So where are the free pack for watching the championship?!

After having posted that I managed to claim yesterday’s pack, its interesting to me that people are still trying to help me figure out how to claim the Twitch packs or trying to explain why I had an issue.

Here’s my timeline for solving this problem.

1). In the afternoon, I opened Twitch on my computer and navigated my way to the live championship stream, but the the usual “DropsEnabled” tab was missing under the streaming window, and when clicking on the drops & rewards tab it did not show any pack reward progress bar. I then went to YouTube to see if that’s where I needed to be to earn a pack, but YouTube also had no “DropsEnabled“ indicator, so I left the Twitch stream open for like four hours to see if a reward got triggered, but that did not happen.

2). I then made an inquiry about the issue in a championship thread:

3). Because no one responded to my inquiry- nor was anyone one else complaining about not be able to get the free packs— it suggested that I might misunderstanding something or I might be experiencing some kind of glitch. I recently got a notice that Microsoft would no longer be supporting my version of Windows, followed by a massive Windows update on Thursday.

4). After starting the Twitch championship stream again on Saturday afternoon, and still not seeing any “DropsEnabled” tabs, no reward progress bar, and no rewards earned notifications after watching the stream for awhile, I then made this thread.

5). Carnivore’s response suggested that I was experiencing some kind personal technical issue, so I tried using the Twitch app on my mobile device, and a pack was already there waiting for me to claim—which I did:

6). I reopened Twitch on my computer and I could see the “DropsEnabled” tab under the championship stream.

7). I used my computer to get today’s pack without any incident.

/thanks for the help!