How long were you away? If you return after 90 days, you get a free deck.
I wouldn’t do that. I’d be tempted to take a 3 month break and come back for the next expansion instead. If you want to play HS in the meantime, I’d suggest starting an alt account and getting a free deck that way.
Do you have a deck list? The deck does use cards from Perils in Paradise:
2x Lamplighter (common). That is the main wincon for the deck.
1x Dreamplanner Zephrys (legendary from the mini set)
1x Incindius (legendary)
Zephrys is just too good not to play, and Incindius works really well with the support for fire spells in the new expansion.
I also play Mes’Adune in mine. Hitting a minion with a powerful battlecry (Lamplighter, Zephrys, Incindius) is a matter of luck, but it is so powerful when it happens.