Hearthstone = Whaling. I've saved 2 grand since quitting

I think it’s strange that people act like they’re being forced to spend money on things they don’t have to spend money on.


so you invested that 2k and now its gaining interest now right?


Depends on the lego set. For example I bought 2018 ninjago city set for $600 in 2020 and is now sitting at an average price of $1000 on bricklink. Other sets I bought too early and have lost value. Many people have jumped on the bandwagon recently so I doubt well see massive returns like people who bought modulars in 2010.

people expecting quality from a supposed AAA game studio is somehow a strange and alien concept.

Like asking a vegan to eat steak or something.


Funny, but ouch.

Real items will always have value. Depends on what someone is willing to pay, but it has some value nonetheless.

I saw hearthstone and all online card games as a kiddie version of nfts. Expect they lose value the minute you buy them. Except for the scummy mega corps, who are just trying to get more kids hooked on the endless cycle of “BUY, TOSS, UPGRADE, REPEAT!” (or as it was known in other markets “ALL YOU NEED IS STUFF!”)

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I myself am about to save $80 this upcoming expansion. I admittedly was suckered into buying the last one because it was Titans and I essentially still had some hooks (mainly hope I suppose) we might see a better game (Constructed). I played a handful of games and was immediately disappointed in myself.

I will not be buying this upcoming expansion. Thankfully, it doesn’t have a lot of WOW factor going for it. I still hope it’s a step in the right direction for the game. Maybe come rotation and the following expansion we’ll see even better, less power crept garbo, but I’ll be out for a bit until we get to a good point. At least for me.

I strictly play BGs right now, which I’m also on break from given its state, too. I sure do hope this game gets better, but I can’t give Blizz anymore money or my playtime until it’s better. For now, I watch my favorite streamers play this game.

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In a sense they are forced by themselves. We respond and are vulnerable to psychology and gambling tactics, unfortunately. Especially children

God I wish you were talking about baldurs gate. ffs play other games!

This is why lootboxes were being cracked down on, and more than likely a lot of this loot box adjacent activity will be as well.

Scummy mega corps just don’t know when to stop doing scummy thing to/with/and around kids.

Naturally, because politicians are as bad if not worse…getting traction on these issues is glacially slow.

Hearthstone is a mainly adult playerbase… that might be because the costs are so restrictive for kids. I remember back in the day I’d get like $20 to buy a video game and ended up with games like fallout and total annihilation. These days kids will just put it towards a fortnite skin or something in roblox because they wanna show off to friends. That kinda addictive showoff mentality wasn’t a thing until I played world of warcraft in 2004… Idunno what my point is but i think the “fomo” generators are just as descructive as lootbox mechanics.

Exactly. It’s a combination of factors. Someone linked a video in a different thread about how gaming companies use psychology combined with marketing tactics to manipulate people, but it mysteriously vanished. Guess knowledge is dangerous.


I get wrecked by the same 3 meta decks. They basically want you to spend money to get those exact cards or lose.

It’s extortion though those glued to Blizz will claim it’s normal.

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This is nonsense.

Blizzard is the worst company, you have players who have a mental illness of compulsive buying or collecting (they absolutely need all the cards so they spend a lot), Blizzard makes money from psychologically weak people just need to watch diablo immortal where players found themselves spending all their money and they could no longer pay their rent.

You add matchmaking rigging (illegal), censorship on the forums since it is the players who do the moderation and you have lots of players who practice abusive moderation (illegal) yes you have players who are permanently banned because they are automated their sanction (x postponement of players = ban x days and after x ban = definitive ban).

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Given your comment, I’d say there IS at least one…

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I completely agree hearthstone deserves exclusively to be played f2p, there are various ways to never spend a dollar, I have never spent anything for example, and I have dozens of legendaries and usually 50% of good decks. Always remember that all hearthstone players are seen by blizzard as customers, wallets with money to earn, every action that blizzard does including the integration of a controlled matchmakin system that favors those who spend real money, or an rng that there is nothing random about it, they are all designed to maximize profits, it is up to you to choose whether to enter this spiral by playing the blizzard game or find an alternative answer at no cost

That’s insulting to another poster. I thought you were against that sort of thing.

Mostly people who mistake the report flag for the dislike button, and botting of the moderation system that when it actually does go to real people is rubber stamped without real review. And years worth of trolling, harassment, bigoted posts, and real threats (and other “final warning” offenses) that have been ignored.

150$ / expansion just for basic play a few decks!

if you want to collect them “all” you NEED 1000$ / expansion!!! (and you won’t have them all anyway thanks to the smaller and smaller legendary drop rate)

thx Activision-Bli$$ard

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i know you are lying because thx to the catch up packs when i opened one i got 5 cards and it showed im at 90-95% on all sets in it

and i never got a single bundle for any of those


Pretty much, and with the new scam mode twist, they even changed the duplicate rules, making it even harder for people to collect everything.

Oh look, more trolling and harassment



Also, the irony of calling someone a liar then pretending your own pack average equals everyone’s pack average.


Man, idk if I can even remember the last time I spent real money on HS. ~7 years ago iirc, whatever expansion that was

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