Hearthstone Is Fun Until Your Opponent Cheats!

I enjoy Hearthstone for the most part. Since 80% of players your up against are skilled and makes you think on way to beat them to Win. I may be silver tier player and only play for fun but coming across a cheating opponent just plain out sucks! These past two weeks I would twelve to twenty matches and at least two opponents will cheat. Like my most recent opponent will have spent all there mana and ends up playing a three cost spell. I pay attention so I know when the player is skilled and very lucky from a cheater. I wish I could let Hearthstone know but you can not unfortunately. Has anyone else come across cheaters?

I love how the Hearthstone team is finding new ways and game modes like Mercenaries. Not my style like the standard deck but enjoyable. So thank you Hearthstone team for keeping Hearthstone fun. Always nice to play some games or matches after a day of work.


Can you provide proof of this cheating?


Download Deck Tracker. Via this application you can record your games. You can visit hsreplay.net and click on My Data and then Replays. There you can watch your replays, and even share them. Go to the match in which this player cheated, and share it with us. From there, if they are cheating, we can consider moving forward and potentially have them banned.

You will have to create an account – this is very quick and easy to do.

Hope this helps, buddy! :smiley:


It’s probably just mana cheating, or the usual spam. That isn’t anything novel. The game is all about mana cheating right now and that’s when you see the most vanilla curve stuff and infinite cards stuff get broken.

Not that there’s anything wrong with interesting gameplay, it can be good at times, but any broken or heavily power creeped meta also tends to have a problem of… if only a few op things of the op things are good… All homebrews or off meta often don’t stand much chance of being anything much else than aggro.

This time it seems like they made a lot of standard things at least, but eh, pick the poison i guess. People asked for standard pirate warrior to get stronger, (despite already knowing it was pretty strong in wild), and people asked for stronger buffs for standard that would probably push a already good deck over the top in wild, and the obvious happens. XD

Not that i complain, i’m stuck with 3 decks from a few weeks ago, so i got room to play and pirate warrior, dr dh, and ele shaman are all my options until alterac and i feel decent and comfy with them.

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I’m still confused as to how it is even possible to cheat in this game, unless it is vs and you are stream-sniping.

I think too many people are incorrectly using the terms “Cheat” and “Cheating” nowadays.

It’s not a grammar thing, but rather a concern that it dilutes the drawing power of it when trying to get the attention of devs and such. If they see too many people using them wrong, then they may eventually stop paying attention to them.

It’s the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” dilemma.


The type of ACTUAL cheating OP described is functionally impossible, because it would be widely known and used.

The UI doesn’t always help with clarity in these situations because your opponents spell will flash for a half a second on screen so it can be hard to know what is happening especially if it immediately kills you and ends the game. You should be able to stay in game for a few minutes so you can see what actually killed you.

But actual cheating, playing cards you do not have the mana for, very very unlikely.

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I have never stream sniped, Lypis. Since I play games how they are meant to be and not by cheating. You might be one of those Players up upper ranks in Standard. Down in the Silver ranks players do cheat. When I say cheating is actually Mana cheating which I just found out a day or so ago.

Nobody is cheating just in Silver. If a cheat was possible, it would be happening in all the ranks.

Just curious. Did you get the tracker app from HSReplay yet? If you did, have you had any more incidents like the ones you alleged previously?

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“Mana cheating” is a term players use for ways to play cards/summon minions/etc for less than the regular cost of the card. It’s not actually “cheating” in terms of going against the game rules. Like an example of a mana cheat would be Hot Streak which reduces the cost of your next Fire school spell by 2, if played in the same turn. So you can Hot Streak (0 mana spell) and then cast Fireball for 2 mana instead of its usual 4 mana cost.

Another example would be if you used Commencement to summon out a Deathwing the Destroyer. Commencement is a 7 mana card, but it can “cheat” out a 10 mana minion.

Neither of those are really cheating, even if the community tends to call it that. (The community also tends to call Taunt minions cheating, too, although I think that’s a bit more tongue in cheek.) Point is, don’t take what the community says as gospel.

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I play hearthstone since closed beta in 2013.

I have over 10 000 wins in ranked mode between my 2 accounts and usually end up between diamond 5 and legend each month.

Other than bots, I’ve never faced any cheater in this game.

Oh and btw, hearthstone is 100% server authoritative, it simply isn’t possible to manipulate mana, cards, draw or card’s effect. There is no technical way to cheat in hearthstone (other than cutting animation or botting).


Erhmergerd! You took advantage of game mechanics to win?! Thert’s Cherting!

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Okay so then that’s not cheating, that’s a game mechanic. Like using a 0 cost spell to make your next fire spell cost two less. No one cheated. You didn’t pay attention to what was being played (despite saying you were) and they won with a legit game mechanic.

This IS how they are meant to be play, mana “cheating” is not cheating at all. You lost, legitimately.


Mana Cheating =/= Actual Cheating

It’s a label given to the mechanics involved in reducing the mana costs of cards.

i.e. Razormane Battleguard.

Cheating is now: anytime I wasn’t paying attention and lost just like Nerf is now: any card/deck I lose to more than once.

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any card/deck that is a minor inconvenience to me.

I appreciate what you said Jasmeralia! I am trying to enjoy the Hearthstone and I would like to get to Gold Rank. Seems Hearthstone hates me and is sending me players who should be much higher. I hate doing the meta and enjoy playing my own decks with new expansion cards. Anyway I am rambling on but I wanted to thank for your reply


Please provide proof. It’s hard to imagine someone cheating in a card game. I’m assuming you are saying someone cheat just because they beat you. I’m Platinum and deck building is very important.

This game is very frustrating. The matchmaking is trash and you will constantly have your deck countered and lose to high rolls. I can sympathize with your frustration and my advice is to stop playing the game while you can. Also avoid voicing your frustration here on this forum. You will be mocked and trolled and that will only make your frustration worse. Take my advice and avoid these forums and take a break from the game for your own sanity.


There’s a reporting system. You can let them know if you suspect cheating.