’s own sins by trying to shift attention to someone else’s. Like a bad magic act.

Apparently, I really did need to point that out. And it still went over your head.

Well, at least I got you to agree how silly your position was on one point. Small steps and all that.

No question was raised. It was a statement: questions have “?” And yes, you have…with your genocide denier’s manifesto.

Not many people will take a one sentence statement regarding actblizz’s support of authoritarian regimes and use it as a jumping off point to engage in their personal platform for genocide denial, but you apparently saw it as a personal challenge (that no one made) and decided to make views known that no one asked for. If there was an “award” for that, I guess you “won” it.

Still doesn’t change that actiblizz is a scummy company with a scam casino mode and the gold is better spent elsewhere.

is only game
why you heff to be mad

to quote a meme without the appropriate gif to go with it

Because… is Bobold way? :grinning:

With the unfathomable power of a serch engine, here you are:


PS That’s probably a racist spelling, by the way. :grinning: :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl:

In the middle of a big concentration camp prison of peoples… :rofl:

:rofl: But if another company is doing just the same, they’re are a ‘scummy mega corp’ colluding with ‘one of the worst human rights abusers out there’ just for that. Alright, noted.

Alright, maybe I should leave it there… Or not. :grinning:

And yet some others are supposed to C’thun themselves and atone eternally for things, including fakes that probably never happened, ‘because whataboutism’. :smirk:

How about your views on various regimes and so on, starting this pointless discussion? :grinning: Or was it supposed to be your exclusive tribune, not intended for comments or replies? Okay, sorry for this inappropriate intrusion. :grinning:

Only in this day and age is stating facts “mad.”

Now to turn this logic on its head: reply without proving you’re mad. It’s a silly game that is entirely subjective that no matter what you say the other party will always reply “lOoK hOw MaD yOu ArE!”

Are we talking the illegal casino game, the workplace harassment situation (complete with straight line campaign contributions to the governor who fired the prosecutor overseeing the case), illegally retaliating against whistleblowers, or one of any other number of places where they broke the law?

Probably not, because why not add “scummy mega corp apologist” to genocide denier.

I never understood the need to so ardently defend companies who only see you as a wallet to be bled dry who literally care nothing about you the minute you’re done conducting business with them. All the flowery language they use claiming they care about you and other people are just PR spin designed to make you think they care. Decades of action prove they don’t.

And I find it interesting how you compare an independent agency (the one thing you asked for earlier) who lays out how the regime you keep carrying water for violated the un’s 1948 Genocide Convention to a scummy mega corp with a track record of breaking the law to abuse its own employees for years.

Including hiroshima, nearly a century on…and awhole host of other centuries old occurrences that were rectified, when there are much more recent issues still left unresolved. Ruh roh, your fallacies pointed right back at you!

A shift to “probably!” For a genocide denier, that’s progress!

But still, doesn’t change the fact that for a good number of these atrocities, there has never been any “atonement,” let alone a simple act of acknowledgement.

A one sentence mention that actiblizz supported one of the worst human rights abusers out there…prompted your genocide denier’s manifesto.

One sentence<manifesto.

A bit like I originally hoped to make the number of players scammed by the heroic brawl less than the last ones, but keep dealing with a genocide denier’s hijacking of the thread.

Remember folks, your gold is better spent elsewhere!

Listen, I don’t love Blizzard or anything. They’re a grimy gaming company like anything else.

But. Like. Is this not kinda just a waste of time? Like it’s a game for crying out loud. Some of you are acting like you’re just a few steps away from atticus finching the stuffing out of Blizzard or something. Chill out.

Not any more than this was.

Unlike certain posters on these forums (who get a free pass from the mods to do so for some time now), I have not made any threats here, nor do I condone the violating of the coc on these forums.

There’s a big difference between highlighting the company’s misdeeds, from taking blood money from one of the worst human rights abusers out there and refusing to denounce genocide (at the worst end), to somewhere above their more standard mega corp scumminess of scamming their player base by running an illegal casino mode and scamming their playerbase out of gold better spent elsewhere.

Didn’t wanna resort to the infamous ‘highly likely’, but yeah, that’s how you could read it — in the original meaning, that is, not the “we’re gonna make big claims with zero proof and some ‘highly likely’ statements instead”. :stuck_out_tongue:

I could also find it interesting how you advocate yet another propaganda mouthpiece for the worst regime in the planet’s recorded history, spreading fake news and slander about others, while berating just a game company as a terrible, existential evil. :grinning:

One sentence, you wish. :grinning: I’ve not forgotten your crusade and ‘political’ manifestations, flooding entire topics — including this one, by the way, no need to go far for examples — with this nonsense.

Nah, mon, gotta campaign until the bitter end, Greta Thunberg style: ‘Stop swallowing swallowtails because of their tails!’ :crazy_face: Yep, another one for the collection.

The difference between “muh zero proof” and real proof is how flat earthers ignore all manner of actual evidence the earth is round because it’s inconvenient to their narrative…like genocide deniers. Maybe your two groups share convention hall space or something.

Please feel free to quote where I posted anything from the axis, communists regimes, or ancient rome…or admit you’re being dishonest again.

That moment when you shift your own goalposts:

From the guy who has literally spammed his genocide denier’s manifesto this entire thread.

And yet another cross linking post that you’re here only because you think it’s unmoderated. Which naturally the mods will ignore.

All to distract from the fact that heroic brawl is a scam and the gold is better spent elsewhere.