Heroic brawl- cheaper to buy packs outright

Title. This mode should be discontinued. PSA if you’re a new player. Or save your gold for the miniset coming soon.


That brawl is only for good players … or people who really want to do it.

Blizzard was so good to put a special quest to get the normal brawl pack from outside the brawl , what can we ask more :slight_smile:


That they stop doing an illegal casino game in hearthstone (complete with real money entry fee), multiple times a year for starters.


There’s no casino in here mate

You pay for a privilege in-game : an gold-free entry in the brawl
end of transaction
What remains after that is you playing the game

Here you pay to play the game, you do not play with money for money

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If not gold, then what are you paying with:

runestones, which cost real money. It’s just another form of casino chips.

As much as they try and obfuscate it, it’s a casino mode. And casino games, not advertised as such, in most locales are illegal. Especially when targeted at the under 18 crowd.

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what is gambling and what is not is more complicated of what you say.

Someone consider gambling the pack opening too but so should be the physic pack no one thinks it is.
The claw/crane machines for kids should be considered gambling too but they are allowed in multiple countries , and they don’t even involve skill because is just chance manually programmed by the vendor.

This brawl is mostly owning cards and skill , so if they stop the brawl what about paid arena runs that you draft by chance ??

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Everyone should get one free try. Them they would see what the mode is before spending gold.

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And what would they see ?
Chose your deck
Play against players that also chose their deck
lose 3 or win 12

Exactly what is advertised when you open the brawl

Worse : if every one has a free try, every player with a bad deck will enter
leading all bad players (understand players with bad decks) to think that this mode has something for them
But once bad players have used their free tries, only the tryharder are actively playing the mode
Your bad players think they have a chance and will actually buy entries and get oblitareted by tryhard players

Read again, I didn’t say “tou do not pay with money”
I said “you do not pLay with money”

In a casino you pay money, to play money, to gain money, to redeem money
here you pay money, to play a time-limited game mode, to gain virtual rewards that depends on your results
The financial aspect of this stops at step 1
you purchased an entry to a game mode, which is also obtainable for free (which is very important regarding the laws of several countries)

You are not gambling with your money, you can’t compare that with a casino. At best you can compare that with any paid attraction in a faire that can reward you something

Are you claiming that stands where you pay idk 5 bucks to pop balloons with an air soft gun to maybe get a plush are illegal ?
Because this tavern brawl, just like arena or heroic duels are the same thing


It has already been said, but gambling has no legal definition, it really depends from the country. Many countries haven’t statused about that. That’s why the debate is sterile here, as long as there is no international agreement regarding the subject of loot boxes.

When you buy a ticket for the brawl you can either spend real money or runestones. Runestones is a legal trick: you pay for a certain amount of runestones, this is not random, so not considered as gambling. You pay real money, you get virtual money with no surprises. And then you can do whatever you want with the runestones. No legal issues.

If you buy a ticket with real money, regardless of the collection or the skill, the rewards are random anyway, you don’t know what you will get in the end. And it doesn’t matter if the gain is money or not. If the law of your country says that gambling is paying money to gain something/anything, well that’s it. It becomes illegal.

If there are any Belgian reading this, I’m curious: do you have the right to purchase tickets for the coliseum/arena/heroic duels or is it forbidden like the purchase of packs with real money?

The existence of runestones is the most obvious evidence that there are major flaws in international laws. And the 1st ones that are screwed are young people (and their families)

Side note: I’ve answered a survey a few days/weeks ago, maybe you also did.

Many of the questions concerned the virtual cost in Hearthstone:
How much gold for how much dust?
Do you prefer: golden legendary, 1000 gold, 2000 dust?
I don’t remember the questions exactly but you get the idea

The survey was quite long comparing to the previous ones. And the questions were all about virtual “market” (gold/dust/cards…)

There were also questions regarding a paid subscription…

Wait and see…


The reason why most things like this [loot boxes, casino-like features] do not get treated as ‘gambling’ is bc, while someone pointed out there’s no real set definition of gambling, lobbyists tend to focus on games upon which there is a chance you gain nothing. In the case of all loot boxes, pack openings, or heroic brawls, you always get something. Therefore, the practice is not as heavily opposed.

