Frostmourne "Buff"

I’m probably the only weirdo who cares about this, but can we just acknowledge how bungled Frostmourne is?

The card when it initially released was a classic case of something that sounded good on paper, but ended up being underwhelming. A 7 Mana 5/3 weapon that resummons all minions it killed upon breaking was just too slow. It wasn’t a big deal tho at the time as it was part of a set of cards you could only get by randomly generating them through The Lich King legendary. The Death Knight Hero cards were the main focus at the time.

But with the releas of the Death Knigh Class and The Lich King being the poster boy for the class, his iconic weapon was made into a proper card and… it stayed the same. Which felt ODD to begin with. The card wasn’t very good in the expansion it released in, let alone the current meta. It saw some niche play in Triple Blood, mainly cause its the only DK build that can afford swinging with it and not risk an OTK.
Literally every other DK weapon tho was generally better than the signature weapon of the Lich King which was just plain SAD.

Now, granted, they released the card knowing Runes of Darkness would be a thing, which DID buff the card, if you Discover it, from a 5/3 into a more intimidating 6/4. Which gave the card a bit of life.

And then in the Core set rotation, they reduced its cost to 6, which was good, but also took its attack down to a 4. Which completely killed the card
Sure you can get that attack back with the aformentioned Runes of Darkness but that’s not the point. The card’s main use is to use it to swing into big minions, kill them and then steal them when it breaks and now it can’t even do that consistently anymore.

Literally all they had to do was give the card an effect like Your Hero is Immune while attacking . They didn’t even neccesarily have to touch its cost in that scenario, though that would be preferable. As that effect would make the weapon a lot safer to use , cheaper and it would bring it closer to the boss version. But they didn’t.

Which, honestly, baffles me a bit. They print cards like Tho’grun and Reno, but then dance around and overbalance stuff like this for no reason.

All I can do is hope they revert the card’s attack back sl that it can AT LEAST go back to being the niche it used to be instead of a “Meh” even if you Discover into it.

Another change they could make to really buff the card up is to remove the deathrattle part and make it an ongoing effect. Kill a minion with it, resurrect it on your side, just like Overlord Drakuru does in shaman.
That would also fix the problem of the weapon being that giving it more durability actually weakens it by delaying its board swing.
You’d lose the ability to summon half a board by breaking the weapon, but in exchange you get a better tempo tool


I thought of that, but I have mixed feelings on it. The Deathrattle, as it is, encouraged your opponent to either break the weapon as soon as possible or keep you from attacking to prevent a big burst of tempo later. At the same time, you could strategically break it yourself by simply equipping another weapon. Giving you a level of control even if you can’t/shouldn’t attack

But at the same time, yeah, I see your point. Getting the ability to immediately steal a minion from your opponent can be a massive tempo swing. In this scenario I’d also turn it into a 5/4 or even a 5/5 as a baseline like it is in the Path of Arthas tutorial mission. It would give the weapon significantly more freedom as now if it breaks you don’t get an immediate benefit

And ideal scenario tho, for me, would be to maybe let us CHOOSE whether we want to summon the minion at the moment we kill it or store it for later for when Frostmourne breaks.

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