Forced 2nd place in Battlegrounds?

Same bug for me. The “winner” was playing George the Fallen, had only a single Tier 1 minion when I saw him previously but never took any damage.

I love to play battlegrounds in Hearthstone and try to win with all different characters. I finally won a game as Silas, but due to this bug a seemingly already eliminated Rafam won the game and I finished “second” while being the last man standing.

I just faced the same issue. Was playing A.F.Kay, three of us left, thought it strange i had to play the same person twice, after winning I immediately was given 2nd place.

Same thing happened to me:
I was playing battlegrounds on my mobile app. I was playing Tess Greymane this match. There was a point in the game where I faced a ghost (Kel’Thuzad) but there were already two ghosts in the lobby, meaning I should have faced someone who is not dead. Towards the end of the game, I realized that the person in first place (N’Zoth) was not being played by the other players and they were still on tavern tier 2 while everyone else was higher up. I ended up getting to the second place position and killing the player who was in third place at the time. After returning to bob’s tavern, the game ended and I was in second place; I got +101 points (standard first place prize). I checked the full stats after the game and the history shows that I, indeed finished in second place.

Can Blizzard do anything about this? It makes me really discouraged about playing again knowing it can happen

Same here. Very frustrating.

Turn 2 Jaraxxus left the game? or something. later around turn 4 i faced him 1 time, he had 1 minion and i had 4. He did not lose hp after that match. There was a Patches who was 2nd place near the end vs me and Jaraxxus. Faced Patch 4 times in a row winning in the end to get 2nd place. The little sh@# kept emoting at me for some reason while I stole his Hp. Maybe he was abusing a 2nd account or something? Wierd there is no blue post about this, I saw videos by Trolden posting this happening to players. funny then but not so much now. 2nd time this has happend in the last 3 days.

Just had this happen. Sucks as this was likely going to be my first 1st place in quite some time. Hope this gets a fix.

This just happened to my house mate. Was going to be his first win as well. If this issue has been reported as far back as Decemeber 2020 how is this not fixed yet?! I would be pissssssed if this happened to me.

Had the same thing. Don’t really care about it for the stats, but since I had won battlegrounds I would’ve unlocked the achievement with a hero. The player who is now first place was someone who quit or didn’t even play from the beginning.

its a visual glitch, you got first if you got 2nd

As a number of people have explained, you are robbed of the achievement and that, inn full stats the game is recorded as 2nd place. This is not just a visual bug.

I’ve just experienced this bug as well, was playing Patchwerk and was on a decent win streak after rushing tavern tiers, after winning against A. F. Kay 2 times the 3rd time the player quit rather then face the finishing blow, only the ghost didn’t lose health at all and I never faced it again, when I beat out 3rd place I was rudely greeted by a 2nd place… besides this the stats are not accurate at all, my achievements say I have way more 4th or higher then the stats screen, and I’m missing a 1st place as well

Same thing, missed out on my achievement getting first play with rat king because of this :frowning: Someone explain!

Just to pump it up, it just happened to me… Idk if blizzard has a way to identifiy the game I played… I didnt find any log on hsreplay or other sites. I did WIN that game pals =).

This just happened to me, I was playing the cat hero with a pretty strong elementals board, i just beat and killed the 2nd ranked player, and was expecting a last round vs number 1, but then instead I instantly get number 2 final place without a fight or picking minions for a last round.

2 Games in a row this happened to me.

Same thing here. 3 players remaining. I was 3th place when I battled against 2nd place. I easily defeated 2nd place. I returned to the lobby ready to purchase the next minions to battle the 1st place. But alas: the game ended right there with 2nd place notification. It’s beyond me why Blizzard designed it like this. It’s not a bug, otherwise a multi-billion company like this sure would have fixed it by now after all these months. Then to think I once used to pay for this maldesigned crap ugh.

I just won a Battlegrounds Game as AFK after not playing anything for an additional Turn and only got 2nd Place.
It says i got Second and i did not receive the 2 Achievements for actually beeing 1st Place.

i was 3rd place with Sir Finley, i defeated 2nd place (my hero hit enemy for lethal) but it was me who received the message of defeat and 2nd place.