Hearthstone arena it’s scam

I have always played in the arena, and I can say that over the years the perception that it is all a big scam is clear, I very often lose against opponents called 3jdnwi2md absurd names who win by reversing the situation when they have practically lost, with spectacular cards at the right time, dear blizzard the scam is clear, I ask your Microsoft commander and anyone reading this to start careful investigations, remember that if it turns out that the arena where people often pay real money is all a scam like a rigged slot machine you will have millions against you of people, practically an entire planet of players, because let’s face it there are two things here, either you are colossal scammers or someone is destroying your servers doing what they want, it doesn’t make any sense that sometimes with normal decks I get 4/ 5 wins and most of the time with excellent drafts I get 1/3 meeting in sequence djjsidhwi, dhakwoo2222, dujsjjsjs11110000, whoever reads this message opens similar posts, don’t be afraid of the retaliation system that blizzard uses on this forum, write negative opinions on the store, comment on YouTube posts en masse, report Hearthstone to the authorities for an investigation, Microsoft will certainly listen and will probably impose another 1600 layoffs or maybe close Hearthstone and all the connected forums, to my enormous satisfaction


RNG pure i play for many years and i see this RNG is constantly in this game you deck is trash and the deck for you oponent is perfect for me ,i dont care anymore

False the game is rigged, all the war brann (without odyn) met all play brann turn 6 and all the war brann + odyn all play brann turn 6 then odyn turn 8.

The game is 100% rigged, f2p players (with ultra shi.tty outputs) almost only encounter paying opponents (with ultra favored exits), it is illegal but since Microsoft leaves this system illegal it is because it agrees with this genre process.


of course the trash game is rigged i see in every macht this is ilegal,play warrior only dk ,change to dk only witch or mage and the stupid otk perfect for the oponent and for you no work soory my english


The whole gamne is a scam!


i personally do not believe any of you who say the game is rigged or a scam.

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I’d appreciate it if you file a police report and post the response here.


Whoops! Wrong door. I didn’t mean to walk into the echo chamber. I’ll let myself out.

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Dictionary :palm_down_hand::books:
Searching F :male_detective:
There it is,

  • FRUSTRATION = :point_down:

Here it is again, Blizzards own pet dog hahahah


Those are probably bots but yeah arena during nl_Kripp’s era was fair and skill-based. Up to a point where one hit point mattered. I think with more expansion = more RNG the discover mechanic is the reason for this. Either way take a break and play adventures or standard with a homebrew deck or battlegrounds for a while. Don’t box yourself into achieving mega success on Arena. The average run is 4.5 wins, despite achieving legend in the past I have gone 2-3 and 0-3 numerous times recently before I decided I would only play arena if its classic cards only or when I dont care about the outcome

You must’ve clicked on the wrong “Reply” button

Some things are hard, I know. You’ll get it. :+1:

I don’t know what, but something definitely ain’t right with arena.

Before I quit 6 years ago, I was a permanent arena player (also Legend in standard) averaging >7 per run

Since I got back I average around 2.5. Since my standard ranking is still legend (it’s like I never left), it’s not like I don’t know the fundamentals of the game anymore.

I can’t put my finger on what that is specifically, but something isn’t right. Possibly it’s draft related, since heartharena doesn’t work as good as it used to, but it can’t be the only problem.

At the same time, though, I see doseofcoffee averaging more than 7 without a problem and I’m like, wtf. It’s doable


I doubt. What month did you quit?

https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23557937: me 26th Americas with 7.83 average
https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-gb/news/23761713: me 90th Americas with 6.67 average
(Btw at some point about a year ago, my name was reported as inappropriate and I had to change it. I asked if the 0 was okay and Blizzard said yes.)

7+ wins per run in Arena is top 100 type shtuff. Much, much harder than making Legend in Standard; much harder even than top 1000 Legend. Were you using a tracker? Because you only really need about 6+ average to go pseudoinfinite in Arena, by which I mean you’re technically minus but on average an Arena run costs you like 10-20 gold after prizes so there’s not enough time in a day to go broke.

The point is, if you’re not on the leaderboards you’re either lying to us or lying to yourself. That type of performance leaves a record.

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It was never particularly good. The only instance where I can recommend HSReplay Premium (the paid subscription) is if you’re a consummate Arena player. Getting the actual drawn winrate from actual recorded games is always going to be a better metric than some arbitrary number attached to cards by some armchair Arena “experts.” HearthArena is to Arena card rankings what Tempo Storm is to Ranked deck tier lists.

HSR interface is hella clunky though. Slow. Unstreamable.

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It’s a waste, not a scam.

English tutor, please.

I agree with you as well as all of them when i am playing arena and i see same things

its simple, you pay, you get cool sinergies, you use free ticket you cant even get a decent card or sinergy


Yes, I feel the same way too. I have tens of games when the “opponents” ( bots) have zephrys like draws and answers that wins the game for them. It seems that most of the top decks are in most cases the perfect card for the situation. An investigation will be most welcomed

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