Got MK11 and was thinking

What you’ve done here is look back on my post history, shared your least favorite parts, to spite me, I am by no means the spineless one.

And the community doesn’t support me, they call me out on my sh&t, and help me out when they think I’m right. You just happen to be a toxic stalker (who does this, honestly?)

Here you go. Enjoy. I know I am.

eats popcorn

You still haven’t iterated on the point you’re trying to make

Elmo isn’t a troll. He mocks people who make stupid posts.

Like here.


Love you :kissing_heart: hearthstone fam

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See you are spineless. Insect.

Who’s trolling now? Lol

The apple was total rip off…i mean i didnt get any knowledge, no talking snakes…pfft.
The apples devs are just lazy and money hungry and dont care about meh awesome cahmboz…:grin:

I am not defensive.
Not afraid of what people think either.

Won’t see me puckering up to kiss someone’s backside. shrugs

Sub zero ripped my spine out once…Fatality!

But yet here you are desperate for negative attention like an adolescent in the absence of any sincere validation for your opinions or respect for your personality.


No you’re lazy, you fail to provide any reason that I’m a troll, instead you show random posts I’ve made with zero context, if you want to pick a fight, do it better next time, you’re merely an irritating bug

Edit: sorry to any bugs out there, throwing shade at you guys too

Found another one.

I will let you communicate with me more in depth once you grow a backbone. You lack one. Not in my depth of the water.

Spend time talking with Dictator. He/she likes kissing backsides too.

Coward, that’s all you are, keep showing our post. I’m sure you’ll get original one day too

Haha! A coward is one who is afraid of what they say. One who is afraid of being blacklisted or offended by a “community”.

You are afraid of your own posts. Afraid of retribution from a “community”. You are probably afraid of discussion board moderators too.

You will always be a coward. I have been banned several times. I don’t care. I am not you.

You have hurt feelings from what I say. You fall into one of the crowd. That is where you belong.

Spineless fall into insignificance. Those who stand live in memory whether positive or negative.

Thus you are an insignificant bug.

Who hurt you? I don’t particularly care about what others think, but I still accept validation, I’m sorry if you’ve never experienced that.

Btw I’ve been banned too, you’re not that special bud

Dude. Have you been drinking? I’ve seen you made complaint post and pointless post before, but this is in a new level. Show me on the doll where this meanie Elmo touched you.

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Well i was gonna tweak my rouge deck for maximum damage but this is just to interesting.
Ill make the popcorn. :man_cook:

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You are a mad lad x3000

Thank you for wasting your time going through my post history to find a post where someone COULDNT come up with a SINGLE example of how I was a bad poster.

Should save you some effort going through the rest of my history.

I would still like to know how you think so highly of your childish behavior.

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