Game is totally rigged

Doing the Daily and I got this player that I see every so often, but I have to say played against him the most in 2 years.

So he is play his Pirate Bomb Warrior deck. STILL (in this meta). And it goes like this. It always goes like this.

Draw a Weapon give it +/+ (I bet its Ancarr)
Equips Ancarr attacks and gets his Pirate

and then you know the rest of the story vs a Pirate Warrior…

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Doing the Daily playing vs a Highlander Paladin

Highlander, you know those 1 in 30 of any card in a deck decks?

Turn 1 Aldor Attendant - Of Course it is
Turn 2 Sir Finley Of Course it is chooses +2 attack +2 Armor
Turn 3 Salhet’s Pride Yep

Let see Highlander and so far its 1 2 3 RNG
Turn 4 Bronze Explorer Sand And Sand Breath

Then come the buffs and turn 9…15 cards into the deck what else is it but



But got my destroy 25 minions in. 15 the game before and 10+ vs the Paladin in try hard format.

Gaslighting doesnt make you appear intelligent, quite the opposite actually.

Well, unless you work at Blizzard, you can’t prove any of it; but neither could us. But that’s why this post is for. To unleash some salt. Because even if Blizzard is tweaking their algorithm however they like, it would be really hard to prove. And even if proven, it’s uncertain if it’ll really ruin the game. So there.

Blizzard need to just start auto-deleting these boring “I’m a F2P whiner who can’t win, and I’m going to throw a tantrum here…” posts. If you can’t afford to pay, and you don’t like playing a game you can’t afford, either get a job or go play something else. We’re not interested in your whining and crying.

What’s so strange about this. I played priest yesterday and was able to draw the archmage one time in two hours of play.

Seems like you are interested. That’s why you joined this thread and commented.