Hearthstone stopped working on Mac

Yesterday Hearthstone stopped working on my Mac (2019 MacBook Pro 16 inch). When I launch from [Battle.Net](http://Battle.Net), I see the login screen flash, then my screen goes black. I still hear the music.
Resetting the in game options does not help.
I tried this on another 2019 Mac laptop with the same result. It works on a later model.
Has there been an update that would break compatibility with this hardware?


Sorry I don’t have an answer but I am having the same exact issue. Would love to know if there is a fix :frowning:

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Same situation here.
I’m on a 2022 M1 Max mac studio.
Everything worked fine until Monday 17th June, but I got the exact situation the OP describes starting on Tuesday June 18th, 2024.
When I long press on the Heartsone Icon in the dock, it says “Application Not Responding” even when I can hear the tavern music.

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I am having the same issue, blizzard please fix.

Having the same issue on my Mac as well (2019 MacBook Pro). Hearthstone was working perfectly fine yesterday but today after the last patch it’s not working, all same as in [Ikayate]'s post

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Exactly the same issue, tried a fresh install but it didn’t help

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Same. never happened to me since game release in 2014

Replying to say the same thing. Happens on two Macbooks.

The same from my side. Blizzard is such a Blizzard :unamused:


Exact same problem here. Waiting for fix.

Any news on a fix yet?

i am having the same issue. The main menu just keeps flashing. reinstalling didn’t help.

Mac client is broken for more than a week but still no comments from Blizzard?
Glad I didn’t pre-purchase packs. and probably won’t.

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Update to hearthstone today, but still having the same issue on Mac


Same problem here. iMac M1 chip. After Last Expansion update, game crashed.

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Same problem, Macbook M1 Pro

Same here, On intel 2020 iMac and on my M2 MacBook air.

HI!! I FOUND A FIX (hopefully it works for everyone) :smiley:
I’ve been having this issue and was so upset!!! it wasn’t working with my MacBook Air (M1, 2020). BUTTT I decided to exit full screen mode by dragging it from the F3 button and it started working again then i force quit hearthstone, opened battle.net again and once I pressed play it started working, even in fullscreen aswell!!! :))))))

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That worked for me too!
Thanks OpalElk!

But still hoping that Blizzard guys will provide a proper fix soon too

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heyy no problem!!!