Hearthstone Masters Tour

I figure would watch hearthstone master tour, but just bad as thought it would be most decks win are combo or otk. Bring anything slower you just should leave and go home.

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Anyone care to recap day 1 for me?

I don’t have the time to watch these days but I’d like to stay in touch

Tempo Druid
Handbuff Paladin
Overheal Priest
Miracle Rogue
Cycle Rogue
Evolve Shaman
Insanity Warlock
Handbuff Paladin
Nature Shaman

really anything slow was not brought to masters.

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Woot :open_mouth:

Who was crazy enough to bring this one??

Gaby? Jarla?

Decks are shown in this page https://www.hsguru.com/battlefy/tournament/66b25ac6aedcd30040d10543/lineups

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Thanks a lot!

For some reason, I can’t see anybody’s final deck because of a giant ad I can’t seem to be able to remove

EDIT: Nevermind, the letters go above the ad, it looks terrible, but it’s visible xD

EDIT 2: So it was Deaddraw or Superman with Nature Shaman - eh, I don’t know any of those two :open_mouth: at least I don’t remember them from anywhere

Did they “drop the ball” on the free pack drops?

I watched the event live on Twitch, but no progress was made towards earning a free pack.

i tried watching them one time but just couldn’t get past the announcers tryna use Poker lingo :sweat_smile:

I know the announcers were trying to make it sound more exciting than it was. The viewers when from over 2K to closet little over 1k in less than hour. I think when I stop watching were only 1,450 people watching the stream paired with when it first started.

What is Hearthstone Masters Tour? Is it like who can flip a coin better than the other? Or is it best 2 out of 3 rock paper scissors or something? Is it like the last gasp of whatever sort of competitive scene they once thought they had? I’m genuinely curious about this, but I don’t wanna laugh at it too much until I know exactly what it is

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It HS epsort for pro players going for money but I guest you can say it a coin flip now.

Bit surprised Handbuff Pally is seeing play over OTK Spell Pally, guess handbuff really is more reliable. Surprised there are no real anti-meta decks.

Handbuff Paladin currently has very little counters compared to the rest of the meta and hard counters a lot of the decks people with more skill like to play like Sonya Rogue or Insanity Warlock. Flood Paladin counters it, but you will almost never see people in a tournament play aggro. The other deck is Zarimi Priest and Evolve Shaman and that’s pretty much it.

OTK Spell Pally is a meme deck and barely beats anything and its matchup spread is absolutely awful.


i watched the event and was supposed to get 3 packs (shown as claimed) in twitch channel, but my in game only gave me one pack. Do i need to wait to get 2 more packs?

It’s 1 pack per day for 3 days, so 3 total

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Warrior seems dead. Thanks to recent consecutive nerfs.

Superman = Gaby. Deaddraw came in 2nd at world’s 2022, he lost the final to his Team Liquid teammate Bunnyhoppor

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wow, that explains it, ok, so I did guess one of the Nature Shamans was Gaby :smiley:

He’s still a shadow of Bunnyhoppor, if that, even xD

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Well yeah. But he has some solid MT resurs and finishing 2nd at Worlds is a great achievement. Good player, just not as well known as Bunnyhoppor, Gaby, Furyhunter etc when it comes to the best players from Europe.

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Here is a bit more recap of Day 1:
Lots of wins by Overheal Priest and Druid (any version). Rogue was often banned. The Paladins were all Handbuff versions.

Group A winner Furyhunter who beat Maur1 (3-1) in the winners match. Furyhunter had Overheal Priest, Spell Druid, Rogue, Insanity Warlock. Maur1 brought Overheal Priest, Highlander Druid, Paladin, Rogue.

Group A runnerup Maur1 (3-1) won over Uikyou to get 2nd place and advance. Uikyou had Paladin, Druid, Insanity Warlock, and DK. Definition came in 4th place and had Spell Druid, Overheal Priest, Paladin, and Rogue.

Group B winner was gyu with a 3-0 victory over McBanterface in the winners match. Gyu brought Overheal Priest, Druid, Rogue, and Paladin. McBanterface brought Ovreheal Priest, Insanity Warlock, Rogue, and Paladin.

Group B runnerup was McBanterface who won 3-0 over Jarla as Jarla lost 3 times with Insanity Warlock. Jarla brought Insanity Warlock (with a freeze package), Druid, Evolve Shaman, and Rogue. Deaddraw was 4th place with Priest, Rogue, Druid, and Nature Shaman.

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