hearthstone crashes at least 20 times a day… Im on ipad pro
this started happening since 19 december
Ive lost many many ranked games and when I try to log in again it crashed again and can not resume game
it will only log in hearthstone when contining game finishes but then again it crashes again
Reporting the same.
iPad Pro, crashes on log in, crash when getting into game, crashes midway in game etc.
Now literally unplayable on device as it goes on a constant loop crashing whenever getting to game app.
Likewise. I find crashes happening mid game as well as just trying to login. I have an iPad Air 2 running iPadOS 13.3.
I am running into the same issue, iPad air two, iOS 13.3. It’s impacting ranked and arena. I restart the app and it says it tries to re-connect me to the game and then immediately crashes and tell my game has timed out and I have taken a loss. It’s making it impossible to play arena or ranked at this time.
Submitted a ticket and they basically did nothing but refer me to the forums here. I have stopped playing Arena as I have lost two runs due to this issue and it’s making ranked almost unplayable at this time
Same boat, iPad Pro, IOS 13.3. The tough part is anytime you try and make a change to fix the issue you have to go into a game to see if it’s been repaired or corrected which leads to more crashing.
Any thoughts or assistance on this would be helpful.
Same bug here, newest iPad Air, iOS 13.3, crashing a lot
Same bug. iPad mini 4. Happens when I click on cards to play. Don’t know if it’s a conflict with the dock.
I face the Same problem on my iPad Pro
Same problem on iPad pro since the last Hearthstone update.
It is not possible to play ranked mode.
I am thrown out of the game several times…
Same problem. Constant crashes since the last hearthstone update, i.e balance/nerf update. It would be nice if Blizzard could confirm the issue rather than keep silent about it.
lost 3 arena games this way. When it happens during arena run you can not rejoin your game and you autoloose. Is it possible to demand compensation for this? I have it on video…
Btw. I tried to report this before but nobody listened. For couple months now my iPad app crushes when i try to chat with a friend 100% of the time. Are you experiencing the same bug guys?
Yea I have the same problem on my iPad Pro 9.7 iOS 12.4.1 - crashes during arena and autoloose :-(((. Crash when i try to chat with friend i have too.
Same issue… iPad Air 2 iOS 13.3 latest Hearthstone Patches
Crashes back to ‘desktop’, often crashes again trying to reconnect to existing games.
I’m also crashing randomly but frequently since update. Ipad air 2, fully up to date.
Same issue here, frequent recurring crashes when either loading ranked game or reloading after crash. Also sometimes crashes in-game just when I try to play a card.
Happened with last update on dec 19th, no issues like this before.
I’m on the 12,9” iPad Pro 1st gen. IOS 13.3.
@Blizzard please fix this makes the game unplayable as others before me already correctly stated.
Same here, I’m using an iPad Pro and also have an iPad mini 5. Happens on both of them regularly since last update. I’m glad it’s not just me! Hopefully Blizzard will fix this soon as game is unplayable for me at the moment
Since the latest update, my iPad Pro also keeps crashing either on the first card I attempt put into play or some other random card I attempt to play. Most times I can reconnect, but other times the app continually crashes on reconnection. Restarting the app or iPad seems not to fix the issue. It’s only when the game’s abandoned or finished that it lets me back in.
Happens now in 50% of the games I play. As someone who’s invested over $500 in the game, I expect this to be fixed ASAP. It’s unplayable in ranked.
Same problem here, iPad Pro and the app crashes on Ranked, every time, it started after the last update.
Since the nerfs to Shaman, Hearthstone has become unplayable on my iPad Pro. I’ve both updated to the latest iOS release and reinstalled Hearthstone, nothing helps. It keeps crashing mid game, and when trying to reconnect to a game after restarting Hearthstone. Super frustrating. Like people said, it’s basically impossible to play ranked modes right now, since you will lose stars through no fault of your own.
It even crashed multiple times during solo adventures
Incidentally, I haven’t faced any shamans since the update. Coincidence?