Hearthstone crashes on ipad pro

Same here, it crashes at the beginning of the game and then it won’t let me reconnect to my game. It’s annoying as hello

Crashing almost every time I try to play my first card of ranked and unranked. iPad 4 up to date. Same problem as everyone here. Starts a crash loop, unplayable.

Same here… ipad pro, unplayable since last update, ios 13.3, reinstall, restart, all that jazz not helping a bit. Now I cannot even finish a draft in arena, the game crashed 4 times already… quite disappointed actually since I would finally have a bit of time to play

Issue seems to manifest most frequently on the first turn of a match.

11-Inch iPad Pro
iPad OS 13.3

Same problem. Since last two IOS update Hearthstone keep crashing all the time, mostly mid game - lost many battle because of this on my Ipad Pro 10.5

Has anyone else submitted tickets for the crashes on ipads? Has anyone gotten any results or messages from Blizz on a fix?

Tried reinstalling HS as suggested by troubleshooting, no effect. I lost ~10 games due to disconnect, most frustrating bug ever

This bug took down my bg mmr a few hundred points. Am about to uninstall the game.

I also have the shop constantly bugged, cannot even exit from it without quitting the game.

Same. Ipad pro 1st gen running most current firmware.

Same problem here, iPad 5th gen, ever since the software 13.3 update

Yes, they loop you to forums, no support ticket issued. Hope there working on it…

Same problem… unplayable on iPad Pro NEW

Unplayable since December 20th with repeated crashes.

Same and it when I click the add friends button it always crash so I can’t add friends anymore :confused:

IPad Air 2. Crashes once every 3-4 minutes.

Shall I buy some packs for New Years? Nope, this has been going on for too long.

Guys… game still crashing on iPad Pro… this is very disappointing, since the last patch the game is almost unplayable. Arena draft crashes after every second card…very annoyed. Any update on this???

I had to quit the game over this, can’t play since mid December.

Same, game keeps crashing on iPad in ranked mode. Happens when I touch a card in my hand. Almost every game and VERY frustrating. Also must restart iPad everytime I want to start the game or it wont connect…

Same for me. Got a new iPad Air 3 for Christmas. Downloaded hearthstone running 13.3 and game makes me restart every time I open it saying it needs to reconnect to the server. Then it just randomly crashes. Most often for me in post game.