Frostmourne Rework

Continuing the discussion from Frostmourne "Buff":

Sorry for being annoying lol, but I think I fugured out the “perfect” redesign for Frostmourne

7 Mana, 5/4, Runes : None
Battlecry : Spend up to 24 Corpses ;
For every 8 Corpses , Discover a different Rune Enchantment (meaning you can only have one of each)

Blood Enchantment - Your Hero Steals Health when attacking

Frost Enchantment - Your Hero is Immune while attacking.

Unholy Echantment - Gain Deathrattle: Summon all minions killed by this Weapon;
Shuffle “Frostmourne, Reawakened” into your Deck

It fixes everything in my opinion. No rune requirements, powerfull aggro tool, even more powerfull control tool, uses up Corpses to help Rainbow strategy, is reusable and is even stronger if Discovered into through Runes of Darkness
But its still a hefty 7 Mana & 24 Corpses investment to get the full effect.

I have been informed that there is such a thing as too many effects. So I have toned down the Unholy effect and fixing an error I made to begin with. I’ve also removed the redundancy of the effects as the old effect of Max Health increase plus unhealable damage was basically just Healthsteal but with more words than neccesary.

You haven’t specified that it’s a deathrattle so I assume you suggest that every time you kill a minion it gets resurrected (since that’s what you’re continuing from the previous topic). I honestly think you can stop there. No need to add taunt and reborn. And I don’t think you need to shuffle it back into the deck either, especially since the weapon would be feeding itself in corpses by the minions it summoned (especially with reborn)

It’s already a lot to unfold that each rune type has several enchantments, 4 on a single one would be too much imo (especially since you won’t be able to track all of that on the weapon text once equipped)
Just on the design side, a card that does too much risks a lot. Either it will be busted, then nerfed and unplayable, or it will be balanced on average, but with extreme outcomes in both ends.

I don’t think it would be a problem for a DK deck to not spend corpses while waiting to draw this wepaon (especially since you can target it).
A weapon that represents 20 healing + either 20 permanent damage, or 4 stolen minions with taunt and reborn, and that shuffles back into the deck, it feels like more than what a weapon should do

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My bad forgot to put Deathrattle as the Keyword actually. Both to keep SOME of the original design and to prevent the card from being genuinely OP. But I do see your point in that technically having 4 effects is a little much. Thx for the feedback :smile:

Also being concerned how putting the card back in the deck would work
For so many effects you need them to be written on the card for your opponent to read, you can’t just have them as actual enchantments displayed on a hoverring-popup
But by doing so you are actually creating a card with said bonuses, so putting the card back in the deck doesn’t mean putting a plain frostmourne in the deck, but the card you just generated as it is.
To shuffle a plain frostmourne would require to specify it, which could be a good flavor-text opportunity. It could also be implied by the name of the card. Like the base Frostmourne would be called “Frostmourne, Undying Hunger”, and when you enchant it it becomes the uncollectible “Frostmourne, Blade of the Scourge” or whatever

Trying to shorten the text I realized that, if you pick frost and blood you can combine the effects in a shorter text.

Instead of “Lifesteal. All damage dealt with this Weapon also increases your Maximum Health by the same amount”
You can change it to “Damage dealt by this weapon also gives your hero that much health”
When combining this with the “Damage dealt by this weapon cannot be healed” it simply becomes “Your hero steals health while attacking”.
The only compromise is that you remove the healing aspect of the lifesteal, and maybe the damage aspect of the attack (while obtaining the same health totals in the end)

Which leaves the final text of the card to

“Your Hero is immune and steals health while attacking.
Deathrattle : Summon all minions killed by this Weapon and Shuffle Frostmourne, Undying Hunger into your deck”

Which I could already see on an actual card, rather than
Lifesteal. Your Hero is Immune while attacking.
All damage dealt with this Weapon also increases your Maximum Health by the same amount. Damage dealt by this Weapon cannot be healed.
Deathrattle: Summon all minions killed by this Weapon. Shuffle this weapon into your Deck”

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  1. To my knowledge, unless specifically stated, whenever a card, be it a weapon, minion, location etc. is shuffled into the hand or deck it “resets”. Losing all of its bonuses regardless of how many it had. Its why Kingsbane is unique, because its text specifically states that it gets to keep all of its enchantements That’s whySo the whole naming convention isn’t neccesary. But I’ll change it for clarity.

  2. I see your point about the ease od reading and the slight redundancy of the effects

How about this : Blood - Your Hero Steals Health when attacking (Makes sense for Blood as its all about Health manipulation)
Frost - Your Hero is Immune while attacking (Frost is agressive so it makes sense that it gives you an effect that encourages you to swing without worrying)
Unholy - stays the same but for clarity the text has been changed slightly

There’s a huge difference between a card to which external sources grant enchantments, and a card that builds itself
If you summon a minion and buff it, the buffs will be gone as soon as it goes back in hand or deck.
But when it’s a related card, it’s built in the card, like Kazakus’ golems, Ignis’ weapons or even ziliax 3000 to some extend, it’s creating a brand new card, and that card will stay as it is when shuffled back.

The problem, I think, with the design you’re suggesting is that it’s too complex to be kept as simple buffs on a blank weapon. If it were to be implemented I’m certain it would end up written on the final product for clarity, especially for the opponent