Hearthstone wishlist 2020 edition

Wild format - reduce crafting cost for wild cards to be the same as disenchant reward.

This should create a lot of interest in wild as players could literally craft any deck they wanted.

Maybe make this a limited time event (6 months or so)


  1. close Pandora’s box already, ditch the demon hunter, scrub all memory of it from the game. Even after 4 rounds of nerfs it’s still negatively affecting some aspects of the game and that’s assuming that this last need finally gets them in check.

Let’s just be done with this failed experiment and work on the other aspects of the game that have been ignored for so long already.

  1. Deck Recipes - let us save partial or complete decks in short form, and import/export from our active decks list.

Good examples for this would be Libram paladin, almost any galakrond deck, etc.

Like, let’s say I want to experiment with libram paladin, but I have a deck I’m quite happy with.

I choose new deck, class, from drop down menu ‘import’, select {base libram package} and build the deck out from there.

Obviously there would need to be a recipe manager page to go along with it.

Ideally it would be linked with say, HSReplay or some blizzard hosting site that allows you to import decks others have shared online.

The primary issue here being the mobile client doesn’t like being in the background, so importing from the client instead of copy/paste from a site should provide a much better experience.

  1. improved social aspects. Guilds, voluntary voice comms, better in game messaging ui, tournament creation/hosting, etc.

  2. daily quests are dumb. Just give us 30 gold for the first 2 wins per day, or scrap the entire concept and change the gold per win amount. The current set of quests is absurdly easy to complete and just feels silly to even do

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Custom game modes!!!


1.-That wouldn’t interest me in the mess that it’s wild but good idea for new players in the format.

1.-Really at this point I don’t care, the class will evolve and keep being played :man_shrugging:
2.-Sounds overly complicated in the particular example you put what stops you from just typing “libram” in the search engine?
3.- What would guilds bring to the table? I have read that petition years ago but I still don’t grasp the full functionallity or concept I mean you can form a pro team if you want to compete in tournament with someone besides you an tournament mode is still a meme in the making that probably will fail beacuse it will try to please many just like the new class failed.
4.- This I don’t get you want easy gold acces but basically with a “you are cool or awsome tag” followed by a pat in the back? messing with in game economy can lead to an early death of the game.

You didn’t have to disguise a thread just to voice your hate for demon hunter.


My wish list (for wild):

Buff cards which never see play ever so slightly, especially trashy legendaries that no one plays. Blizz has the stats.

Have turn timers speed up every turn after roping. Blizz can easily detect deliberate roping vs thinking based on mana left vs amount of cards left.

Encourage playing for fun and not just to win - reward time played and not based on wins (credit goes to healbot for this suggestion)

Create a game mode that doesn’t permit rng cards (should be easy to implement)

Don’t give back the other copy of a card upon mulligan.

For cards:
Allow upgrading to golden cards by paying the difference in dust directly

Allow trading, with a significant yet reasonable payment made to Blizz to avoid abuse (such as lots of people creating accounts to get free cards).

Reduce the pity timer, but increase the minimum packs that we could get legendary consecutively to prevent extreme swings in luck.

Conduct a once in a lifetime reward of a legendary wildcard to all players (just give a golden legendary that people can disenchant for craft any legendary of their choice).

Give a ten minutes buyers remorse rule to allow disenchanting a card just crafted for full dust.

Allow playing with friends to count towards gold. My friends list is expanding and it’s enjoyable playing and chatting with them. To prevent abuse, make it such that conceding upfront don’t count. You have to bring the opponent life to certain amount, or must have certain number of cards played or whatever.

See opponent rank when not legend. Why not team5?


This is a thing that i would like to see as well! If in wild there are infinite possible decks, why is the top tier the same secret mage? (it’s just an example, i know that it’s cheap and fast, but it’s just to point out that almost nobody try to use bad legendaries because some are really unplayable, maybe they were never played)
Wild has a lot of potential, making it stale it’s not a good thing; some legendaries are embarassing: flame leviathan is the first that comes to my mind, maybe it’s even worse than shifting zerus.

i’m not sure about this, i am scared of bugs or exploit in nozdormu style.


this won’t be healthy and correct: imagine hard mulligan to find keleseth; with this change it would become easier.

do you mean 5 dust commons, 20 dust rare, 100 epic, 400 legendary? It would be too cheap and easy to get a lot of wild cards. I prefer to see more way to get wild cards while playing the game itself

So is Shaman banned from the non RNG mode based on the Hero Power? Or do they use a Hero Power from Dalaran Heist?

