"Game completed and recorded"

Thank you for your reports, everyone! We’re gathering information and reports on this issue to find if there’s any common issue that we can pinpoint. The reports so far are very consistent with Europe. I’m seeing reports from Czechia, Turkey, and Poland so far.

Are you all also experiencing issues with the Blizzard Application? If you’re on Windows, would you be able to provide a WinMTR test running the test for 5 to 10 minutes? For MacOS, please run a 5 minute pathping test. Copy and paste the text file created and paste it between two ~~~ like so:

Connection Test Here

There’s no official mobile connection test that we support, but hopefully there’s enough Windows and MacOS users here to help with gathering data. It does seem that some folks were able to find workarounds like using an alternative connection.

I greatly appreciate any information that you are able to share with us, including the tests, and I hope that we’ll have enough information to find out where the exact issue is :slight_smile: Thanks, again!