The Year’s Spookiest Celebration Event is Back!
Woah, this event is packed.
You can’t even make an Alliance themed hero for one of the two free ones, it’s yet another one related to the horde, and at that Guff again?
Yo no se por que, pero creo que Garrosh disfrazado de rey pirata le queda bien en el mazo de piratas mision
Surprise, surprise, another cash grab.
All this horde love… FOR THE HORDE!
Larga vida a la HORDA
Does anybody know if Arena runs not completed by Nov 2 will award tickets? That’s when the Duel Class arena starts.
That’s not very nice…
i would like to note that one of the hero cosmetics is free, the warrior hero garrosh has a pirate themed skin that is free!
whys it starting so late lol?
There’s no way Dual-Class Arena only lasts one week, right? Surely Blizzard isn’t capable of making such a blunderous decision. Right? Right…?
I like how no event for Mercs you’d think they’d make a Halloween bounty that gives halloween portraits
Cool but miniset when?
Pick Out Your Costume! Great!, I did. For once I am even happy to pay 10 bucks for it! . . . wait, I have to buy all 4 to get the one I picked out??? . . . facedesk ###
I want the Anduin skin and none of the rest. So, how’s about to make all of them separately buyable?!
Thanks for the Garosh skin btw, Blizzard! <3
I think that will happen but I’m not sure. When there is a card pool change, it seems to always work that way. They don’t bother announcing that anymore.
The skins say they can be claimed until November 30, so Im assuming that’s when the event ends.
Dear Blizzard team! This morning is marvelous, because I found so many distinguished events and gorgeous entertainments at Hallow’s End! I waited the time when the Headless Horseman will return here in HearthStone! Thank You so much for many interesting tavern brawls, magnificent heroes costumes, legendary quests and special gifts! Wish You a happy Hallow’s End, good luck and new creative ideas!