used to be you remembered cards played to strategize about what card(s) to play. Now though with the insane number of ways to get bonus cards you can’t do that anymore and it became a total who has the best rng.
so sad game was awesome at one time to bad it is worthless pile of you know what now where people win based on rng and not skill.
So true. The game was fun some time ago, but the last xpansions put too crazy cards in it.
Hearthstone goes down rapidly.
This card of druid, that beast with reborn, is too op. Generaly the cards are getting too strong and that new adventure is pure bs. You have to buy it with gold/money to get those stupid cards.
Quest are unbalanced, that mage quest is useless, druid too powerful.
Those discover or generating cards are also braindead. Zeph the great i a pain in the …
Randomstone, but they still do championships. Thats a bad joke.
And that autochess mode no one called for is just boring.
But i believe it is getting better, to be true it can only get better
Sadly the forums aren’t democratic. Just takes a small group of people to flag posts and others get suspended where they never get touched even if others consider what they do the same thing (trolling).
If it only takes a small number of people to get someone suspended for trolling, why aren’t more people suspended? Could it be that the opinions that are getting suspended are in fact the less popular ones?
And yet, (some) people who have been suspended can be spotted because they say they were. So you can, in fact, count (some) suspended people. And of course, if you pay a modicum of attention to the forums, you’ll notice certain common names (like yourself), and you’ll notice when they suddenly go quiet for some time (as if they had been suspended).
How come this only seems to happen among people with certain posting habits, and not others? Could (again) be that it takes more than “a few reports” for a suspension to be handed out?
Yup. People still play it though because of nostalgia and it being a decent pass time for taking a poop. People who take this game competitively seriously and aren’t making money from it are actual trolls. You hardly have to play cards correctly anymore compared to in the past… It’s more of an RNG fiesta than it ever has been.
I think the main offenders are (1) card generation and (2) mana cheating.
(1) The Discover mechanic let you get out of thin air new cards of your choosing which has 2 consequences:
(a) first the game become uninteractive as your opponent can no longer predict the cards you have and play around them;
(b) second it negates cards advantages and makes ressource management useless -you can play 8 cards and still have a full hand at the hand of your turn without drawing any.
(2) Mana cheating is a process through which you are paying less mana than the card is priced as a standalone. The mean issue of mana cheating are (a) increased powercreep and (b) 0 mana cards.
(a) The first issue with mana cheating is that once you discount the price of certain card you make an entire section of card obsolete because their full price doesn’t seem fair in comparison. For instance, nobody will ever play king crush full price because you can get him discounted for 7 mana +2/4 body if you play brann instead. As a consequence the only way to make new cards relevant is through more mana cheating to make them even cheaper, this endless cycle of powercreep create an environment where cards are so powerful than they get to the point where they can win single-handedly game with little to no agency for the opponent.
(b) Eventually the process reach a point where you end up with 0 mana cards which will always see play since almost any card can is playable if you discount their cost to 0 mana. Being able to play cards for free has huge consequences however, it has a synergistic impact on other cards (think edwin, questing adventurer…) and can easily create combos that break the game (infinite snip-snap, infinite fireball, infinite value generation…) if they are too easily obtained.
Card generation: The best Hunter decks have little RNG card generation. Quest Hunter has none and is perhaps the best deck in the game. Druid is also using very little RNG cards in their 3 decks, so that leaves Rogue as the sole RNG ladden class of the top 3…
But remember the January Galakrond meta. Again we had Hunter and Rogue; for Warrior, Warlock, and Shaman RNG card generation was minimal. Maybe a few Lackeys and Pirates lightly sprinkled.
Mana Cheating. The biggest offenders here are Mage, Druid, and Rogue. Mage is the most extreme and doing terrible in spite of huge amounts of Mana cheating(note that Mage is also heavy on the RNG). Druid and Rogue mana cheating is making them popular, but neither is hitting Top 5 win rate as consistently as Hunter.
Now if you are say a Priest player who gets destroyed by Rogue and Mage while doing great against Hunter, I could understand your concern.
So let me ask this. If they gave us a basic game option where you could play only those cards in original launch. Would you play it? Ofcourse, you’d still have the other two options, up to date Standard and Wild!