Hearthstone = Whaling. I've saved 2 grand since quitting

I put about 4000aud into hearthstone over 5 years and quit just after the barons expansion. What I noticed that made me quit was the intentional design of making you pay for essential limited content. Cards received go in 3 categories.

  1. Hyper specific playstyle themed around the current expansion. Which will be nerfed and out of date within 6 months
  2. Standard consistent play decks that use 1-3 new cards that will have a +1 stat over an older card.
  3. Badly designed trash cards only good for dust.
    Because of the focus on printing new cards over balancing existing ones, there is just a constant loss of value as expansion themed decks lose support, existing cards are powercrept, while most cards are just useless deck filler.
    In order to have several viable decks at the start of each expansion you need to invest at least $150 bucks per expansion… plus the mini sets. and even with all that greed blizzard have still added battlepass, fleshed out shop, selling gold card directly… it’s all just a blatant whaling operation.

I’m personally so glad I quit, sure I don’t have any decent card game to play but now i’ve got a room filled with lego I can resell for profit as apposed to paying 4 grand for a collection that is technically worth a few hundred at most.

I wonder how other people can still justify this when it is such bad value, so bad for your time and mental health. Why are you still here I’m wondering?


Why are you here?


Doing weekly, and daily quests gain enough gold to buy mini sets+50 packs. This is enough to have some decent competitive decks. Do you want always to get all tier one decks?

I love how certain folks can’t even answer the op’s question.

Like szo, managing to balance the grind without going into it’s a job (which the devs make harder each release), keeps it interesting.


And before anyone believes any propaganda line about the game being the best it’s ever been, remember this: even the company is admitting to flooding the game with their own bots. Which they’ve “had to do” (another propaganda line) because of the sheer number of players they have driven from the game.


150 each expansion?

why ?
with 60$ a year(or less after getting one pre order in 2021 i played through 2022 without spending and had several viable decks ) the rest of the cards can be obtained with gold or dust from refunds

im guessing you spent most of yourmoney in cosmetics basiaclly you spent that much by choice

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Still here because I didn’t waste my money in the game :man_shrugging:
I play since 2015 I think
3 Years of (equivalent to) college during which I had a lot of freetime and played the game for free (Bought a 5 bucks newcommer good deal at the time)
When I started working 5 years ago I bought 3 expansion pre-release packs, maybe 2 tavern pass after that and that’s it
Now I basically play what I want when I want and I sit on 30k unspent dust
.+ Since I have a lot of dust I don’t disenchant my copies and golden anymore, I just let them stack so I hit the jackpot when a card I have multiple copies of gets nerfed
I may have spent 10% of what you spent in almost half the time and have no need of spending any more. All I’ve been doing for the past 6 years is playing 2-3 times a week to do my quests so I haven’t even been farming the game
I don’t understand how you can spend that much money in the game and think the issue comes from the game


I miss heartstone but I can’t justify the financial or time cost blizzard puts people through. It also felt like sunk cost fallacy kept me playing those last 2 years. I just wonder where other peoples minds are at with this stuff… Its like going to AA.
-in response to Boreas
I’d argue $150 gets you only about 80% of the content every expansion… its certainly not about cosmetics, I bought the pre-orders because they were simply the best value.

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Implying people didn’t spend money by choice. Did you just admit the company is forcing people against their will to spend money through illegal means?!


OP is lying you dont need 150$ each expansion
to build several viable decks

he chooses to spend more than needed

im pretty sure hes lying about getting less than80% of the cards with 150$ too because you get over 60% of the cards just by getting all the commons and rares thx to duplicate protection(whic you get by opening around 60-64 packs )

and with 150$ you can get both pre orders and more

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*you are lying, again

corrected, since you seem extra glitchy lately. Did they fire your debugger or something?

Nice dodge on your admission that th company is forcing people to spend through illegal means:


not forcing at all

ive been checking old collection and i have severals i didnt get the pre order with 14 cards or less with 1 single pre order + gold you should have around 90%
unless he never spends any gold(and keeps all nerfed cards)

im here cause its something
i never spent a penny on pretend cards that are worthless
my opion is this is a business and you fell for their snake oil
instead of proudly buying leggos buy a car or save for future
ven legos are a waste especially if you open and build

I’m not lying, for the first 3 years I only collected 5 of the 8 classes, using the dust from other classes. I then switched to trying to make whatever viable decks I could but generally missed out on about 30% of decks due to a missing legendary or pair of epics. This is included dusting older outclassed cards. Sure I could have been more optimal or lucky. but $150 will never get you all the content per expansion.


you don need the entire expansion…there are many cards on each expansion which dont see play for example does any DH runs instrument smasher ?

never seen a rin the orchestator of doom on any warlock list

With F2P gold and free packs, 1 Mega Bundle and Tavern Pass, is enough to get 95% of cards for an expansion these days (with some crafting). I just miss a few legendaries each expansion.

Personally I don’t have to have ALL of the cards. I just like building something competitive. No one likes getting smashed 80-90% of the time so if I can build something that can get me at least 60% W/L I’m gravy.


If you are free to play and focus on one class you can easily get all the cards from an expansion (for one class or two) just by doing this.

I’ve been a whale for a while (I own 83 percent of the cards!). I’ve been spending less and less though. I need to see that the developers care for the game before I. Right now I don’t feel that as much.

the other funny part is because when the actiblizz defense force used this line elsewhere, they swore up and down that getting a full set was possible with this much money spent. Even when it was pointed out this was literally impossible.

so, once again you are being dishonest by talking out both sides.

You’ve been trolled, it’s not worth getting sucked into a debate with a bot who called you a liar right out the gate because reasons. This literally happens to pretty much every poster, new or otherwise who calls out the emperor’s new clothes here.

But they still can’t explain how if the game is the best its ever been, why the company needs to flood the game with its own bots to make up for all the players they have driven away.

Advertised as such, but that ship sailed a long time ago.

It’s a lot closer to this, RNG permitting.


I’m here because I’m having fun.

To me, that’s money well spent.


Really good points. Any reasonable/non addicted person wouldn’t fund this game, and the f2p tradeoff of having to grind gold and battlepass and maintain a full collection has never been healthy or fun. Sure you could on f2p pull everything into a couple of winning decks… which is also the least interesting and fun way to play HS. More bot accounts also mean more generic decks.

Your point the only majority of people still using the forums are fine with all of acti-blizzards bad behaviour… the sexist culture, the monetisation push, the shallow but addictive design. Anyone who is against those things are an outlier at this point… Why am I here? someone asked. Implying this is a forum for people who don’t care about those things… and people like me and bobafett are just sitting on the edge hoping just HOPING for some kinda of positive backlash… or better put… watching the corpse of a dead friend hoping they’ll spring back to life.