That’s a very deceptive and misleading statement.

Even if you are very good, it’s highly likely still a bad deal for you.

The subject has been discussed many times, no need to repeat it all, one could, for example, watch some of the reviews here with a detailed analysis, corroborated by numbers:


It’s not like I’m endorsing this particular blogger or something, but I acknowledge this kind of good work on the subject and would recommend it.

Dunno if that’s an accurate definition, but regardless, this ‘heroic tavern brawl’ is just a bad deal, and that’s it — you’ve got a point here.

So, I’m addressing everyone: please, don’t play in it. Check out some videos I linked above to see why, if you want to, or ‘do the maths’ yourself — once again, I really don’t feel like repeating it.

think you missed an important bit of his post
“you do not play with money for money

is really hard to get even in this mode im surprised they havent increased the rewards a bit people been complaining about brawliseum rewards since the first one

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For the first part:



: the practice or activity of betting : the practice of risking money or other stakes in a game or bet

htt ps://www.merriam -webster.com/dictionary/gambling

It’s not that complicated, actiblizz is just playing a variation of what ea and other companies have tried getting away with, but this is way more overt and scammy…with an outright casino mode.

They used to. Then the company got even more greedy.

I did read it, you posted it right there:

None of us “says” anything here. It’s a text based forum.

Funny, you said the opposite a paragraph above:

No, the rationalization is jut faulty. It’s like trying to say “no one is really playing for money at a casino, it’s just chips.”

Plus, I would hope one of the pro company posters isn’t trying to say that packs don’t have monetary value. If that’s the case, why have they been charging for them all these years?!

Just like with lootboxes, it’s gambling targeting at the under 18 crowd, which is why a lot of countries have started cracking down on them. And this illegal casino mode is no different.

hence the reason it has been called a scam for years, and people are regularly warned to just buy packs for gold.

I thought we were not saying anything :thinking:

Please quote the moment I wrote you were gambling at any point, because I didn’t

You are just outright trolling I’ll just ignore you

Those who can’t argue substance, argue form. I realize I should have added an emote (or tag) when I posted my original “says” comment, since sarcasm is lost on some people.

I’ll post the whole context (even though the little down arrow in the quote pulls that up):

I pointed out the contradiction with your comments beloew

empasis added.

“facts I can’t refute” = trolling. Another tired line of the actiblizz defense force. All to distract from their illegal casino mode that is an outright scam, and that players are better off spending their gold elsewhere!

Really? You want to go this idiotic route? Are you twelve or what? Oh yes, it was “sarcasm” right?

you keep repeating is agaisnt a law …but i think that law only exists in your imagination because no proof of it so far

Nice off topic post. Note for those paying attention it was addressed already. Also note a low post count account showing up just to flame on a thread pointing out the company once again. Also note how once again a certain subset of posters is coming out of the woodwork to distract from the fact that at best, the company is scamming people out of gold and at worst is operating an illegal casino mode.

But as always, they at least keep the topic bumped. So they at least contribute one postive to threads highlighting the company’s wrongdoing.

please post a direct link to actiblizz’s license to operate an online casino. We’ll wait.

Operating a casino without a license is illegal just about everywhere (I’m sure there’s a couple countries where it’s not so good on you), because the government wants their cut, and all the money they get from the regular inspections, etc.

But I think compliance with the law where this company is concerned is something that exists only in the imagination of certain people, because every time it comes up the actiblizz defense force can never admit the company is in the wrong. Even when the have been found to have broken the law (like the workplace harassment incidents).

The second part is a separate issue, but anyway: if the company in question operated in a world founded on law, rather than the so-called ‘rule-based world order’ (guess who sets the ‘rules’ in an ad hoc fashion and in their own interest each time), then I’d understand you complaints about it, but otherwise it’s a bit strange, if not naive. By the way, they don’t operate in China, Russia, Belarus etc, so I guess the rule of law might not be very suitable for their business model or beneficial to it after all.