Hearthstone RNG Has to Be Rigged LOL

Okay, so this is just me telling a story basically. Hopefully you find it funny. I’ve quit the game now because of this, but I’m not angry or anything; I honestly shouldn’t be playing games so much anyway.

So, I’ve been having noticeably terrible luck the past few days in the game. This has been in wild as I’ve already hit legend in standard.

Today, I decided to play Kazakusan druid. First match is against an OTK quest Priest. I have the advantage the entire game, but Guff and Kazakusan are in the bottom 10, but not close enough to the bottom to be dredged. It’s okay, I get them eventually. I used Kazakusan, and got a mediocre deck, but good enough to close out the game (I thought).

Anyway, the Priest has like 2 or 3 cards in hand at any one time, if I make a board, they top deck a clear, if I deal face damage, they top deck healing. No biggie though. The thing that got me with this game was that towards the end, I had 3 boom bots on board, and the Priest had 1 HP (not already dead due to my terrible boom bot RNG) and a lightshower elemental (6 mana 6/6 taunt, deathrattle heal 8).

He then decides to use reno hero power that does 2 damage and then 1 to everything. He hits his lightshower elemental, it goes to 4, then all my boom bots die. Now, if I hit face once, I win, because I have a card that does 8 damage to face and he was at 1 HP. This is not difficult, I guarantee hitting face if I kill the elemental with 2 bots. I also win if I don’t kill the elemental. What happened was that my bots did 1-1-2 damage each all the to elemental. This killed the elemental and healed him to 9 putting him out of range and making it so that I couldn’t win anymore.

Now, I don’t know what the math is on that, but I think it’s pretty freaking unlikely. No biggie though, it happens.

Next game. I’m facing a shudder shaman. I play mutanus. He copies it with the freeze copy spell. I have 8 minions in hand. One of them is Kazakusan. Now this guy was extremely slow (one of the things I hate about this game), so as he was contemplating what to do with his 7 remaining mana, I started entertaining myself. “Hmm… I think if he gets the 1/8 I’m uninstalling.”

Time passes…

Opponent starts roping…

“Yep… if he gets my Kazakusan, I’m actually uninstalling.”

“Yep… I’m actually gonna uninstall for real, no taking it back.”

The entire time, I was thinking there’s was no way though, especially after that last game.

Of course he got the 1/8 after nearly burning out his turn.

The end.

Yeah, I uninstalled, but I’m actually feeling pretty good. No spite or anything, I wish everyone and the hearthstone team the best. Have fun with the expansion!


Damn that’s some real unlucky outcomes, I myself would probably would have uninstalled if I set an unlikely scenario “If X happens, I’m uninstalling” and it actually happens.

I do wonder in these situations it checks how much if any you have spent on the game recently and gives you bad RNG to entice you to spend some money.

Anyways, you’ll probably be back at some point, right?


Probably lol, but not for a while.

I’ve been playing since beta, but I take a few years off at a time. I just came back for the end of Showdown in the Badlands, and I’ve had some good fun, but I’ve always had issues with the RNG nature of the game and I always reach a point where it gets way too frustrating; I just happened to reach that point a lot faster this time.

I’ve heard people talk about Blizzard patenting a system where they rig RNG to get people to buy stuff, but I’m extremely skeptical about that. I could just play mine rogue and have a 90% win rate, but that’s pretty boring, so I play off-meta decks and get rolled by terrible RNG every now and then.

It’s probably just a coincidence that I’ve had terrible luck lately, and playing low tier decks doesn’t exactly help my chances.

It’s probably for the better that I stop now though… I was there for the launch of both Titans and Nathria, and I spent an embarrassing amount of money on both haha.


1/8 odds are really not that low. That’s 12.5%. Even a 1 in 100 is a pretty common odds. There’s nothing rare about a 1/8 happening to you…at all.

OP should never play X-com.

