Well maybe for one or two games… because I think it will start getting boring vey quickly.
Exactly. I remember that time with fondness but I also remember it was not easy to own then either. Builds are now much more complex. And it’s more satisfying to win because of that. Just my OP
Hearthstone hs_beta is rotting
complex? LOL that is funny… You mean more RNG intensive and the game AI decides who wins most games… Back in the old days you HAD to know your opponents deck and had to think many moves ahead to counter. In today’s game none of that exists (or very little) as most of the game play is RNG only and the same stupid decks all over the place.
You are looking back with rose tinted glasses.
The game hasn’t changed at all. It was always thus.
Totally agree 100%! The game has nothing to do with skill. Just play your pattern deck every day, the same way every day. And if its EUREKA! I discovered victory deck! Yeah, the discover cards are typically the same too.
Incase you didn’t know, you can just ignore certain forum long timers and keep posting.
What rank are you on? And are you saying that “good” players reaching high end legend, month after month, are just the luck of the draw?
It was awesome because we believed in it. Now we see the reality and live in it.
Blizzard has the worst balance team and they continue to impress how arrogant they are.
And this is still the case, though with perhaps not quite the intricate fine tuning you might like and seem to be so good at. You don’t have to keep track of certain small things like you used to.
In many cases, predicting the range of RNG outcomes can be even harder and can cause certain pain points. I was playing Highlander Mage and constantly got the worst RNG outcome like 5 times.
Opponent got a Restless Mummy from Cat to kill my Doomsayer, I Zephrys into MC Tech getting me the worst minion (a 1/1 lackey), Tortollan Pilgrim doesn’t bring up Power of Creation or Galaxy and I have to use Frost Nova (My Tortollan luck with 4 or more spells has been abysmal overall), opponent gets Deathwing, Mad Aspect off Draconic Lackey. Opponent topdecks Kronx after I have a board with Box, and I still won in the end. Sure, the Box helped, but I still had resources and plopped down some minions with Boompistol Bully.
Whatever, you can just call it RNG luck. I don’t rule some degree of topdeck rigging and matchmaking countering completely out. But it evens out over many games played, decisions matter in games. RNG does dilute it to a degree, but not always off by crazy amounts every game.
Yup, the game is trash now. Even there current tavern modes basic concept revolves around a " wish card" that saves you 9/10 times. You don’t need much brainpower to play this game in any mode you choose to play in this game. If the RNG is in your favor you’re more than likely to win.
Sadly i have to agree with the OP. What started with discover mechanic (only mildly OP) transformed slowly into infinite card generating (Rexxar/Lackeys/secrets/weapon quests) and choose-your-own-win-card (Zephyrs) and now every deck that isnt crap abuses those to win. There is no longer a need to not play highlander because there are so many crazy one-offs (DQ Alex) to fill a deck with instead of the old system where you tuned decks to play around a few high value cards.
How can I mute people like you that don’t contribute to a discussion?
You painted a perfect picture. Thank you!
About what strategy you are talking regarding discover mechanic ?
Before you get to discover or pull out you need you are probably at 6 health in this cancerous meta …
The meta has the same type of cancer that team 5 has , probably.
Small necro here, but still needed to be addressed since that’s how the white knights operate here:
It’s all about folks that can’t take criticism. If your opinion is moronic, I’ll call you a moron. Then they proceed to log into their sock accounts and start mass reporting people because they can’t take it like a man - because they aren’t one.
You talk about that like it’s some sort of magic recipe they have.
It’s 90% luck and 10% not effing up. Play hundreds of games with the most broken meta decks available and you eventually get there. Skill doesn’t account for that much anymore.
Your read what you want i see…
I don’t think the game is useless but I do think it has too much reliance on RNG for a win condition. This trivializes skill which also deflates people who like to think that card game wins should be more about skill than luck.
Your explanation has nothing to do with Zuljinisop’s post.