I don’t think you have thought this through enough. There’s way too many RNG effects in the game. Let’s look at a few:
Discover, Joust, Evolve, Recruit, and other similar mechanics;
Ragnaros/Sylvanas and any other similar effects;
Implosion, Crackle, and other similar effects;
Lackeys, Blink Fox, Archvillian Rafaam, Mass Ressurect, and other similar effects;
Val’Anyr, Don Hancho, and other similar effects;
Corsair Cache, Witchwood Piper, Sense Demons, and other similar effects;
Shudderwock, Yogg, Hadronox, and other similar effects;

I wish that the matching and draw engine wasn’t a piece of weighted trash.

I wish for a rework of Millhouse as I have a golden copy of it. Same for Gruul…


Buff angry chicken! :chicken:

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Show opponent’s rank. Kill the floors in ranked play. Set a hard limit on the number of players who can be in Legend each month, which may vary from month to month.

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Card voting:

Players can now “vote” on cards, which requires minimum level 40 in that card’s class (combined level of 200 to vote on neutrals).

The first thing you can vote on is whether you like the card, or dislike the card.

The second thing you can vote on is whether the card should be made more powerful, or nerfed.

Every couple months, the cards that gather the most attention are buffed and nerfed. This is not strictly a popularity contest - cards with a lot of buff requests are considered, but so are those with a high proportion of buff-to-nerf votes. Blizzard may also choose to ignore the buff/nerf votes at their discretion, but the votes are public, so we can see what the players want most.

All players have the same number of like/dislike votes per month, but buff/nerf votes are tied to total class levels, capped at 600, which is level 60 in all classes.

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To be honest, I didn’t think through much at all. It’s just a wish list and I didn’t really consider the practicality. I just wanted a mode where RNG is reduced to a minimum. If shaman is not allowed in that mode, so be it. Of course Blizz won’t implement it given how much they like RNG, so it’s just my wish list, nothing more.

It’s still in my list nevertheless. Would like a game of HS chess for once.


Ok I see your point on hard mulligan. I take back that wish list item. It’s just a little annoying to get back the copy of card after you mulligan it. But you are right that legendaries would come back more often.

On the roping, I’m saying if one is thinking, then it won’t affect rope timer. But if you’ve run out of mana and decided to rope till the end, every turn, then Blizz should detect this and reduce the timer for that player the following turn. So for genuine players who need to think, it won’t be affected.

Btw, also credit to someone else, I like the idea of discover mechanics if you open a legendary in packs.

And that would be doable with something like custom game modes. You could decide on what cards you want to be banned for example. Now of course not everyone can have their exact perfect game mode as you need others to play with but if people come together in groups like “guilds” then that could work. So such a better social feature than just the friends list we currently have probably should go along with that or even come first. But in theory something like custom game modes could be implemented relatively easy and provide games that are more to the preference of players. It’s better for everyone!

I think you underestimate the ease of implementing an open code mode on a 6 year old game as well as the ease of creating custom formats.

It’s relatively easy if the game is designed from the ground up with such a mode, like Starcraft. And even in the Starcraft map editor it’s semi professional coders doing the decent games.

In theory you would be able to create your own PvE, alternate versions of Battlegrounds, Arena, Tavern Brawls, your own custom expansions with your own keywords, your own balance changes, and even all new games like Hearthstone monopoly.

I would like the heroes I missed to be purchasable again.

Gameplay wise not sure, I’m having quite a blast lately. Maybe a win condition card for Shaman since my control deck kinda lacks one.

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Agree. Just a mode where players can decide what cards to ban as a social game.

That of course would be even more awesome. I just thought of more simple changes like choosing what cards are allowed and even nerfing/buffing cards I think could be done as long as it’s some simple number change on mana/attack/health/damage. And of course what I’m very excited about would be access to crazy cards like from the adventures like the passive Wondrous Wisdomball from Dalaran Heist. It’s just a card in your deck so that’s super easy to do. And also adjusting starting health/mana, allowed deck size and allowed cards and number of copies should also be just simple number changes. But of course I don’t know the exact inner workings of the game. But to me that seems relatively easy to implement if they would want that. Which is of course the big problem. I would be willing to pay like 9.99 each month for something like that but if you restrict it too much it might not get anywhere. It’s complicated, I understand. For now I guess it’s just my dream.