Got MK11 and was thinking

No, Quan Chi isn’t even in the game, they probably add him in the next DLC or MK12 or w/e.

Then the game is indeed not a comparison for you, but it can be for others.

MK11 is definitely a rival to HS, like it or not. If I have 80-ish bucks to spend, I can choose for MK11 or pre-order for a future HS expansion, some people have to choose. Both will give entertainment for period of time. I have to evaluate the entertainment value for money for both products.

You’re just not part of the same target audience as OP. But it doesn’t mean his comparison is wrong.

His past post is completely irrelevant imo.

You don’t have to preorder to play hearthstone or to get the content. It’s that simple.

While they are both video games, there is very little to compare, hearthstone is a f2p ccg, and mk11 is a 80$ fighting game, they’re isn’t really much too compare the two on. Two entirely different games that depend entirely on what genre the player prefers

OP doesn’t talk about “just getting content” for free, he isn’t talking for F2P players.

I always compare Hearthstone with WoW from price perspective, and I think Hearthstone is way better for the price : entertainment ratio. He does the same with MK11.

I’m not an original card-gamer either, so I will obviously compare Hearthstone with non-card games I played in past. I could have played MK11, Nintendo games, OverWatch. But I in the end I choose Hearthstone.

I chose both…get over here! Flawless Victory. Lackey rouge wins.:upside_down_face:

Very true. Usually you tend to see competitior as primary, secondary, and tertiary. It might not even be your primary competitors that are the biggest risk (a la Netflix statement)

Basically, either company are trying to gauge how much they can get away with as possible.