Good morning, I need help with HEARTHSTONE. Since friday, nowhere Hearthstone stop working. When I launch Hearthstone, it will says “You were disconnected from Blizzard services”. I did everything according to your instructions to fix it but it didn´t help. But i have the same problem on my mobile data, I can do it, but when I´m connected on my Wifi or any other, it still says “You were disconnected from Blizzard Services”. And while all the other games are going well, only Hearthstone not.
And next problem is this connecting…on battlenet…
Hey, drtichk! Thanks for reporting this over to us. I see the wired and wireless attempts where the disconnections occurred, but none on the cellar data.
I wanted to bring this up in case it was the same issue since it appears that you’re in the European region. Since the cellular data is working, this seems to suggest there being a connection routing issue to or from the game servers. We’re seeing reports on disconnection or overall connection issues from Czechia, Turkey, and Poland. Here’s where we’re gathering information:
Strange, I have been experiencing the same thing over and over lately. At first I thought it was the age of my computer plus OS. But on my brand new $1000 laptop running windows 10 pro, it did the same thing, a complete disconnect from the game like some DDS Attack.
I already sended this to Support, but its still dont working … si I dont know what to do, my comunity on Twitch are more from Hearthstone and I playing tournaments in this game, so want to do some with this problem.