That was more “the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

The game before was fringe case after fringe case after fringe case. I don’t know the math on the scenario I described with the elemental, but that outcome must have been like 1/1000. I lost three 50/50’s in a row to hit face (this is already a 12.5% chance), then the first and second bot needed to both roll less than a 3, but not both 2, or else the first two bots would’ve killed the elemental and the last would’ve hit face for lethal (with the 8 damage I had in hand).

I’m not saying this scenario is impossible, it’s just that you get enough of this stuff back to back to back and it starts to get annoying. Once again, that scenario was after I had been getting unlucky the entire game.

It happens… but I made a bet and I lost. Game’s uninstalled.

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Not really. The first is less than 1/6, and the second is like being picked out of a crowd of a hundred people.

Not impossible odds, but when they start happening frequently, those patterns start to look suspicious. Like someone pulling a five ace hand.

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I had to look three times at the time and date stamp on this post because I was certain it was some sort of bizarre necro.


Bro, if you watched me play last 2 days, you would have commited harakiri or something

I could have filled 2 trollden videos of 10 min each

It’s just the nature of the game, it’s streaky

Sometimes you go periods of win/lose win/lose, sometimes you have streaks of up to 15 in a row

If you care about ranks, accept it and just survive the bad streaks and it’ll get better. In the end, you’ll have >50% winrate

If you don’t, well just accept that if you like humiliating opponents with meme plays, you will also sometimes be on the receiving end of them.


Ok then this means i need to work on my temprament because long and unlucky things are part of the game and i need to accept that and not get angry.


I am feeling this
20005 problems

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Someone lost a game of Hearthstone. There can only be one possible reason the game is rigged. There is no other way anyone ever loses a game of Hearthstone otherwise. Both players play with the same Randomness but only the stuff that happens to you is rigged. the stuff that happens to your opponents is fair game. You are special your existence warrants extra resources spent to target you and rig your games specifically. It can’t possible be that they build this game with ultra high variance to make bad players look good and have everyone chase the high of winning whether they are good or bad at the game.


Not really. It should truly be random.

is trying to convince someone.

; )

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Streaks of both good and bad luck are what?

You need to convince us. 1 bad luck streak doesnt make the game rigged. You know that.

That I was simply pointing out it looked like he was trying really hard to convince someone. If anything, that should be self evident from his post.

Also, who’s “US?”

speaking of rng, they really ought to just remove all mini-bots except the windfury one, cause I swear mech rogue only generates that one

You say the exact same generic response without fail whenever you see someone so much as call out HS’s RNG.

Its stuff like this that just make you sound insufferable. It’s okay people are allowed to be annoyed at video games. And people are allowed to make baseless claims without evidence the same way you offer no counter evidence/argument to those claims too.


Not that any of the conspiracy theorists has ever admitted that counter-evidence is valid.

If the winrates of decks aren’t enough of a proof that things are random and balanced, and if you really think someone is orchestrating every game’s outcome, there is simply nothing anyone can say or do to prove you anything. It’s not rational.

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People still think this game is truly random heh.

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Now I played an interesting game vs a Warrior.

First, he tilted me by clearing all my stuff and then 2x freezing my 9/7 guy who got buffed by Symphony

It got me spamming well played out of tilt, and then i played the movement which burns 6 cards and burned Brann, Reno and Boomboss all at once

The guy just left

I wonder, why was the game rigged in my favor? I’m 100% f2p?

Ah, who knows with those blizzard agents

I never realized that spamming “tin foil hat” and “conspiracy theory” was actually evidence.

The plural of anecdote isn’t data. Where’s the evidence?

Now, people could direct quote from the matchmaking patent and have…but that gets handwaved away. The closest the deniers have ever come is acknowledging it IS used in bgs, but not standard…because reasons.

I used this a couple discussions back, and it’s become one of my favorites in this topic:

“Clarice, doesn’t this random scattering of sites seem desperately random - like the elaborations of a bad liar? Ta, Hannibal Lecter.”
-Silence of The Lambs

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