Hearthstone is good but could be better

OP, you spelled “bad” incorrectly.

i wish i didn’t have to take meds. if i didn’t take the meds that i’m ordered to take they would force me to and lock me in the mental ward. unless i ran away from home and just got lost in the city or something and didn’t bring my cell phone and just became a vagrant or something somehow. i don’t know if i’d survive very long as a vagrant as the supreme court just made homeless encampments illegal in the U.S. so I don’t know how I’d stay alive.

I don’t know your whole situation and we’re not in the right place to talk about it.
So I couldn’t give my opinion, but it is certain that being a vagabond is not desirable.
I’m sorry about what’s happening in your life.

I hope everything goes well for you.
Big hug.


They didn’t make them illegal, they said a city has the right to stop people from setting up campgrounds in the city and arrest them. Why would you even need a SCOTUS decision for that?
It’s up to the city and the people that live there to decide if they want homeless camps. If they don’t the police will remove them and arrest the homeless for camping on city streets or parks.
Some cities will be fine with homeless camps, like NYC and San Francisco.
Most cities have shelters and programs to help homeless people get off the street. But it requires not using drugs and drinking.

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I quit spending money when “I WIN,” cards were created. Like the shamen jabberwocky thing.

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Whizbang experimental deck saves the day for standard gameplay. Hard to master but the variety is great.

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