lol i started in november after 5 year break, with basically nothing but a couple of classic cards. had to spend quite a lot of money and time to catch up at least a little bit… so this is great for newcomers and returners but very unfair for the majority of the players. not everyone who has played for more than 4 months is having 5 20k highlander decks. im still playing face hunter because I dont have dust for the expensive decks.
just give it to everyone, the only fair solution.
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As someone that is free to play player that just return to the game a year ago (I play little bit back then I don’t know Wich one expansion)
I think all player should be able to claim this and not nitpicking anyone
Equality am I right? It’s one of your cards!
So i logged in once to check out battlegrounds and play for one day in constructed to realize that i can’t really play anything worthwhile and logged out again and that’s why i can’t get a free deck now?
Cool, thanks for nothing.
Calm down dear, I lose to complete the dailies to get them done as fast as I can.
Winning is not my objective, whatever the daily is. You may struggle to understand that with your ‘have to win’ mentality, there are many ways to ‘win’ depending on what you think is ‘winning’.
With the ‘play 3 games as x’ I don’t even play cards to get it over with.
My winning - do daily in as little time as possible, alt + f4. Tiger blood winning.
My point is - if you can see through your apoplectic rage - is that there are ridiculous cards and ridiculous decks that opponents use when I lose at that level, how is that possible when I should be facing classic pack players?
My other point - how must new/returning players feel facing that? Previously with their classic/out of date pack or now with anything other than Tiger Blood Winning free packs?
So let it go and move on with your life, you will feel much better.
‘Just give it to everyone’
Slight flaw in your plan there, if they give the same - winning - decks to everyone how many decks do you think the majority of players would play?
How many players would deviate from the Blizzard cut and paste win decks to innovate and use their skill and ability to win versus the current cut and paste win decks now?
Think about it.
Who does that anyway? Only people dominating the top are those who use blizzard cut and paste decks. Rest are scrambling to try and get them or not playing the modes that use them. Giving the free decks to everyone would change zilch. Majority go after the winning hnd first and innovate later anyway.
That is just the fact of the matchmaking that has gotten worse over time. But the people at such a low rank play the cards so badly you can just beat them with your “less ridiculous” deck with better decision making. There’s no reason to be having a 20% winrate that way.
I will feel better if I don’t have to see such a grouchy attitude from you every time I go to the forums.
There is no point however in me helping you, if you aren’t even open to learning from your mistakes.
I can only speak for myself, but here’s my reaction as a sporadic player: I am extremely disappointed that the free deck is not available to everyone who logs in. This teaches me not to log in at all, as opposed to once every so often.
I don’t play frequently, since keeping up with the latest can be intimidating. But I do like to casually play a round or two every once in a while. This free deck reward seems designed to bring players like me back into the fray. Unfortunately, because of the eligibility requirements, I’m now being punished for logging in three months ago after being dormant for a few months before that. This reinforces a lesson for me that I don’t think the developers intend: rather than log in infrequently, don’t log in at all. I would’ve gotten this reward deck if I had been patient and avoided the temptation to boot up an old favorite.
Developers, please make this reward deck eligible to everyone going forward. You almost got me back, but instead I’m further behind than ever. I don’t plan to log back in until there’s another reward for which I’m eligible; until then, I don’t have much hope of catching up.
what ? how can you not know ? the decklists are on the OP
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No thanks… Blizz… You already shown you true greedy colors. THANK GOD I got out and deleted your crappy game before ever spending a dime. I count myself lucky.
I mean Hearthstone was always pay to win. Kinda weird you are acting this way.
You know, they could be just waiting to give the free decks to everyone until ashes drops and demon hunter is out. Would basically be the perfect way to get some people to play the class.
Help pls.i ve ready 25 rank as a new player and no free deck for me can you help me with it??
I am above rank 25 and I don’t see any new player quests but I haven’t been able to get a new deck
I logged in for half an hour in december now I don’t get this, good luck bringing me back a second time. This is an awful promotion that punishes existing players. Good job enjoy the influx of new players who will leave in a month after realizing what an awful company you are.
Thank you Blizzard for rewarding new and returing players while I who started the game end of february now only running against these free decks which are pretty OP against my cards! Thank you for ruining playing on the ladder for players like me. GIVE ALL PLAYERS ONE OF THESE FREE DECKS PLEASE! It is just frustrating and totally unfair!
Hi, first time I comment here on this forum.
I just received the option to pick a deck and googled for the best one until I stumbled upon this thread.
Yes, I’m one of the hated returning players and I guess I’ll be eaten alive but I’ll just give my brief insight on this.
I used to play quite often in the past (reached rank 3 once), then stopped for a while. Everytime I picked up the game again, I was overwhelmed by the new cards/mechanics; the first times I catched up using all my dust; then, after I stopped again for some time, I couldn’t bear restarting from scratch, with all my decks broken (even in wild, since I found out they often nerfed my core cards).
I expected this to happen again when I logged in today after months: no available decks, nerfed cards and just about 2000 free dust to start anew.
I’m sorry this hurt so many, but the promotion makes me want to give the game another serious try and from this point of view it worked (I won’t debate whether it’s fair or not).
TLDR: I now have a functional deck to play competitive and I may start playing again, instead of logging off after a few hours because I realized my old decks are all trash and my dust isn’t enough to build something decent. Yes, I received three free legendaries, but I had several more that I bought and I can’t use anymore.
Edit: perhaps if these decks are really overpowered as I’m reading, they could have offered something weaker.
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Nice thank you so much blizz
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So because I logged into the game for like 30 seconds some indeterminate amount of time ago, I now don’t get a free deck… I don’t think I’ll be able to talk myself into playing this game again unfortunately.
Might be a little late for a question. But guys, should I pick the priest deck instead of the no-brainer mage deck simply because I have the priest heal quest?