Hearthstone is good but could be better

Hello fellow Hearthstone geeks. This games very addictive which I don’t mind although you have to spend $ not just to be competitive but more so to experience different class deck play options, Wow I just realized how Genius the game is in generating cash from the consumer. Moving on, since I this is my forever game ATM I thought it’s in my best interest to improve it. My first observation is.

  1. Get rid of those idiotic emotes in Battlegrounds. Use emotes that show emotions…

Please feel free to post the obvious.

Kinda agree on the emotes. I do wish they do emotes for reg hearthstone mode as well.

Speaking of BG’s, I wish they standardize/regulate how you level up so everyone level’s up at the same time. Way too many get to level 6 too early and I’m stuck at tier 4 after turn 5 or 6.

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It’s because you don’t understand how to play.

There will never be “standardized” levels because it is up to each player to increase them at a strategic moment, according to their needs or desires, their gold coins, the selection of the tavern (if they buy or sells servants)…

You have to learn and replay the tutorial.


It’s a business; they have to pay salaries, etc.

Still, I haven’t spent any money in over two years.

The sell cards returns amount it to low. If it was fairer would still be equally profitable by players trying new class game plays. ATM is to harsh. MY 3rd Winge is soup up the level 1 and 2 battle ground cards. Itzs so unnecessarily boring until round 3 or four. The gameplay is so balanced its boring. How about make a card that gives health back to the player. This would spice
up both battlegrounds etc etc

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No, it can’t. You either net deck or lose

There can be no complaints if everything’s equal.

I don’t see what you mean.

Right now, there aren’t the same hero choices and companions for everyone in the battlegrounds.
Some times we are advantaged, other times not: it’s chance.

We don’t have the same choices in the tavern, but it’s up to us to decide whether to buy servants or increase our level.

What do you mean by “having equality”?
The game would be boring as hell if everything was “the same”.

In a card game, we all have the same chances and the rules of the game are similar for everyone, so it’s balanced.

The people who complain are often the ones who don’t know how to play and who make bad choices (I’m talking about battlegrounds).


You got me wrong; my complaint is the options are boring until turn 3 or 4. It’s my opinion: My ability to play the game is irrelevant just like your post.

You gave your opinion, I gave mine, even if you think I misunderstood you (perhaps that’s the case for you too ?).

Don’t attack me because my opinion is different from yours.
But I’m stopping discussing this with you, so don’t worry.

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you pulled the trigger at the beginning and NOW you want to stop? yikes GG

This is your interpretation.
It’s probably because you read my messages with a bad tone (maybe aggressive or snide ?, I don’t know) while my tone is simply neutral or benevolent.
It’s true that it’s difficult to perceive it in writing (that’s why we add emotes sometimes).

I never write a post to provoke or to be obnoxious, so I don’t “pull a trigger.”
There are many people who like confrontation, argument, provocation, but no, that’s not my case.

When I see people starting to attack me, I stop.
It’s better than “adding fuel to the fire”, as the expression goes.
:oil_drum: :fire:
I replied to you to clarify things, but I wanted not to…

This game is becoming elite only as there’s no f… way the idiot developer will let you win if you aren’t.

I think Ranked mode should show Ranks

Remember when they removed the “SORRY,” emote?
I will explain the history for those who are too young or were not born yet during the first wave of university Marxism.

The first wave of Marxism brought the phenomenon of social justice warriors, Marxist university professors began indoctrinating the students about “microaggressions.” You don’t hear about it anymore because they moved on from that to other things as the Marxism progressed.
The “Sorry,” emote was removed because it was a microaggression.

It could potentially make someone feel bad if you used it in a sarcastic way.
So it was removed. End of story. That was the beginning by the way of the clown world we now live in.
It’s the same Marxist progression that had World of Warcraft remove male and female character and changed it to “body type.”
Also, back in the olden days, during this time, anything that might upset someone had to have a trigger warning. You don’t see that very much anymore.

It’s good if the matchmaking and devs want you to win. It bleeping sucks if matchmaking is bad and the devs hate you.

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Personally, if I saw the “sorry” emote, I wouldn’t take it as sarcasm.
And naturally, if I used the “sorry” emote, it wouldn’t be sarcasm : I’m happy when I win, but sometimes I have empathy for someone who loses but played well…

But indeed, there are surely people who would use the “sorry” emote while being sarcastic.

I guess that’s what separates nice, mature people from bad, immature people.

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i used sorry sincerely because i felt bad when i won… i feel like i shouldn’t even play this game or any game i dunno like it’s wrong to even virtually kill things. maybe it’s just me or the drugs i’m on or something i don’t know it seems like i’m almost the only person who thought this way.

anyway, i wish they’d bring sorry back.


I feel you.
After winning the Warsong gulch PVP battleground, in World of Warcraft I would be in tears thinking about how hard the opposing team fought and had to leave the battleground in shame.
No one should ever have to take an “L.” Maybe just a big “W” for the winner and a small “w,” for the second place.

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I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke cigarettes, I don’t take any medication (except very exceptionally when I need antibiotics) and of course I don’t take any drugs (I don’t want to make a quote but I would like to say how poisonous all these things are to our health and I am really sorry when people take them…).

There are sensitive and empathetic people on one side and rotten people on this planet.

Already when I was little, I didn’t like team sports because of the competition, nor the violence (maybe because I’m a girl but there are men like that too and that’s very good) .

I feel less alone reading you.

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