Hearthstone Update: Looking Ahead

Hearthstone Update: Looking Ahead

Nathan Lyons-Smith here, following up on last week’s promise to give you more visibility on our strategy for Hearthstone.

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we are not ready to share any information about this work yet—and will not be for a while
make it make sense.

Oh, and the funniest part of all:
We are still planning to release one new board per year
Just L O L

The game is so done. xD


All I got from that giant wall of corporate and propaganda jargon, is that we’re only getting one board a year. This game has become pathetic. This didn’t help at all with our good will. You have to give us something. You just keep taking things away, and expect us to give you more money.


What’s this news about “pets” lol


Thanks for your HARD work. Really like the new HS vision, a billion otk decks that deal 30 dmg from hand without being able to counter it. Even more mana cheats, endless cards THIS IS SO FUN. Aggro decks that kill on turn 3-4, but it’s more fun that way, I understand. And the pace of the game at which you can’t even use technical cards. This all inspires hope for the project, but there is one thing, when I already add a card to destroy the enemy for 1 turn, I can’t wait anymore.


I’m shocked that you found a way to make it worse than silence


Can you stop with the, “announcement of an announcement” type of crap? We aren’t ready to say just yet… then why bother? Stop it.

And stop with the childish themes. The whole meme of “this is a childrens card game” is just that… a meme. You, as well as I, know that this game is 99 percent played by adults and yet you do stupid beach themes and the artwork is not aimed at the actual people that are playing your games.

Furthermore stop insulting your paying players by doing making quests stupidly harder. The 15 win quest is what made me quit the game and I’ve been a paying player since launch. That was really stupid and there still has been no explanation for that.


Whelp, they’re cutting back and finding ways to monetize how the board looks.

Also mentioned pets. Lol

“Hearthstone is here to stay” this was for the investors. Not us.

I see this as a slow death.


Hearthstone Update: Looking Ahead - A Bright Future!

Hey Hearthstone team,

I just read Nathan Lyons-Smith’s update on the future of Hearthstone, and I am genuinely excited about the direction you’re taking the game! As a long-time player, it’s great to see your commitment to Fun, Focus, and Fearless innovation.

The idea of reducing the number of static boards to focus on dynamic content and personalization is fantastic. Customizable boards and the introduction of pets sound like amazing additions that will enhance our gameplay experience even further. I’m thrilled at the prospect of choosing our favorite boards and seeing more groundbreaking hero skins.

I also appreciate the transparency and your willingness to engage with the community. It’s reassuring to know that you’re listening to our feedback and are committed to making Hearthstone the best it can be.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Here’s to another decade of thrilling Hearthstone adventures!

See you in the Tavern!


within Azeroth and beyond

That sounds interesting. I actually deleted Hearthstone after terrible 10 years anniversary (I played for ten years) and the only thing can bring me back to the game now, I think, is different collaborations. Like MTG did with Transformers, Doctor Who or Fallout. I am quite tired to see the same characters, toys, party etc. I hope to see some expansions from other universe into Hearthstone.


How is it possible to write over a dozen paragraphs of text and not say a single meaningful thing. The whole article is the ultimate filibuster. “I’m going to tell you about our plans without actually telling you anything”. Thanks I guess.


Depends on if a reduced budget temporarily can make long term ideas possible, or if that causes stagnation.

please make cards backs visible, put them horizontal on the table not vertical, we dont see all those beautiful back cards you made after all those years! thanks


To hell with the cosmetics and boards… do something to the power level of the game! Remove Legendary cards from discovery pools, don’t let the players use the same minion 6 times already! Make an end to the endless resource generating and super fast strong aggro also! Not to mention increasing OTK! You are still killing the game!


What is the “update” exactly? I don’t see an update for anything, just some saccharine, generic “we’ll try to do better” stuff and a lot of vague talk about things that might be coming in the distant future, but of course it’s “too soon” to even begin talking about it.

So I ask again, what is the update? Please be specific.

And in the future, please don’t insult us with this kind of bland, meaningless nonsense that reads like it was written by a zombie from HR. If you have nothing to say, it’s better to not waste our time like this.


Two AI-generated replies in a row. I guess their new tactic for silencing backlash is to have bots flood us with positive responses.


I’m not a bot and I think they should have been charging for every kind of cosmetic, including boards, from the start. There are so many f2p players that have never contributed so much as a dime to this game yet are always the loudest ones screaming about how badly the game is doing. Someone has to pay the bills because games that don’t turn a profit don’t stick around. Cosmetics like boards are the absolute best option for micro transactions that keep a healthy bottom line because they make absolutely zero difference to the game itself, and no one has to purchase them. And if they go back to the fun interactive boards that we used to have I’d gladly toss $5 their way for it. There are absolutely some issues with the current state of the game but none of them are related to anything in the cosmetic category which is what most of these complaints are really about.


5$? Are you mad? Where have you EVER seen those prices in HS? They charge you 50$ just for 2 signatures. And you think 1 exclusive board per year is going to be 5$? Way to be delusional, mate


You listen to community, right? Ok. Please do what you said. Just cut some of the cosmetic cards and the terrible looking Battlegrounds emotes nowbody asked for and let us our boards! Feels incomplete you make here changes now. Boards are an important part of the game. Every expansion is a chapter of Hearthstone and a chapter deserves it’s own board!


What happened to the formatted text from before, bot?